Chapter 312 Unbelievable
Dike, a newcomer to the Blood Wave Secret Realm of the Space Mercenary Alliance, broke through the Tongtian Bridge for the first time. Even if he broke through the first level of the Tongtian Bridge, it was not enough to attract the attention of many people. He even got an email reminder from Baffin. Most of the other universe-level geniuses in the Blood Wave Secret Realm don't really care too much.

After all, most of them entered the Blood Wave Secret Realm much earlier than Dicko, experienced the enlightenment and practice of the initial universe, and even started to do secret realm missions in some relatively low-risk secret realms of the universe. Natural Tongtianqiao At least they have broken through two or three floors, and even three floors or above.

But when Diko broke through three levels in one breath, these geniuses in the Blood Wave Secret Realm couldn't calm down.Even the geniuses on the Blood Wave Peak whose status was comparable to the members of the Taichu Secret Realm and the Original Secret Realm of the Virtual Universe Company had to face Dico.

He has just entered the core level of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, and has just reached the initial universe training. He broke through the overpass for the first time and even broke through the third level. He is definitely a monster genius. It will take the entire human race not to know how long it will take for someone to appear, who is enough to help the people on the Blood Wave Peak. Several highnesses have brought pressure.

Some of the immortals in Chaos City, especially the immortal strongmen of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance and the king-conferring sect masters who cultivated the Cosmic Chaos Monument and were able to establish sects, many came directly to the Tongtianqiao plane and asked to watch. The battle scene of Dicko on the fourth floor of Tongtian Bridge.

"One sword? He passed the fourth floor of Tongtian Bridge with just one sword? With this movement and sword skills... he has already understood the essence of the laws of time and space." Seeing Diko's neat sword to solve the opponent, those eyes The vicious princes and immortal kings suddenly looked surprised and moved.

"As long as you can understand the essence of the laws of time and space, as long as you don't perish, you will definitely become an immortal king in the future, and even become the top expert among the immortal kings." In particular, several cultivators of the Cosmic Chaos Monument lineage have already started a sect. The powerful king-conferring sect leaders of the established sect suddenly had their eyes blazing: "What a monster! He is a rare genius in our universe!"

There is no doubt that after seeing Diko's talent and potential, they were all moved and wanted to take this good young man under their wing.However, with Dicko's amazing talent, I'm afraid they are not the only ones who are tempted. Even some of the Universe Lords may not be able to help but be tempted.

The key is that Dicko broke through the fourth floor of the Tongtian Bridge so easily and has already begun to break through the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. It is hard to say where his limit is. If he breaks through the fifth floor in one go, I am afraid that many Universe Lords will be able to break through. Everyone will be alarmed.If Dicko directly breaks through the sixth or even seventh floor, it will cause a sensation among the top five human forces, and even attract the attention of the Lord of the Universe.

On the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge, the wind was howling. Dico stood on the bridge and looked at the tornado in front of him. He said his choice calmly: "Warrior!"

A man in silver robes, silver boots, and a blood-stained sword quickly flew out of the tornado: "Even some cosmic-level old men in the Blood Wave Secret Realm, who have practiced for hundreds or even thousands of years, can break through There are only a few people who have passed the fifth level of Tongtian Bridge. It’s really great that you can reach this level! I believe that you will have the opportunity to climb the Blood Wave Peak in the future, and even aspire to the top of the Blood Wave Peak. Unfortunately, you are still the A little weaker."

"Stop talking nonsense. You won't know until you fight whether you are weak or not," Diko shouted, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. The perfect ghostly movement was deployed along the space in the most perfect way. The arc approached the man in silver.

The moment Diko approached, the man in silver also retreated erratically, and then instantly turned into hundreds of figures, surrounding Diko, and the sword light was like a wave, trying to drown him...
Diko, who narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, instantly turned into hundreds of phantoms. Then among the large number of chaotic figures, there was the sound of intensive clashing of blades. The space was sometimes stagnant, sometimes trembling and twisted, and the blurred figures made it look like a blur. People are dazzled.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the door. Those immortal warriors who are watching the battle, especially the several immortal kings who practice the cosmic school, their eyes shine when they see it, and they can't help but marvel in surprise and admiration. "What a perfect movement arc, so simple and precise, it is an arc that fluctuates along the space!" The silver-eyed King Feng Immortal exclaimed: "His understanding of the laws of space is obviously still a bit reluctant to pass the fifth level. But with such perfect body skills, he can easily avoid the opponent's attack, and his understanding of the laws of space really goes straight to the essence."

"Not only that! His use of the original law of time is even better! He uses the law of time to influence his opponents and complements his movements. The combined use of time and space is simply breathtaking. His understanding of the original law of time is no better than the original law of space. But the application is equally exquisite. I really don't know which immortal god can teach such a genius," another lean man in black robe also sighed with some regrets.

"He is not only using the laws of time and space. He also has a good understanding of the law of the origin of fire. The explosive power of the sword attack is very strong, which is enough to disrupt the rhythm of the opponent's movement." The burly man with red skin also widened his eyes. Eyes said: "Moreover, his movement skills and attacks seem to have some flavor of the Law of Wind and the Law of Thunder... He has practiced several laws at once. Monster, he is really a monster!"

"It's not necessarily a good thing to dabble in too much," the silver-eyed man shook his head slightly, while the lean man in black robe continued: "Being able to combine the laws he has understood and use them so exquisitely, his sword skills are even somewhat spontaneous. The shadow of the secret creation method, this little guy’s understanding is really terrifying!”

The other immortals also nodded in agreement. It took a long time for the entire human race to have such a monster and perverted genius. Many of them had only heard about it, but today their eyes were opened!
After a fierce battle, the man in silver robe was finally killed by Diko and lost his rhythm. Diko was defeated by Diko, allowing Diko to pass through the fifth floor with some difficulty.

"He actually made it through?" The lean man in black robe was a little embarrassed, and then he shook his head and said: "It's so difficult to get through the fifth floor. It seems that he will stop at the sixth floor next."

"It's not surprising that he failed. After all, he has just entered the initial universe to practice, and there is still a long way to go in the future! Such potential for understanding is already terrifying," the silver-eyed man continued.

On the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge, the silver-robed man's perception of the laws of space was already very terrifying. Thousands of phantoms were formed to surround Diko. With the assistance of the laws of time, Diko's hundreds of figures seemed to be trapped in a quagmire. , the movement speed was affected and restricted, and he was soon in a state of embarrassment under the attack of the silver-robed man.

"No" Diko, who was somewhat unwilling, gritted his teeth and tried his best to use his body and sword skills to resist. The combination of time and space was perfect, but under the absolute suppression of realm perception, he still fell behind.

Like a mosquito trapped in a spider web, Dicko was still struggling. In a trance, he seemed to have seen the scene when Kedi passed through the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. His understanding of the original laws of space was improved for a while, and he could speak hundreds of words in an instant. The number of figures increased to hundreds. The binding force of the combination of time and space caused the figure of the man in silver to stagnate slightly, and many figures disappeared in an instant...
"What? This... can actually make a comeback? The understanding of the original law of space has improved so much in an instant? How is it possible? Was he still hiding his strength before? And the combined use of time and space..." All the immortal strongmen watching the battle are Shocked: "If he really realized the breakthrough during the battle, then his understanding would be too terrifying."

When they were amazed and couldn't believe it, Dico suddenly found out and entangled the man in silver, and quickly killed him...
(End of this chapter)

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