Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 314 Star Prison Demon Lord

Chapter 314 Star Prison Demon Lord
The email notification ended after a moment. Dico received hundreds of emails and even several call requests. Most of the people who contacted him were the Lords of the Universe. Looking at the information in those emails, most of them were They all want to accept him as their disciple.

Geniuses like Bo Lan are looked down upon by the Universe Masters, but for peerless monsters like Dico who are rare to see in millions of epochs, the Universe Masters are very envious.

After all, as long as such a genius does not perish midway, it is almost certain that he will become a powerful king, and the hope of becoming a universe lord is also very high.

Quickly flipping through those emails, Dico couldn't help but smile when he saw that many of the Universe Lords spoke in friendly and friendly tones in the emails, proposing the idea of ​​accepting him as their disciple.It seems that these Masters of the Universe also want to cultivate disciples of the Master of the Universe so as to enhance their status and voice!
However, as he watched, Dico couldn't help but frown slightly.Because he didn't know much about these Universe Venerables. Even these Universe Venerables briefly introduced their identities and what they were good at, but many of them were bragging. If he wanted to tell which Universe Venerable was more powerful, It is undoubtedly difficult to be better at teaching disciples and more suitable to be your own teacher.

"Hey, it seems that no matter where you are, it's hard for newcomers to get along, and their eyes are all black!" Diko sighed helplessly, continued to look back, and suddenly clicked to browse the mail, his eyes slightly widened. The content of the email made his eyes brighten with surprise: "Star Prison Demon Lord?"

In fact, Diko didn't know most of the thousands of cosmic sages from the five major forces of the human race, and only a handful of them knew their names or had a slight understanding of them.

Among them, the Star Prison Demon Lord is only mentioned by name in the original work and has never appeared, but his power is unquestionable, because he is one of the only three top cosmic overlords in the human race.

The Overlord of the Universe is already the pinnacle of the Universe Lords, and their strength is close to that of the Lord of the Universe.The top cosmic overlords are undoubtedly the top existences among those cosmic overlords, because they all have the power of the Lord of the Universe level when they explode with all their strength.

Moreover, the top overlords of the universe are still the lords of the universe. If they fall, although it is difficult for the powerful lord of the universe to be resurrected, the strongest person in the universe can be resurrected.

So in a sense, their status and influence are not much inferior to some weaker masters of the universe.Once they break through and step into the level of the Lord of the Universe, they can often grow into the most powerful Lord of the Universe with their foundation and heritage far beyond that of other Universe Lords.

In particular, the genetic foundation of the human race is relatively average, and the body is relatively small among the many ethnic groups in the universe. Those who can become the top overlords of the universe often have some unnatural opportunities.

Therefore, the three top cosmic overlords of the human race are undoubtedly very abnormal existences. They are the masters of the universe with great reputations in the entire original universe, and their influence is comparable to the five major forces of mankind.

"Huh? I didn't expect that the Star Prison Demon Lord is from the Universe Mercenary Alliance. There are only three top universe overlords in the human race. The Lord Ancestral Tree is from the Giant Ax Arena, and the Lord of the Celestial Eclipse Palace is from the Virtual Universe Company. This Cosmic Mercenary Alliance is indeed the most powerful force in the human race, second only to the Giant Ax Arena and the Virtual Universe Company, and it actually has a top cosmic overlord." Looking at the brief introduction of the Star Prison Demon Lord's identity in the email, Di said Ke couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But then, Diko, who continued to look down, couldn't help but change his face in surprise: "What? The Lord of Star Prison is actually the direct disciple of Lord Huang Jian, the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance? No. He wants to accept me as his disciple, but his teacher, Master Huangjian, wants to accept me?"

"Named disciple? Let the Star Prison Demon Lord teach me first?" As expected, it is impossible for an existence like the Lord of Huangjian to directly accept Dike as a direct disciple. After all, Dike is only a cosmic-level disciple. He's just a little guy. Although he has potential, it's hard to say how far he can go.

