Chapter 316 Lord Yanhuang

There are many standard buildings in Chaos City, but such buildings are usually relatively small, like independent villa courtyards.

In addition to these standard buildings, Chaos City also has some special residence buildings that occupy a large area, such as the city lord's palace belonging to the lord of Chaos City, and the exclusive residences of some powerful immortal kings or cosmic lords in Chaos City. These buildings appear to be The styles are different.

"It's here." Outside the gate of a golden mansion, Diko, who had confirmed the location, walked straight in. He saw that the mansion was like a garden, with flowers of various colors in bloom. Diko was slightly stunned when he saw it: " There are so many flowers, it seems that this is a sage who loves flowers very much!"

"Your Highness Diko," accompanied by Qingyue's voice, a tall woman with blond hair and a golden battle suit came over. The aura of pressure that she naturally exuded made Diko realize that the other party should be a very powerful person. The immortal god should be at the peak of becoming a prince or even barely able to become a king.

Having seen so many powerful men in Chaos City, Diko can now tell the approximate strength level of those immortal gods with the pressure of their aura.

"Meet Immortal!" Although Diko is now a registered disciple of Lord Huang Jian, the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, and his status is no lower than that of the ordinary King Immortal, after all, he is still just a junior at the Universe level. Faced with this A powerful immortal god was naturally not easy to trust, so he quickly took the initiative to salute him politely.

What's more, this is the residence of Venerable Yanhuang. If this blond woman can greet him on behalf of Venerable Yanhuang, she must have a special relationship with Venerable Yanhuang, and maybe she is a disciple of Venerable Yanhuang.Since the Star Prison Demon Lord has arranged for Venerable Yanhuang to be his temporary teacher, it is also necessary to have a good relationship with the people around Venerable Yanhuang.

"You're welcome, my name is Jinyu, you can just call me by my name," the blond woman also said politely with a smile: "His Majesty is already waiting for you, come with me!"

With that said, the blond woman Sumire Yu led Diko towards the mansion, passing through a square that was hundreds of kilometers long and paved with special golden stones, and arrived at a majestic and magnificent hall.

As soon as Diko entered the hall, he felt an invisible oppressive aura coming towards his face. The aura naturally emitted by a strong person at the Universe Venerable level naturally makes people feel the need to look up. It is the surrender of life instinct, and in the virtual world. The feeling of seeing the Lord of the Universe in the universe is different.

At the same time, Diko, who looked up with curiosity, could clearly see the figure sitting on the red-gold throne high above the hall, with long red slightly curly hair and dazzling golden armor. He was noble, graceful, beautiful, but also She had a vaguely strong and domineering air, like a high and mighty queen.

Obviously, this Venerable Yanhuang is not an ordinary person. Although she is a woman, her demeanor is obviously that of a relatively strong person, who is not easy to get along with.But after seeing Dico, her eyes brightened, but she stood up and walked straight towards Dico, her aura restrained for a moment.

"Meet the Venerable!" After reacting, Diko quickly bowed and saluted. Without waiting for him to bend down, he gently waved his hand and an invisible force supported Diko's Yanhuang Venerable. He already said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. : "I didn't expect that you would have such a strong will at such a young age! No wonder the teacher would accept you as a registered disciple. Since Brother Sixth has handed you over to me, I will teach you well. Here with me, Be more casual, don't be too formal, just call me Senior Sister."

Senior sister?Hearing this, his eyes widened slightly. He didn't expect that Venerable Yanhuang was also a disciple of Lord Huang Jian. Dike, who had such a relationship with him, couldn't help but light up after he realized it and he quickly raised his hands and said, "Senior Sister Yanhuang!"

"Well, I am the teacher's No. 17 direct disciple," Venerable Yanhuang nodded slightly in response, and the smile on his face became thicker, and then said: "I have been meditating in Chaos City recently. I will not be here in a short time. Will leave. Therefore, if you have any questions about your cultivation during these days of practicing in Chaos City, you can come to me for advice at any time, either in the virtual universe or directly to my house in Chaos City."

