Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 313 Stirring the Storm

Chapter 313 Stirring the Storm
A group of immortal gods, including the guardian Baffin, held their breath, and they were all so shocked that they were completely speechless for a while.

Among the geniuses from the five major forces practicing in Chaos City, some are indeed able to break through the fifth and sixth levels, but at least that is an achievement that can only be achieved after practicing in Chaos City for 20 years, or even 30 years.

When he first entered Chaos City, he broke through the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge in one breath. The only person who seemed to be closest to such a perverted monster was the peerless genius named Kedi.But even Kodi didn't have the incredible miracle of Diko when he first entered Chaos City and broke through the overpass. He only slowly rose to prominence after practicing in Chaos City.

So in a sense, Dicko has really created a miracle that Kodi has never created. His excellence and potential have surpassed Kodi's.

On the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge, in the dreamy starry sky, when Dicko flew to the end of the seventh floor, a voice came from a small meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers suspended in front: "Choose your opponent, warrior, The Controller, the Illusionist"

"Do I choose the illusionist?" Diko took a deep breath with a solemn expression, and said with an inexplicable look in his eyes, which also shocked the immortal gods who were once again alert to watch the battle.Illusionist?A warrior actually wants to fight against a mentalist and illusionist?
A stone suddenly broke off the silent meteorite. The stone rolled on the Tongtian Bridge and turned into a man wearing a blue suit and a mask. His deep eyes looked at Dicko, as if he also Somewhat surprised: "I didn't expect that you would choose the illusionist."

"I have no choice. I really don't have the slightest confidence in facing a warrior or a controller. After all, my understanding of the law is still a little bit behind. The sixth level to the seventh level is a big leap. I will definitely lose in a head-to-head encounter. "Diko shook his head and said helplessly.

The man in blue was a little dumbfounded: "So you chose the illusionist? Do you think you can withstand the illusionist's mental attack without a head-on confrontation?"

"At least, there is hope of winning. I still have some confidence in my soul defense methods and will," Diko looked at the man in blue with stern eyes: "Come on! Let me see your illusion attack methods!"

Seeing Diko's confident and fighting look, the man in blue didn't say any more nonsense. With a flash of light in his eyes, invisible power of thought instantly invaded Diko's body, causing him to be in a trance...
In a daze, Di Ke seemed to see the brutal fighting that took place on the earth. Nuo Lanshan relied on her absolute strength to kill Di Fan, the ninth-level cosmic powerhouse purchased by Luo Feng, and even killed Luo Feng's golden horn. The giant beast clone then casually killed Hong and Lei Shen, who were still just as powerful as stars. He laughed ferociously and was about to take action against Yaorao, who rushed forward in anger and tried to kill him...
"No..." Dico, who came back to consciousness almost instantly, felt as if he had fallen into a dream. Although he was aware that he was in an illusion, it was difficult to wake up for a while.

"Wake up, wake up!" At this time, the advantage of a strong will was revealed. Diko's strong will directly caused the entire fantasy world to tremble and collapse. When he suddenly opened his eyes, he was faced with the sword light in front of him. , but his figure blurred and he ducked away in an instant, and then he punched out under the surprised look of the man in blue, activating the power of time and space, causing the space to distort and vibrate, and directly exploded the body of the man in blue.

"This" the immortal gods who were watching the battle were a little shocked and dumbfounded. Apparently they didn't expect that Dico could really win in such a tricky way. Then the lean and black-robed immortal king couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a powerful soul defense method, what a strong will!"

"Even powerful illusionists can't shake his will. This kid's soul defense is so good, he has almost no weaknesses. It's unbelievable, really unbelievable. How can he, a cosmic-level little guy, have such a strong will? Is there something special about him? What kind of fate?" The silver-eyed man on the side was also surprised.

When the immortal gods were surprised and talking, Diko had already arrived at the eighth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. There was no doubt that in the face of the man in blue's sword light that moved time and space and was almost everywhere, Diko was unable to dodge the resisting Diko. He was killed almost instantly.

"Finally lost, I thought he also chose the illusionist on the eighth level!" Seeing that Dico was killed without any resistance on the eighth level, the immortal gods who were watching the battle all laughed and sighed.But at the same time, they were also a little shocked.A little guy who just entered Chaos City to practice, he actually broke through the seventh floor of Tongtian Bridge in one breath, which is comparable to some of the most powerful universe-level geniuses from the five major forces who have been practicing for thousands of years.

Such talent and potential are really terrifying and perverted.How many floors does the entire Tongtian Bridge have?Most of the tenth level is the level of ordinary immortal gods, but Diko broke through the seventh level in one breath. After practicing in Chaos City for 30 years, wouldn't he have to directly break through the eighth, ninth or even tenth level?
As these immortal gods left in shock, they quickly reported the matter to the super beings behind them. In addition, the guardian Baffin also sent a group email to notify the universe-level geniuses in the Blood Wave Secret Realm, and reported it to the top leaders of the five major forces. Soon this shocking news swept through the top leaders of the human race like a storm.

Soon, Dike, a little guy who had just joined the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, was known to be one of the five major forces, and was known to many high-level experts from the five major forces.

For those super strong men, Dico's understanding of the law was secondary. His perfect application of the law, combat skills, and strong will were even more surprising.He is a perfect genius, and he has no intention of greatly increasing Dicko's hopes of becoming a superpower!
This kind of potential naturally made many super beings in the human race excited. The Zerg and other alien races who got the news also regarded Diko as an important threat and wanted to eliminate it.

Many Universe Lords who got the news immediately sent emails to Diko, and even expressed their intention to accept him as a disciple, but Diko did not reply to any of them because he directly turned off the virtual universe network reception. In Chaos City Sitting quietly on the rooftop of my residence to practice, I sorted out the insights and gains I gained from crossing the overpass.

After sorting it out, Dico opened his eyes and opened the virtual universe network reception. Immediately, email notifications came one after another, which made Dico's eyes sparkle with a look of surprise and anticipation.

"Dico!" A cold voice came. Diko turned around and saw Feng Ling gritting his teeth and looking at him on the opposite rooftop. He couldn't help but froze for a moment: "You, can't you be?" You happen to live next to me, right?"

"So what? You hateful guy, you hide so deeply. You fought with me before and deliberately hid your strength. Are you teasing me?" Fengling's beautiful eyes looked at Diko with a look of shame. questioned.

Teasing?Diko was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but said: "I didn't know your strength before, or even your identity, so why are you teasing me?"

"But with the strength you have shown before, you can only pass through the third floor of Tongtian Bridge at most. How can you directly break through the seventh floor? Could it be that in just one or two years after you fought with me, your strength has improved so much? How much? Do you think I will believe it?" After saying that, Feng Ling glared at Dico and ran off the rooftop angrily: "You liar!"

Liar...liar?When Diko saw this, he was speechless and smiled bitterly. It seems that women cannot be easily offended.However, the speed of his progress is indeed difficult for anyone except himself to believe.

(End of this chapter)

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