Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 322 Sensational Impact

Chapter 322 Sensational Impact
However, with Dicko's strong will to break into No. 16 islands in the Illusion Sea, the illusion and telepathy attacks performed by the snake girl were as insignificant as the spring breeze blowing on his face, and could not shake his consciousness at all.

With his eyes as sharp as lightning and unmoved, Dicko punched away the black arc-like telekinesis weapon controlled by the ape-man, and then his figure turned into a large number of afterimages in a phantom-like moment. The power of time and space forms a special space-time domain, causing time and space to become distorted and stagnant.

Boom... The ape-man's figure stagnated and his speed dropped sharply. Seeing the flaming fist that rapidly enlarged in his pupils, before he had time to dodge, his head hurt and he lost consciousness.

After the ape-man died, the remaining warriors Minotaur and the illusionist Snake Girl who could not affect Diko were naturally killed by him quickly and neatly.

"The cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain is only as difficult as this!" Diko, who had killed three opponents neatly, was not very proud. He just looked into the distance with a penetrating gaze: "However, based on my current understanding of the law, I think There is still a gap to break through the original Tongtian Mountain at the Domain Lord level."

"No rush! After I leave Chaos City, I will do some cosmic-level training tasks, accumulate some accumulation, and then break through to the domain lord level. I think I will be able to break through the domain lord level with my understanding of the law. The original reaches the Tianshan Mountains," Di Ke thought to himself.

Diko, who had been keeping a low profile for a long time, directly broke through the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain. After this news was known to the top leaders of the human race, it quickly spread like a storm, causing a huge sensation once again.

The cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain seems to be the lowest level among the three primitive Tongtian Mountains, but in the history of the human race, there are relatively few geniuses who have passed the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain.

After all, many cosmic-level geniuses are too immature. They have just entered the core level of the human race to be trained. They may have good talents and understanding, but after all, their foundation is limited and their potential has not been fully stimulated. On the contrary, they are not as good as those who have entered the core level of the human race. Territory lord-level and world lord-level geniuses who have been in the level for a long time and have gone through various training and tests have great explosive potential.

That's why Kedi, the peerless genius of the human race, broke through the original Tongtian Mountain when he was at the cosmic level, so he was so valued by the higher-ups of the human race. Even the Lord of Chaos City directly came forward to accept him as his direct disciple, and he had great expectations for him.

Nowadays, the talent and potential displayed by Dicko are not inferior to Kodi's, and are even stronger.Because all the high-level human beings who have watched Dico fight on the top of the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain can see that he still has some strength left, and his understanding of the law is by no means limited to the No. 12 level of Tongtian Bridge.

At the cosmic level, the law perception has exceeded the level of No. 12 of Tongtian Bridge. It is much stronger than the domain lord level genius who is the top of the five major forces of the human race. The speed of comprehending the original law simply makes other geniuses stunned. despair.

In Chaos City, on the rooftop of Feng Ling's residence, Feng Ling, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, suddenly opened his eyes in response, with a look of surprise on his face: "Cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain? Dicko, he actually broke through the cosmic-level Original Tongtian Mountain?"

"So, doesn't his law understanding allow him to at least pass through the 12th floor of the Tongtian Bridge?" Feng Ling muttered in a daze. Although he knew that Diko's strength was somewhat unfathomable, he obviously did not expect that he was actually So unfathomable!

Soon after, also in Chaos City, in the palace of King Zhenyan, after learning from King Zhenyan the significance of the existence of the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain and the news that Diko had broken through the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, Luo Feng I couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded: "Teacher, are you saying that Di Ke can at least pass through the 12th floor of Tongtian Bridge now? How is this possible? How can he comprehend the original law so fast?" "Indeed, it is. It’s so unbelievable! The most recent one in our human race was that a peerless genius who broke through the original Tongtian Mountain at the cosmic level was born. Kedi, who rose earlier than me, was directly accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Chaos City. ," King Zhenyan also lamented and sighed: "Although he died before becoming an immortal god, the sensation he caused in that era really shocked the entire human race, and even other alien races in the universe!"

