Chapter 321

In fact, Fengling was also very good. When Diko first came to Chaos City, she had already passed the third level of Tongtian Bridge. At that time, she had only been in Chaos City for a year or two.

In the blink of an eye, nearly 30 years have passed, and Fengling has already passed the sixth level of Tongtian Bridge, and is even better than Luo Feng and Rong Jun, and even as good as Bolan.

In fact, although Fengling's talent is very good, it is not necessarily better than Luo Feng and Rong Jun.The reason for such rapid progress was mainly due to the pressure brought by Dicko.She gained a lot from her frequent sparring sessions with Dico.

It was precisely because of Di Ke that Feng Ling, who performed well, broke through the third floor of Tongtian Bridge and became a disciple of a powerful king named Immortal. Soon after, he was accepted as a disciple by Lord Yanhuang and was able to meet Di Ke. Ke became a 'fellow disciple'.

In this way, there will be more opportunities for the two to discuss and communicate with each other.The relationship between the two also went from being acquainted with each other at the beginning, to Fengling's embarrassment after suspecting that Diko was deliberately hiding his strength... Later, Fengling gradually became convinced of Diko, and even admired him a little. Now the two of them The relationship has also become closer.

The closeness has nothing to do with feelings. Maybe the two of them have some affection for each other, but the more important thing is the sympathy between geniuses.

Speaking of which, Diko and Feng Ling are indeed the two most outstanding cosmic-level geniuses in the Blood Wave Secret Realm of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance. As newcomers, their dazzling talents and potential have already surpassed some of the elders. .If it weren't for Dicko's presence, perhaps Feng Ling would have felt some of the loneliness of being in the cold at high places.

Now Fengling is about to leave Chaos City, and Diko's time to practice in Chaos City is coming soon, and he will leave in a year or two.

Perhaps because Feng Ling was curious about his own strength, Dike, who had been practicing quietly for so many years and was extremely quiet and restless, entered the virtual universe and came to a special plane space shortly after returning to his residence.

In this specially opened plane space, on a vast expanse of land, there are three towering mountains, one higher than the other. It is the Tongtian Mountain that has symbolic benchmark significance for the geniuses of many human races.

There are three Tongtian Mountains, namely the Original Tongtian Mountain, the Taichu Tongtian Mountain and the Tiandi Tongtian Mountain. They are also the strength benchmarks corresponding to the members of the Virtual Universe Company's Original Secret Realm, Taichu Secret Realm and Tiandi Secret Realm.

In Virtual Universe Company, if core members want to enter a higher-level secret realm, they have to go directly to Tongtian Mountain in addition to passing the secret realm qualification competition.

However, it is more difficult to break through the Tianshan Mountains, because it is an unattainable peak, representing the level that can only be reached by the top geniuses at the same level. It is originally there for people to look up to.

Among them, the original Tongtian Mountain is undoubtedly the highest benchmark.As long as he can get through, no matter he is a genius from any of the five major forces of the human race, it shows that he is the most evil genius among the geniuses at the same level.

The basic requirements for passing the Universe level, Domain Lord level and World Lord level of the original Tongtian Mountain are that the law understanding and combat power must reach levels comparable to those of passing through the 12th, 16th and 20th floors of the Tongtian Bridge respectively, which is to say that they are comparable to the powerful ones. The strength of the immortal military lord, the peak of the feudal lord, and the peak of the feudal king.

What an incredibly perverted request this is!Cosmic level, his understanding of laws is comparable to that of the powerful Immortal War Lord, the most evil genius in human history, but he is only at this level. "Kedi... The universe level, domain lord level and world lord level have respectively passed through the three primitive Tongtian Mountains at the same level. The talent is indeed terrifying! And since I have some memory guidance from him on the understanding of the law, naturally I can't compare with him. He's bad." Diko, who looked at the highest cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain with burning eyes, took a deep breath and flew directly over.

At the foot of the primitive Tongtian Mountain, which is thousands of miles high, a burly tauren with horns is lying. Next to him is a terrifying giant axe. The sleeping tauren snores like thunder, and drool drips from the corners of his mouth. Come down...
"Huh?" The tauren opened his eyes as if he had woken up. When he saw Dicko, he stood up and laughed, "Are you here to break into the original Tongtian Mountain?"

"That's right! How do you break into the original Tongtian Mountain? Is it enough to defeat you?" Diko nodded and pretended not to understand.

"Beat me?" The tauren was stunned, and then grinned: "It's not that easy to pass through the original Tongtian Mountain. White-skinned ape, coquettish snake girl, come here quickly, someone is coming to break through Tongtian Mountain."

As the tauren's thunderous voice spread, two figures suddenly flew from the other two directions at the foot of the original Tongtian Mountain. They were a lean ape-man wearing silver-white armor and golden hair, and a A strange woman wearing a translucent gauze dress and a body with a snake tail.

"Tauren, apes, snake warriors, controllers and illusionists, the three of them cooperated with each other to attack... No wonder it is so difficult and demanding to break through the original Tongtian Mountain. Human geniuses with slight weaknesses, Even if the Law Enlightenment reaches the threshold of passing, I'm afraid it may not be easy to pass," Diko looked at the three of them, narrowing his eyes and thinking to himself.

"It's rare! Finally, someone has come to explore the original Tongtian Mountain," the lean ape-man hunched over and looked at Dike with an interested smile.

"Let me see where he comes from," the charming snake girl spoke, her slender tongue sticking out from time to time, staring at Diko with a pair of foxy eyes, and then a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face. : "It turns out that His Highness Di Ke was accepted as a registered disciple by the Lord of Huangjian. A newcomer who is still practicing in Chaos City dares to break into Tongtian Mountain? Although you have broken into the eighth level of Tongtian Bridge, you want to pass the cosmic level. The strength of the original Tongtian Bridge is much worse! Although you are a disciple of the Lord of the Universe, your change in identity does not represent your understanding of the law and your strength!"

"Stop talking nonsense! You won't know until you try it whether you can get through," but Diko didn't bother to chat with them. He shouted lowly and rushed away thinking about the minotaur, ape man and the snake girl.

The tauren who looked at each other with the ape man and the snake girl also grabbed the terrifying giant ax and rushed in front of Diko in an instant. The khaki ax blade struck Diko.

Boom... Diko's figure dodged the Minotaur's ax in a flash, and then his fist was on fire. The violent fist force made the space distorted, as if time had stopped, and then suddenly fell on the Tauren. On the human body, the tauren's body collapsed instantly, making the tauren's eyes widen in surprise.

"What?" Seeing Diko blasting the Minotaur with one punch, the ape and the snake girl were about to take action in a hurry, but Diko's figure turned into two afterimages in a flash, and then their heads were all destroyed. It exploded.

Diko passed through the obstacle at the foot of the mountain like an instant kill and flew directly towards the mountain. Halfway up the mountain, after killing the stronger minotaur, ape and snake girl with relative ease, he soon arrived at Tongtian Mountain. Top.

"Your Highness Di Ke, it seems that you have made rapid progress in these years in Chaos City. However, it is still not that easy to pass the top of the mountain and cross the original universe-level Tongtian Bridge," said Di Ke from the top of Tongtian Mountain. The Snake Girl, who no longer looked down upon, said that an invisible power of virtual thought had invaded Diko's mind, trying to lead him into the illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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