Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 315 The Demon Lord’s Arrangements

Chapter 315 The Demon Lord’s Arrangements

Not long after, Master Xue Zhan took Diko to the depths of the Dark Star Territory. He saw a huge black palace as big as a planet, entrenched in the Dark Star Sky like a terrifying behemoth, and a faint invisible surging terrifying aura filled the air. Come, causing the surrounding space to ripple.

"Lord Bloody War!" The bloody stream of light quickly approached the black palace. When the figures of Diko and Lord Bloody War appeared, two people on both sides of the palace gate were wearing black armor, and even their faces were covered with visors, so their appearance could not be seen clearly. The tall figure saluted and shouted directly to Lord Blood War.

Sensing the aura of the two black-armored mysterious guards who were more powerful than some of the immortal gods he had seen, and looking at their attitude towards Lord Blood War, Diko couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "What on earth is this Lord Blood War? Identity? If two such powerful immortal gods can be so respectful to him, then his strength..."

"However, the more powerful one is the Star Prison Demon Lord! Let two powerful men who should be immortal kings guard the door. They are worthy of being the three top cosmic overlords of the human race. They really have a card," Diko said immediately. He became more and more curious about the legendary Star Prison Demon Lord.

Master Xue Zhan, who nodded coldly and casually to the two immortal guards, led Diko directly into the mysterious black hole of the palace gate...
Looking from the outside into the dark palace, it is also dark.After following Master Xue Zhan for a while, he walked into the dark palace. Diko felt a burst of hot breath and then noticed that there seemed to be flashes of electric light in the darkness. Clusters of black flames were faintly visible in the flowing electric light.
"This" saw the flames and electric light, as well as the curling flames and the flowing electric light, and the vaguely distorted and chaotic time and space. Diko, who was slightly in a trance, came back to his senses after a moment. His face suddenly showed shock, his face was moved, his eyes were bright and excited. : "These flames and lightning, as well as the sense of chaos in time and space, actually clearly conveyed the fluctuations of the law of fire, the law of lightning, the original law of time and space, and they seemed to be integrated into one, and the combination was extremely perfect. It’s incredible!”

"Little guy, you are indeed very understanding!" A low and indifferent voice sounded, and an excited Diko realized that he and Xue Zhan were in a huge palace filled with black flames and lightning, and there was a faint shadow in the darkness ahead. On the visible black throne, a vague black figure was sitting, like a ghostly Death in the darkness.

For a moment, the terrifying pressure that made people's hearts tremble came like a tide. It was obviously a manic aura, but it made Diko instantly feel a chill all over his body, as if he was being stared at by the god of death, with that feeling of powerlessness and fear. , Dico couldn't help but turn pale and tremble all over, but he still gritted his teeth and resisted not falling down.

"Well, not bad! You are a cosmic-level little guy, but your willpower is already comparable to that of some immortal gods. It's incredible. It seems that you must have some special opportunities," overlooking Dico, the Star Prison Demon in the darkness The Lord nodded slightly with satisfaction: "In the universe, there are still some treasures that enhance the soul. However, those that directly enhance the will are an incredible opportunity. With such a strong will, no wonder you have such a good understanding. Very good! I miss you. I should be able to pass the teacher's test very quickly and become his personal disciple. I will have another junior brother."

"Meet the Star Prison Demon Lord!" Diko, who guessed the identity of the other party, quickly saluted respectfully.

"With your talent and potential, it won't be long before you become the teacher's personal disciple, so just call me Sixth Senior Brother," said the Star Prison Demon Lord.

"Yes, Sixth Senior Brother!" Diko, who even responded, couldn't help but thought to himself: "Who is the Lord of the Universe of the human race without a group of direct disciples and a large number of Universe Venerables? The Star Prison Demon Lord can become the leader of Huangjian The Lord’s sixth direct disciple seems to be a very ancient Cosmic Master in the human race, and I’m afraid he even has some disciples of the Cosmic Master.”