"No wonder Diko was accepted as a disciple by the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance," Luo Feng couldn't help but added. While feeling happy and proud for Diko, his heart was also filled with enthusiasm and expectation.Diko can amaze the human race and worship the Lord of the Universe as his teacher. Will he have that opportunity in the future?

"With such a talent, Diko will inevitably become the direct disciple of the Lord of Huang Jian. As long as he does not die, it should not be difficult for him to become the Lord of the Universe in the future, and there is even some hope of becoming a real superpower of our human race," King Zhenyan As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Unexpectedly, your lineage of Earthlings has just begun to develop and rise, and you and Dico, the two top geniuses of the human race, were born. It seems that the potential of Earthlings is not small!"

Just when King Zhenyan and Master Luo Feng were talking about Diko, in the virtual universe, Blood Wave Secret Realm, and Blood Wave Island belonging to Di Ke, in the study room of the villa, he looked at the email message that popped up on the computer screen, and was slightly startled. Di Ke's eyes lit up with joy: "It seems that my crossing of the universe-level primitive Tongtian Bridge really reminded this cheap teacher who has never met me before. He actually directly copied "The Secret of Mother and Ancestor" The first six volumes of "The Evolution of Black Hole" and the first six floors of "Black Hole Evolution" were given to me free of charge. If I fully comprehend it, my understanding of the law can reach the 18th floor of Tongtian Bridge and step into the level of becoming a king."

"If nothing else, before I become the world master, the first six volumes of "The Secret Code of Mother Ancestor" and the first six levels of "Black Hole Evolution" are enough for me to understand." Although the Lord of Huangjian did not give me anything substantial, Good stuff, but Dicko was still very satisfied.

After all, the secret methods that explain the secrets of the Chaos Monument, such as the "Secret Book of the Mother Ancestor" and "The Evolution of Black Hole", are too expensive. Even a powerful Immortal King like Zhenyan King cannot afford to buy the entire set. The Lord of the Universe bought the entire set of secret methods. It's also painful.

You must know that by comprehending some of the top secret techniques of the human race such as "The Secret Manual of the Mother and Ancestor", "The Evolution of Black Holes", and "Essays on Time and Space", one can become a cosmic venerable as long as one reaches a higher level.In other words, the entire set of secret techniques is very useful to the Master of the Universe.

Those who can create such a secret method that explains the original law in such detail that even some weak universe-level geniuses can understand it, and is also worthy of the cosmic sage's dedicated cultivation and understanding, are undoubtedly super beings of the human race!
Dico had previously spent a lot of points to purchase the first four volumes of "Secret Book of the Mother Ancestor" and "Black Hole Evolution" in order to understand the original laws of time and the original laws of space respectively.

However, Dico also spent points to purchase some other secret methods that he was interested in, and used them to learn and learn from them to assist in understanding the rules and improving his skills in exerting force, fighting, and escaping with physical skills.

At the same time, Dico also successively purchased the first five volumes of the top secret book "Chaos Time and Space" to assist in understanding the Chaos Monument of the Universe. Even though he gained a lot of points by breaking through the sky bridge and the sea of ​​​​illusion, plus ten times the points reward, He has accumulated points that make the geniuses at the core level of the other five major forces covetous, but most of them have been consumed.

After finishing his training in Chaos City, there was no ten-fold point reward, and it was too slow to earn points through secret missions. Dico wanted to buy the fifth volume and the fifth floor of "Secret Book of the Mother and Ancestor" and "Black Hole Evolution". It is undoubtedly unrealistic.

Now, the Lord of Huangjian directly gave Diko the secret method he needed for free, and sent two volumes (layers) at once, which was a timely gift!This teacher is so considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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