"Thank you, Senior Sister!" Diko was a little surprised when he heard this. Even those geniuses who have become disciples of the Master of the Universe only have the opportunity to get guidance from the Master occasionally. How can they come to consult Yanhuang at any time like Diko? His Holiness?After all, teachers and senior sisters are not the same.What's more, it was the Lord of Star Prison who arranged for Venerable Yanhuang to temporarily teach Diko. Obviously, this matter must have been tacitly approved by the Lord of Huangjian. Venerable Yanhuang will naturally not neglect it, and he will probably teach Diko better. Her disciples are more attentive and will have a relatively equal attitude towards Diko. After all, Diko is her junior brother.

Although this junior brother is still very weak now, he can be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Huang Jian. I believe that it will not be difficult to become the Universe Venerable in the future. One day, he will be able to truly have an identity equal to that of the Flame Phoenix Venerable, and even have a comparable status. Her greater strength and status.

"The human race cultivates geniuses, and those with higher talents will receive more resources," Venerable Yanhuang continued: "As a disciple of the teacher, you will naturally get some resources, and you will also have some privileges in the Universe Mercenary Alliance. If you go into the virtual universe and check these things, you will naturally understand them."

"What you have to do now is to practice well, understand the original laws, and work hard to improve yourself." Venerable Yanhuang looked at Diko seriously and said, "Since you have become the teacher's disciple, you should be very outstanding. The better, the better. So, show off your talents and potential! You have passed the Tongtian Bridge, and you can also go to the Immortal Altar and the Sea of ​​Illusion. Of course, the most important thing for you is the understanding of the original law. This is the foundation."

"Although the Cosmic Chaos Monument you chose is the most difficult to understand, judging from your performance in breaking through the sky bridge, you are indeed very talented in the laws of time and space. Your high level of understanding and potential has alarmed the entire human race. Senior management, if you weren't a genius of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, even the Lord of Chaos City would be tempted to accept you as his disciple." Hearing the words of Lord Yanhuang, Dico couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Does the Lord of Chaos City intend to accept him as his disciple?Did you see the shadow of Keti in him?Whether this is true or just the conjecture of Lord Yanhuang, it really doesn't matter to Diko.

Even though the Lord of Chaos City is second only to the Founder of Giant Ax in terms of strength among the human race, he is not necessarily the most powerful in teaching his disciples. After all, although he has many disciples of the Lord of the Universe, he has never taught a single one. The Lord of the Universe is coming.

Perhaps in terms of strength, the Lord of Huangjian is not as good as the Lord of Chaos City, but the Universe Mercenary Alliance can be so powerful. In addition to the Lord of Huangjian, there are even two Lords of the Universe. There is the Star Prison Demon Lord, the top universe overlord. There must be many venerables.The Lord of Huangjian can teach the Star Prison Demon Lord, and there must be some powerful Universe Lords among his disciples. He is not necessarily worse than the Chaos City Lord in teaching his disciples.

The key is that in Dicko's opinion, whether he can become the Lord of the Universe, or even the Lord of the Universe, the teacher's teachings are important, but the most important thing is to look at his own talent, understanding and opportunities.Wanting to teach the Lord of the Universe is a matter of luck.

First of all, you need to accept a disciple who is evil enough. Secondly, this evil disciple must be able to grow up and have enough luck and luck to be able to step into the realm of the Lord of the Universe.

After meeting Diko for the first time, Lord Yanhuang asked Sumire Yu who was standing by to see him out.

Outside the gate, before Diko said goodbye and left, Sumireu also told Diko her virtual universe communication number, and smiled and warned: "Your Highness Diko, if there is anything that is not too important, there is no need to disturb you. If so, just contact me directly.”

"Actually, with your current status, many matters can be handled directly through the Space Mercenary Alliance," Sumireha then reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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