Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 320: Three years of low-key hard training

Chapter 320: Three years of low-key hard training

"No! Hold on! It's not that easy to crush me..." As if roaring from the depths of his consciousness, Diko's strong will made the consciousness that was about to collapse instantly condense together, and the whole person regained consciousness instantly. .

At the same time, the extremely real illusion also dragged Dicko's consciousness directly into it, making Dicko standing on the beach seem to be asleep.

After about a while of drinking tea, a look of pain and struggle appeared on Diko's calm face. Soon he let out a low roar, his face was as ferocious as he trembled, and he suddenly woke up, panting heavily, with lingering fear in his eyes. Zhi Color: "What a terrifying illusion! I almost... almost fell into it and found it difficult to escape."

"Such a strong consciousness, such a terrifying will! Moreover, he can break free from being trapped in such an illusion. His character is so firm that many realm masters and even immortal gods are not as good as him. It is really unbelievable. Could it be that our human race wants to have one? Has a true superpower risen?" In the deepest part of the fantasy sea, the old manager standing on the edge of the 21st island showed a look of shock on his face covered with black scales.

Generally speaking, for a cosmic-level junior who comes to the Illusion Sea for the first time, it is considered good if he can reach the fourth and fifth islands. After reaching six or seven islands, his consciousness and willpower are already the best in the same level.

Those who are able to get through the tenth island at the cosmic level are rare even in the history of the entire human race, and they all encounter magical monsters.And Dicko, who directly broke into Island No. 15, is even more of a pervert among monsters!

It is probably unprecedented in the entire history of mankind that Hong managed to reach the 21st island in the Sea of ​​Illusion in one go like he did in the original work.That’s why the founder of Giant Ax, and even the strongest man in the universe who is the No. 1 human race, went to the earth to investigate. This shows that Hong’s trip to the sea of ​​​​illusion caused a sensation and impact on the upper echelons of mankind. What a shock.

Although Dico only made it to the No. 15 island, and when he went to the No. 16 island, his consciousness collapsed in the face of the terrifying pressure of consciousness, but the shocking power of this achievement should not be underestimated. , completely no less than when he rushed to the eighth floor of Tongtian Bridge in one breath, and even more shocking than that.

Diko, who had just left the Illusion Sea plane, was first called to him by Lord Yanhuang in Chaos City, and then received an email from the Star Prison Demon Lord. After meeting with Lord Yanhuang and having a brief chat, he It was at his urging that I hurried to meet him in the exclusive plane space of the Star Prison Demon Lord in the virtual universe.

During this meeting, the Star Prison Demon Lord, who did not hide his shocking emotions, praised Diko's strength of consciousness and will, pointed out that this was Dicko's advantage, and suggested that Dicko should also think more about his spirit while practicing as a warrior. The means of being a mind master controller and an illusionist, with such a strong consciousness and will, it would be a waste not to also be a spiritual mind master.

Although being mixed is not as good as specializing, and it is easier to achieve something by concentrating on one thing, but that is for ordinary geniuses, and a peerless monster like Dico cannot be judged by common sense.

Moreover, Dico is still only at the cosmic level now. He has just started practicing and is in the stage of laying the foundation. Since he has that talent and potential, there is no harm in dabbling in more.As a peerless monster that is rare to appear in the human race for hundreds of millions of years, Diko has made rapid progress. It is completely possible for him to take some detours and twists and turns. On the contrary, it will have a sharpening effect, allowing Diko to more accurately find what he is good at in the future. direction and the right path.

Regardless of the shock that this trip into the Illusion Realm Sea once again brought to the upper echelons of the human race, Diko, who left Lord Yanhuang, went directly to the City Lord's Mansion to gain insight into the Cosmic Chaos Monument.

Next, Diko almost always stayed at his residence in Chaos City to meditate in low-key meditation. He rarely even went to the lectures given by some of the Grand Masters...
In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed in this world. The genius war organized by the Virtual Universe Company in the original universe is in full swing in all major universe countries of the human race. In the end, Luo Feng successfully stood out and was able to enter the Taichu Secret Realm of the Virtual Universe Company and compete with thousands of people. The geniuses selected by Virtual Universe Company in this genius battle came together to practice in Chaos City.

However, because Di Ke was focused on meditation, Luo Feng, who had just arrived in Chaos City, could not see him.It was not until more than half a month later that Luo Feng met Di Ke at his residence after he had temporarily finished his training.In the following days, although the two were both in Chaos City, they had few opportunities to meet.The main reason is that Di Ke is too obsessed with cultivation. He almost doesn't go to the city lord's mansion to study the Chaos Monument, or he meditates in retreat at his residence. He occasionally goes to Venerable Yanhuang's mansion to ask her for advice. Other than that, there is nothing else. Sociable, even the time to see family members in the virtual universe is relatively small.

In this way, 30 years, whether it is long or short, will pass by before you know it. In the original universe, nearly a hundred years have passed directly.

Diko was too low-key. He was so focused on practicing that he never crossed the Sky Bridge again. So many senior leaders of the human race and the immortal strong men who paid attention to him couldn't help but secretly wonder. After practicing hard for so long, how could this kid reach this level? What level is it?
In Chaos City, in the square that is hundreds of kilometers long and wide in the residence of Venerable Yanhuang, Venerable Yanhuang, wearing a dazzling golden costume, is sitting cross-legged and giving a lecture. A large group of people are sitting cross-legged and listening to the lecture, including some immortal gods.

In Chaos City, the founders of sects and sects like to give lectures, but it is rare for the Lord of the Universe to give public lectures.

Venerable Yanhuang was also relatively aloof and rarely gave lectures in the past.Perhaps it was because he wanted to teach Diko that he was interested in giving lectures. Many geniuses and experts came to listen to his lectures, which became a good talk in Chaos City.

Moreover, Venerable Yanhuang's lectures have always been from the shallower to the deeper, step by step. When he talks about the advanced and profound aspects, he even has tips on the mysterious integration and application of the laws of time and space. Some powerful immortal kings will be very benefited from listening to it, so they have attracted many feudal princes. Come with King Feng Immortal.

But for the immortal geniuses, the laws of time and space taught by Venerable Yanhuang seem to be rather profound and difficult to understand. They often hear them in confusion, but they still can't help but want to listen.

After the lecture that lasted for several days was over, Diko, who was sitting cross-legged at the back of the crowd, frowned in thought, while the elf beauty Fengling sitting cross-legged next to him couldn't help but sighed helplessly: "Too. It’s complicated! Hey, Dico, do you understand the laws of time and space that His Holiness taught?”

"Of course! Otherwise, do you think I'm like you, coming here every time to listen to the Book of Heaven?" He turned to look at Diko, who was talking casually, and then stood up and walked out.

When Feng Ling heard this, her brows twitched and she couldn't help but gritted her teeth and chased after him: "Hey, you haven't tried to break through the Sky Bridge for so many years. What level has your law understanding reached?"

"Taller than you!" Diko said with a faint smile. After saying this, he ignored the raised eyebrows of Feng Ling and turned into a stream of light and flew towards his residence.

"Dico..." Feng Ling, who gritted her teeth and clenched her hands tightly, soon couldn't help feeling a little frustrated: "Hey! This pervert can easily defeat me every time he fights with me, and he can point out my shortcomings. He even guided me to understand the original law... His understanding of the original law is indeed much deeper than mine. Is it really that easy for him to understand the original law? I have made rapid progress over the years, but I still feel and The gap between him seems to be getting bigger and bigger. It seems that I can’t catch up with him.”

(End of this chapter)

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