Almost all the direct disciples of the Lord of the Universe of the human race are the Lord of the Universe.If you worship the Lord of the Universe as your teacher but fail to become the Master of the Universe, it will undoubtedly be a bit embarrassing.Beings like the Lord of the Universe often live for a long time and have seen many geniuses.Unless they really have the potential to become a Universe Master, or they really like it, it is impossible to directly accept a weak guy as a direct disciple.

However, since the Lord of Huangjian asked his most powerful disciple, the Star Prison Demon Lord, to personally teach Diko, he obviously also valued Diko.

Naturally, Diko, who thought it would be good to attract some Universe Venerables and become a disciple of a powerful Universe Venerable, now suddenly attracted the attention of the Star Prison Demon Lord and the Lord of Huangjian. Naturally, Without hesitation, he directly chose to contact the Star Prison Demon Lord.
In the virtual universe, Blood Wave Secret Realm, the Blood Wave Island where Diko lives, is filled with surging coercion and terrifying bloody evil aura. Diko, who flew out of the villa, saw the dark red simple armor in mid-air at a glance. , a murderous god-like existence with long blood-colored hair and blood-red eyes, was exactly the Lord of Blood War that he had seen when he first joined the Space Mercenary Alliance for a test.

"Dico, come with me to see the Demon Lord!" Seeing Diko, Master Xue Zhan, who said nothing nonsense, grabbed Diko's arm, and then turned into a bloody stream of light and quickly rushed to a place in the secret territory of Blood Wave. At the teleportation point, he was directly teleported to the Star Prison Demon Lord’s exclusive plane space in the virtual universe.

In the dark void, Dico and Master Xue Zhan appeared out of thin air. Looking at the space in front of him that looked like a starry sky in the universe, he noticed a somewhat distorted space in the distance. Dico felt that there was some confusion in time and space. He felt inexplicably. A feeling of fear and uneasiness.

"Lord Blood War, the space here..." Diko frowned and asked subconsciously, and Lord Blood War also raised his eyebrows and glanced sideways at him: "Did you notice it? Yes, this space exclusive to the Demon Lord is indeed relatively large. Special. Do you know why the Demon Lord is called the Star Prison Demon Lord?"

"This..." Diko hesitated for a moment before saying, "Could it be related to the legendary Eighteen Stars Prison?"

"Oh? You actually know about the Eighteen-Star Prison?" Hearing this, Master Xuezhan was a little surprised, and then said: "Yes, the Demon Lord has always been sitting in the Eighteen-Star Prison, the most terrifying prison of the human race. His existence, It makes those immortals and even the cosmic sages who made mistakes and were imprisoned in the eighteen star prisons for punishment tremble in fear, so they have the title of Star Prison Demon Lord."

"So, the Demon Lord should be very strict, right?" Diko asked tentatively, and Master Xue Zhan nodded slightly: "That's right! The Demon Lord is famous for his ruthlessness. So, when we see the Demon Lord later, Lord, you must be careful and respectful.”

Di Ke nodded slightly when he heard this. A super being who is called the Demon Lord and sits in the Eighteen Stars Prison is probably even more famous than the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace who sits in the Heavenly Eclipse Palace and has shocked the Blood World for many years. It’s even more frightening!

Master Xue Zhan led Diko to move forward quickly in the dark void. Along the way, Diko also faintly discovered the distorted areas in the space, which seemed to hold some terrible existences. The aura and ferocity faintly radiated through the distorted space. The ferocious aura made Dico unable to help but feel his heart tremble.

"How many powerful people are imprisoned here? With such terrifying auras, they must be at least very powerful immortal gods, right? Could it be that they are not only imprisoned in the Eighteen Stars Prison in reality, but are also imprisoned in the virtual universe? But what's the point of being imprisoned in the virtual universe? Is there a special reason? Or is this just some kind of hobby of the Star Prison Demon Lord?" Diko was secretly confused.

 I have been very busy recently and haven’t saved any manuscripts. I will update once a day at first. I will resume two updates when I have time to save some manuscripts.

(End of this chapter)

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