Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 319 Immortal Altar and Sea of ​​Illusion

Chapter 319 Immortal Altar and Sea of ​​Illusion
Regarding the earth, Dico simply made some arrangements.The Nuo Lanshan family is no longer a concern. The subsequent development of the Earthlings and their contact with other humans in the universe will be coordinated by the protection and convenience provided by the Space Mercenary Alliance. Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng will also coordinate the development. Cooperate.

Dico, who had no other worries, focused all his attention on cultivation after meeting his family in the virtual universe... However, Dico was not in a hurry to understand the Chaos Monument.

Although geniuses practicing in Chaos City only need to pass through the third level of the Tongtian Bridge, they can listen to the lectures of some grandmasters and even try to become their disciples.However, now that Di Ke can go to Venerable Yanhuang for advice at any time, there is naturally no need to seek advice from a Grandmaster.

Members of the core layer of the five major forces of the human race have the right to enter the three major planes of the virtual universe: Tongtian Bridge, Immortal Altar and Sea of ​​Illusion.Among them, Tongtian Bridge tests the understanding of the law, the Immortal Altar tests the body's power skills, and the Illusion Sea tests the soul's will.

Naturally, Tongtian Bridge, which tests the understanding of the law, is the most important, and it is also the main criterion for measuring a genius's strength and potential.The Illusion Sea comes second, after all, the soul's will is also very important.In comparison, the importance of the Immortal Altar is the lowest.

After all, as long as they become domain lords and world lords, it is easy for geniuses at the core level of the five major forces of the human race to improve their power-generating skills.You must know that perfect control of the whole body's power is one of the prerequisites for becoming immortal.

In the Immortal Altar Plane, there are peaks on the huge black mountains that can't be seen to the end, and there is a golden altar at the top of each peak.At a glance, there are thousands of peaks with thousands of golden altars.

Diko, who appeared out of thin air under the steps of one of the golden altars, immediately felt the specialness of this place. He could no longer sense the fluctuations of the law, nor could he feel any external energy. The original energy in his body was gone, and his mental power was extremely scarce. Can barely maintain a trace of consciousness.

Here, only physical power can be used, and this immortal altar is a place where power is purely tested.Dicko didn't know if there was such a place in the original universe, and it was incredible to have such a plane in the virtual universe.

There are 99 steps in total under the Immortal Altar, with the top platform representing the 100th step.Only when the body's force reaches 100 units can it mean that the body can be perfectly controlled.

Dico stepped towards the top altar, and saw a human-shaped target on the platform. There were some words in the Universal Language of the Universe on the screen floating next to it. When Dico's mind moved, those words were naturally translated into Chinese on Earth.

It roughly means that you use your fists, elbows, head, knees and feet to hit the target within one second, and the strength is calculated based on the lowest attack of these five hits.

"Use the head to attack...the technique of using force from the head?" Looking at the information on the screen, Diko couldn't help but frown slightly. She had studied the techniques of using fists, feet, knees and elbows, but who was fine? Hit your opponent with your head?

After being speechless, Dicko moved his body, and then launched an explosive attack on the target in front of him. First, he punched out with a bang, followed by an elbow, and then kicked out hard like a spinning figure. After landing, he suddenly jumped up and received another knee. Finally, he bowed and his whole body suddenly bounced up like a big bow. All the strength in his body was transmitted through his spine, and he hit the target with his head...
After Dico stopped, he saw data information appearing on the screen beside him: "89 units, 83 units, 92 units, 86 units, 78 units, the score is 78 units, and the points are 4000." "Sure enough, with the head The force exertion still feels a bit awkward. Although my force exertion is good, there is still a gap between perfect control of body strength. It seems that I need to think more about force exertion. It is best to choose a course that is good at physical force exertion. Use the secret method to practice," Diko couldn't help but secretly thought after taking stock of his current strength level.

Diko, who quickly left the Immortal Altar plane, came to the Illusion Sea plane again, wanting to test his current soul will level and see which island he could break into.

There are islands one after another in the Fantasy Sea. From the outermost islands, one continues to fly into the depths of the Fantasy Sea and enters the islands inside. The deeper the island, the more terrifying the pressure of the fantasy consciousness that affects the soul.

Breaking through the sea of ​​​​illusion is no easier than breaking through the sky bridge, and it is even more difficult in a certain sense.After all, in terms of law perception, some real geniuses do improve very quickly, but the improvement of soul will is not that easy.Unless there are some special encounters, the soul's will can be improved like a transformation.

The Tongtian Bridge has 21 floors, and there are 21 islands in the Fantasy Sea.Moreover, the points earned for entering the Fantasy Sea are the same as Tongtianqiao. The first island is 100 points, the second island is 200 points, and the third island is 400 points, which are accumulated sequentially.

It can be seen that the reason why the top management of the human race set up the Tongtian Bridge and the Sea of ​​Illusion, and gave them the same point rewards, is naturally because they value the law perception and soul will of the geniuses of the human race.

On the plane of the sea of ​​​​illusion, the sea of ​​​​illusion swept by the black wave. Diko, who easily blocked the pressure of the illusion and consciousness, rushed directly to the tenth island in one breath.
"The tenth island in the sea of ​​​​illusion, the pressure of consciousness is comparable to the immortal gods, it should bring some pressure to me." Diko landed on the white beach of the tenth island, waiting for the illusion and consciousness with a little expectation. The coming of pressure.

The terrifying coercion of consciousness came like a tide, as if a huge wave crashed on Diko's consciousness, trying to shake Diko's consciousness. This was completely a contest of consciousness intensity, or a collision of wills.
But Diko's will is as solid as a rock, and no matter how powerful the wave of consciousness is, it can't really be shaken.Naturally, the terrifying illusion that came at the same time could not shake Dicko's will.

In this way, it was relatively easy for Dico to withstand the illusion and pressure of consciousness on the tenth island. After passing the test, he turned into a stream of light and quickly flew towards the No. 11 island...
"What? You managed to get through the tenth island so easily?" In the deepest part of the Fantasy Sea, at the edge of the 21st island, an old man shrouded in golden robes and with black scales on his face stood in the air, looking towards There was a hint of surprise in the old eyes in the distance: "Could it be that he, a cosmic-level little guy, has a will comparable to that of an immortal god? How is this possible?"

"Hmm? Island No. 11 is also relatively easy. There are thirteen islands in No. 12... fourteen... Could it be that he can still break through the island No. 15? Many immortal gods may not be able to break through here. ! It seems that this little guy named Diko really has some special encounters. He just entered Chaos City to practice, and he broke through the overpass for the first time and reached the eighth floor in one breath. His talent and understanding are so good, and his will is so good. It’s amazing. No wonder he was chosen and accepted as a registered disciple by the Lord of Huangjian. He is really a monster!” Soon, the black-scaled old man shook his head in amazement and said: “Such a monster was actually absorbed into the Universe Mercenary Alliance. How lucky it is. It’s really good!”

On the beach of No. 15 Island, faced with the terrifying pressure of consciousness that crashed down like a mountain, Diko gritted his teeth and held on for only a moment. His whole person felt as if he had been smashed, and he felt that the world was spinning. My consciousness became a little blurry, as if I was very sleepy and about to fall asleep...
(End of this chapter)

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