"Teacher is busy and can't see you for the time being, so I handed you over to me," the Star Prison Demon Lord continued: "You are still practicing in Chaos City. The most important thing now is to lay a good foundation and understand the original law... so I have arranged a temporary teacher for you, and she is practicing hard in Chaos City. If you have any questions when comprehending the original law, you can go to her directly for advice. Unless there is something too urgent, please contact me again."

Diko, who responded "Yes", couldn't help but be speechless. What is this?Huang Jianzhi wants to accept him as his disciple, so he doesn't have time to see him. Who makes him the Lord of the Universe and the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance?It's understandable to be busy.

But the Lord of Huangjian clearly handed over Diko to him. The Star Prison Demon Lord didn’t want to be a nanny, so he left Dico to the so-called temporary teacher. Sure enough, existences like the Lord of Huangjian and the Star Prison Demon Lord , although they value so-called geniuses, they will not hold them in their hands like treasures.Geniuses also need to be tempered, and only after hard tempering can they become truly strong! "Okay, you go back and practice hard! Bloody Battle, take him back to the Blood Wave Secret Realm," the Star Prison Demon Lord said simply after explaining a few words.

"Yes, Master!" Xue Zhan responded respectfully, causing Diko, who was also responding, to be slightly startled. He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at him, "Master... Master?"This bloody battle is actually the soul slave of the Star Prison Demon Lord?

After leaving the temple of the Star Prison Demon Lord, Diko couldn't help but asked curiously: "Master Blood War, are you an immortal king?"

"Immortal King?" Lord Blood War glanced at Di Ke with the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "A long time ago, I killed many foreigners who were named Immortal King."

"A long time ago? The Immortal King who killed many foreign races?" Diko stared slightly when he heard this: "No wonder you are so murderous. Could it be that you...are you already the Lord of the Universe?"

"Venerable..." Lord Xue Zhan murmured, but said noncommittally: "You want to say that it is incredible that the majestic Lord of the Universe has become a soul slave, right? Is that what you guessed? In fact, the reason why I call him The master of the Demon Lord is just because I followed him a long time ago. He was already my master before he became the Lord of the Universe."

Diko was speechless. Lord Bloody Battle seemed to have revealed a lot of information at once, but he didn't seem to say anything!Is he the Lord of the Universe?Is he the soul slave of the Star Prison Demon Lord?If so, then it seems a bit pitiful that such a strong man who followed the Star Prison Demon Lord a long time ago became like a slave and thug of the Star Prison Demon Lord!
"No wonder, such a strong man would recruit and train geniuses for the Universe Mercenary Alliance," Diko seemed to understand why he met this mysterious Lord of Bloody Battle as soon as he entered the Universe Mercenary Alliance.

After taking Diko back to the Secret Realm of Blood Wave and landing outside the villa on Blood Wave Island where Diko lived, Master Xue Zhan reminded Diko: "The man whom the master arranged to teach you should contact you soon. you."

"Sir?" Hearing what Lord Bloody Battle called that man, Diko couldn't help but look at him and said, "It's a cosmic venerable? I don't know which venerable it is?"

"When you see her, you will naturally know and know the relationship between her and her master," Lord Blood War did not want to say more. After speaking, he turned into a bloody stream of light and left, making Diko feel a little depressed and helpless: " What are you doing? It’s so mysterious, can you die if you tell me in advance?”

Dico, who couldn't help but feel a little curious, had just left the virtual universe. Sitting cross-legged on the rooftop of his residence in Chaos City in the original universe, he felt the auxiliary optical brain armguard on his arm tremble slightly, and at the same time, the virtual assistant reminded him There is an important email.

"Venerable Flame Phoenix?" After clicking on the email and reading it, Dico suddenly became energetic: "Let me go see her. It seems that this Venerable Flame Phoenix is ​​the temporary teacher arranged for me by the Demon Lord of Star Prison. ”

(End of this chapter)

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