Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 318 Goodbye Yi Feng

Chapter 318 Goodbye Yi Feng
"What? Immortal gods? Ten world lords recognized by the original law? Are they members of your bodyguard, responsible for protecting you?" Luo Feng stared when he heard this, and Hong and Lei Shen on the side were also a little stunned.

Hong, who reacted immediately, couldn't help but said: "Dico, didn't you just join the core layer of the Space Mercenary Alliance? What?"

"There are some things that I cannot tell you in detail because of your status and authority. You only need to know that after I entered the core layer of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, I have been selected by a member of the Universe Mercenary Alliance because of my outstanding performance. It’s enough to accept a super strong person as a disciple and become the genius that the top management of the Universe Mercenary Alliance values ​​most,” Diko said.

The three people were a little stunned after hearing this. After digesting what Dico said, they still felt that it was a little unreal.Diko suddenly became a member of the core layer of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, which had already surprised them. Now he has reached the top and become a disciple of the super existence of the Universe Mercenary Alliance. This surprise is too big and sudden!

"Luo Feng, the second wave of cosmic powerhouses sent by the Nuolanshan family should be arriving on Earth soon, right?" Diko turned to Luo Feng and asked.

"It's almost there! Originally, with the gains from Thunder World, I was already sure that I could deal with them," Luo Feng nodded and continued: "However, with the strong men sent by you, Third Brother, to help protect the earth, then naturally Better.”

Hong Ye smiled with a relaxed expression: "Yes! With the protection of the Space Mercenary Alliance, we don't need to worry about anyone coveting the earth anymore."

"It's not just shelter," Diko shook his head and smiled: "Next, the Universe Mercenary Alliance will send a lot of resources to the earth to train warriors of the earth's lineage and help the earth's lineage develop. In the earth's lineage In the process of integrating Pulse into the universe in the future, the Universe Mercenary Alliance will also provide a lot of convenience."

"Is it true? The Space Mercenary Alliance will also help the development of the core members' tribes?" Thor asked in surprise and anticipation, and Diko nodded in affirmation and said: "Yes! This is also to solve the worries of the core members. The weaker the ethnic group, the greater the help it will receive. However, some truly powerful ethnic groups do not care about these resources and relationships."

"As the saying goes, you are poor in the downtown area and no one cares about you, but rich in the mountains you have distant relatives. Diko, since you have entered the core level of the Universe Mercenary Alliance and have become a disciple of the super being of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, at least in the Qianwu Universe Country , some well-informed strong men and forces in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire will take the initiative to make friends and take friendly care of our Earthlings... As long as your position in the Universe Mercenary Alliance remains unchanged, then our Earthlings will The rise is unstoppable," Hong said with excitement and anticipation, his eyes shining.

"Great!" Thor grinned even more: "Before, Brother Hong and I have been worried about the future of the Earthlings. Now it's good, Diko, you have reached the sky in this step, but you have also won for the Earthlings. What a bright future!”

Luo Feng was also in high spirits and looked at Diko with burning eyes. While he was shocked and admired, he also felt a strong fighting spirit.Diko could rise up in the universe, join the five major forces of the human race, and become a core member of the five major forces. Luo Feng was confident that he would also have many opportunities, and it might not be impossible for him to do it.

After meeting Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen, he returned to his villa on Blood Wave Island and contacted Diko, his bodyguard. Soon he sensed the sudden appearance of powerful auras outside, or something as hot as fire. , either as cold as ice, or as calm as a mountain... However, the first thing that bears the brunt is a slightly familiar aura of divine power.

"Lord Yi Feng?" Diko came out of the villa and saw the bald immortal god in black armor who was the leader of a group of strong men outside. He couldn't help being surprised and happy. The bald immortal god with blue-black skin was the one who sent him to the initial stage. The wings of the universe.

When Yi Feng saw Dike, he bowed slightly with a smile on his face and said, "Yi Feng has met His Highness Di Ke! Although I know that His Highness has amazing talents, I still didn't expect that Your Highness would become a blockbuster as soon as you entered the initial universe to practice. His Highness's current status has surpassed all the core genius members of the current Universe Mercenary Alliance. He is the top genius of the five major forces of mankind. There is no need to call me Sir. Even the Immortal Prince or even the Immortal King cannot. Your Highness is qualified to call you “Sir.”

"I didn't expect that you would be the leader of my escort army," Diko said with a somewhat emotional smile as he looked at Yi Feng. "After all, Your Highness and I know each other. After I learned that Your Highness needed a leader of the Immortal Guards, I sent out an application. Among the immortal gods who applied, I am the strongest, and I know His Highness, so naturally I was chosen by Lord Blood Battle. Arrangements have been made to protect His Highness," Yi Fenglian said.

"Oh? It seems that you are also the top among the Immortal Lords," Diko's expression changed slightly upon hearing this, realizing that Yi Feng's strength is probably similar to that of Luo Feng's guard leader Dylan in the original work. He was barely able to become a marquis, and he probably wouldn't be much inferior to the dead Hu Yanbo.

Yi Feng smiled humbly and said: "Speaking of which, I accompanied your Highness to the original universe before, watching the original laws of the original universe unfold, and gained some insights, so my strength improved, and I barely stepped into the threshold of becoming a prince."

Have you stepped into the threshold of becoming a prince?Di Ke's expression suddenly changed slightly when he heard this. So, Yi Feng may have condensed his immortal body, and he can be regarded as a strong man at the beginning of the title of nobility. If he works hard and accumulates, he may be able to become a nobility.For such a strong man to be the leader of Dico's bodyguard, he has earned a lot.

However, Dike also understood that the reason why Yi Feng came to be the leader of his guard was probably not because they had met before, but because of his status as the registered disciple of the Lord of Huang Jian.

If you can be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe, even if you are just a named disciple for the time being, you will at least become a very powerful immortal king in the future, and even have a good chance of becoming a Venerable Master of the Universe.It is normal for Yi Feng to come in advance to make friends.Of course, Dicko couldn't refuse the kindness that came to his door.

Moreover, Yi Feng's family seems to be in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom. In addition to Yi Feng, their family seems to have a more mysterious and powerful ancestor. There should be other immortal gods. It is definitely a powerful immortal god family. With Being friends is also good for the people on earth.

"Your Highness, the ancestor of my Qinglan family, King Qinglan, is a disciple of Venerable Yanhuang," Yi Feng continued.

King Qinglan?Diko raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. He had never heard of this immortal king.However, there seem to be three hundred princes under the leadership of the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom. Although their status as princes is not as valuable as the kings and immortal gods of the five major forces, if they can be made kings by the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom, they are at least immortal gods at the peak of their title, and they can even barely be able to become kings. King.

What's more, being able to become the disciple of the Lord of the Universe is obviously outstanding enough. This King Qinglan is definitely at the forefront of the immortals under the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

And with the master-disciple relationship between Lord Yanhuang and King Qinglan, it can be explained why Yi Feng took the initiative to ask to be the leader of Diko's guard.At the same time, with this relationship, Diko can feel more confident and trustful in Yi Feng.

"Perhaps, there is also the arrangement of Lord Yanhuang behind this," Dike secretly thought in his heart. After getting acquainted with the ten world masters behind Yi Feng, he directly ordered them to arrange for people to go to Earth.

After learning that there was trouble in Dike's hometown, Yi Feng also offered to inform his family. His family was in Qianwu Universe and arranged for some universe-level, domain lords and even world lords to go to Earth, which would be faster and more efficient. convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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