Chapter 311 A Blockbuster

Ten times the points reward?When Diko heard this, he immediately became energetic and full of fighting spirit: "It's such a good opportunity, so let's work hard and try to get through a few more levels in Chaos City within 30 years and get more points. After all, Now I have very few points and not much wealth, so I am still a very poor genius!"

"Breaking!" Looking at the Tongtian Bridge extending to the end of the clouds and mist, Diko took a deep breath and turned into a stream of light and flew over.

At the end of the first level of the Universe Tongtian Bridge, a cold voice came from a huge cloud of Dicko's ex-husband: "Choose your opponent, you can choose a warrior, a spiritual master controller, a spiritual master, an illusionist. Choose whatever you want. An opponent, to defeat your opponent is to pass through the first level of Tongtian Bridge.”

"I choose the warrior!" Diko, who looked at the cloud with squinted eyes, said directly after a little pondering, and then, a group of black liquid flew out of the cloud in front of him, and the black liquid condensed and formed in mid-air, turning into There was a mysterious figure wearing a black mask. Like Dico, he carried a sword on his back and exuded a fierce aura.

"Let the battle begin!" He stared at the mysterious figure of Dico with cold eyes, but did not draw his sword immediately, as if he was waiting for Dico to take action first.

"Come on! Let me see how difficult it is on the first level of the Tongtian Bridge." Dicko, who drew his sword out of its sheath, immediately threw his sharp eyes towards the figure in black, and at the same time he drew out his sword smoothly. , seemingly a simple knife slashed out at will, but it made time and space freeze.

Clang... The figure in black who then drew his sword also made a somewhat slow strike, as if it slowed down time. However, the terrifying power contained in that strike, at the moment it collided with the knife in Dico's hand, was so powerful. The space trembled.

"Huh? This is..." Diko, who was shaking slightly, felt the charm of the opponent's sword, and instantly recalled the scene of the planet slowly rotating when he was studying the Chaos Monument of the Universe. It seemed slow, but it contained a hidden meaning. The mystery of time and space has the power to crush all obstacles.

Diko, who was forced back in an instant, rushed forward to fight with the figure in black again. It was like meeting an opponent in a chess match. His sword skills and body skills all affected time and space. It seemed to be slow, but it was terrifyingly fast. This weird feeling is enough to make ordinary people feel uncomfortable and want to vomit blood.

Hey... After a moment of fighting like this, Diko, who had figured out the opponent's strategy, suddenly disappeared, and the sword in his hand also blurred, as if he was teleporting, passing through the gap between time and space. Yes, he avoided the opponent's knife. The moment he crossed paths with the figure in black, a knife of blood bloomed on the opponent's chest...
Diko, who hit his opponent's vital point with his sword, didn't even look back. Looking at the dissipating fog in front of him, he flew directly towards the end of the second floor of Tongtian Bridge without hesitation.

It was also a huge cloud, and a cold voice came from it: "Choose your opponent, you can choose a warrior or a spiritual master..."

"I choose a warrior!" Before the other party could finish speaking, Diko spoke quickly, and in the clouds that instantly became quiet, a ball of black liquid flew out and condensed again into a mysterious man in black wearing a mask and carrying a sword on his back. .

And Diko didn't say anything nonsense, he just dodged and rushed forward. The sword in his hand instantly turned into a blur of light and slashed hard at the opponent.
Clang... clang... amidst fierce collisions like raindrops, Diko attacked with several rapid knives in succession, and the mysterious man in black tried his best to defend himself. After all, he failed to defend himself and was beheaded by Diko's knife.

Diko, holding a blood-stained sword, continued to fly forward, and soon arrived at the end of the third floor of Tongtian Bridge. He saw the huge cloud in front of him, just like the previous two floors.

"I still choose to be a warrior!" Diko said to the cloud, and as the black liquid flew out and turned into a man in black, wearing a mask, he looked at Diko with sharp eyes: "This is my first time to break through the overpass. , do you want to break through the third floor in a row?" "You don't think I can do it?" Diko asked with a faint smile. Looking at the silent and noncommittal man in black, he grinned and rushed forward.

While approaching the man in black, Diko instantly transformed into dozens of figures, and each figure used a different sword technique, and surrounded and killed the man in black as if the moves were superimposed. .

Almost at the same time, the man in black also took action. With a sword, time and space froze, causing the attack movements of Diko's figures to stagnate slightly, and then with the sound of gold and iron clashing, his whole body was shaken and flew away. Dico, the other clones also dissipated instantly.

"This third level is indeed a lot more difficult," Diko said with a smile on his face after stabilizing his figure, and then rushed towards the man in black with a sudden burst of speed. The moment he approached him, he was suddenly stunned. It suddenly changed direction and started to spin around the man in black. At the same time, it instantly transformed into dozens of figures, all of which surrounded the man in black with explosive speed, forming a shrinking circle.

Keng...Keng...The man in black was standing there, his surroundings slightly blurred as he swung his sword. The overlapping shadows of the sword seemed to have found holes in time and space, blocking Dico's sudden appearance from nowhere again and again. s attack..
However, after blocking more than ten of Dico's attacks, the man in black obviously lost his rhythm under Dico's increasingly powerful offensive. Then he was trapped by Dico's increasingly perfect offensive. Divided like a corpse under the rays of swords
The next moment, Diko, who had a solid figure, glanced at the man in black who turned into black liquid and flew into the clouds and dissipated with the clouds. He continued to rush forward with shining eyes, and soon he I saw a tornado at the end of the bridge.

"Choose your opponent, warrior, controller, illusionist, choose any one, and after defeating you can start to enter the fifth floor," a cold voice came from the tornado.

"Warrior!" Diko said without hesitation, and a figure flew out of the tornado. He was wearing a silver-white battle suit, white combat boots, and carried a blood-stained sword on his back. His eyes under the silver-white mask were staring closely. Looking at Dike: "You are indeed good at reaching the fourth level when you first break through the Sky Bridge. However, the difficulty of this level is much greater than the difficulty span between the first three levels."

"That's just right. If it were too easy, it would be boring." Diko smiled slightly and said with burning fighting spirit in his eyes: "Come on! Let me see how many sword skills there are on the fourth floor of Tongtian Bridge." sharp!"

"Okay, I'll satisfy you!" The man in silver with a slightly raised mouth came to Diko in an instant, and the sword that seemed to be locked in time and space and full of murderous aura came to Diko in an instant.

Chi... A sharp knife slashed across Dicko's body, but then the man in silver shrank his eyes. Looking at Dicko's fading and dissipating figure in front of him, he couldn't help but hurriedly stepped away and wanted to retreat.

However, at this moment, the space blurred for an instant, and then a ray of sword light passed through the throat of the man in silver. It was so fast that it was unbelievable. It was as if the knife was unpredictable and did not hit the man in silver at all. Leave no time for reaction.

"Kodi..." Diko, who had killed the man in silver with one blow, looked dazed for a moment. When the man in silver took action, Diko, who felt a little familiar, almost instinctively displayed the Kodi's original attack. The unique technique used on the fourth level of Tongtian Bridge was almost a perfect application of the understanding of time and space to body and sword skills.

(End of this chapter)

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