Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 323 Leaving Chaos City

Chapter 323 Leaving Chaos City

In fact, geniuses like Dico who have simultaneously comprehended three of the top secrets of the human race are almost unique.

After all, each of these secret techniques is vast and profound, enough for many powerful immortal gods and even the sages of the universe to be immersed in and comprehend it.Without comprehending the Chaos Tablets corresponding to the other two secret laws, it would be very difficult for Diko to forcibly comprehend the secret scriptures.

Fortunately, Diko has understood the Chaos Monument of the Universe and the corresponding secret method "Chaos Time and Space". He has a deep understanding of the original laws of time and the original laws of space. Only with such a high position can he deeply understand the "Secret Code of the Mother Ancestor". " and "Black Hole Evolution" are two secret techniques.

Although it is still somewhat difficult to comprehend, and the deeper it becomes, the more difficult it becomes, but this kind of difficult comprehension is actually very beneficial to Dicko.Comprehending the three secret laws together, the integration and collision of the original laws of time and the original laws of space also made it easier for him to understand the universe chaos monument and "Chaos Space-time", and played a complementary role.

Of course, this method is more useful for Dicko. After all, it is very difficult for an ordinary genius to comprehend a top secret method. If he comprehends three parts at the same time, the difficulty will soar and the progress will slow down, just like Bolan. Although he is so good at the law of the origin of space, he still insists on practicing the law of the origin of time. Practicing time and space together slows down the progress of cultivation.

If you want to become fat in one go, you must have a good appetite to digest it.What's more, how can ordinary geniuses at the core level of the five major forces get so many points to exchange for the luxury of three secrets to learn from and practice together?
It is only because Dicko has the guidance of Kodi's Law of Perception and Memory, and he has gained a large amount of points by breaking through the Sky Bridge and the Sea of ​​Illusion before, that he can have such generosity and courage and self-confidence!

More than half a month after Dico broke through the original universe-level Tongtian Bridge, in the sky above Chaos City, next to a dark green F-class spaceship with various vine and flower patterns, Feng was wearing a green suit and carrying two daggers on his back. Lingzheng stood in the air, silently looking at the Chaos City below, with some expectation and a hint of complicated loss in his beautiful eyes.

"Your Highness, it's time to go!" A tall and beautiful woman in a dark green uniform flew behind Fengling and said. She also had a pair of pointed ears, but her delicate face was as expressionless as ice. , the whole person also exudes an icy aura, like an iceberg that has not melted for thousands of years, but the faint aura of divine power released has already made the surrounding space freeze. It is obviously a very powerful immortal god.

"Aunt Bing, wait a moment..." Fengling said, looking at somewhere in Chaos City with her beautiful eyes. After waiting silently for a while, she sighed slightly with a gloomy expression and turned to face the tall, cold and beautiful woman Bing. My aunt said: "Aunt Bing, let's go!"

However, to Fengling's surprise, Aunt Bing did not move, but instead looked behind her.Feng Ling was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and saw Diko approaching quickly like a phantom of light. Her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up and she subconsciously flew forward: "Dico..."

"I'm sorry! I promised to come and see you off, but I was obsessed with studying the secret method and forgot the time..." Diko apologized, but before he finished speaking, Feng Ling shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay! It’s okay! I’m glad you can come!”

"It's just a temporary separation. In a year or two, after I leave Chaos City, I will also go to the Blood Wave Secret Realm. Why do I make it seem like it will be difficult to see each other again after I leave?" Diko said with a smile. Suddenly he turned his head and looked at Aunt Bing, who was not far behind Fengling, because he felt the invisible pressure of consciousness from this powerful immortal god of the elves, and also saw the coldness and hostility in her eyes.

This made Diko couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't seem to know her. Could it be that he was hostile to him just because he saw him getting close to Feng Ling? What was the reason?She is not a man. Even an elder who is close to Fengling should not have this attitude towards a member of the opposite sex who has a good relationship with Fengling!
And the other party must have known his identity for a long time. As a disciple of the Master of Huangjian, even if he was really with Feng Ling, the senior leaders of the Elf clan seemed to have no reason to refuse.

Because as far as Dico knows, the elves have great influence in the Space Mercenary Alliance.Most of the top experts from the elves have joined the Space Mercenary Alliance.And Dico, he is a disciple of the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance!Ordinarily, the strong men of the elves should be more friendly to him. "Aunt Bing..." Seeing the way Di Ke frowned at Aunt Bing, Feng Ling, who was aware of it, couldn't help turning her head to look at Aunt Bing and said with a slight frown.

Aunt Bing, who then withdrew her gaze, ignored Diko and said to Fengling in a still cold tone: "Your Highness, it's time for us to leave."

Feng Ling had no choice but to bid farewell to Diko in a hurry, and then left in the spaceship with Aunt Bing.Looking at the F-class spacecraft that turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared, Dico frowned slightly and sent a message to Feng Ling.If the reason for this inexplicable hostility is not clear, Diko will feel awkward and uncomfortable.

Not long after, Feng Ling replied. After seeing the message from Feng Ling, Diko was a little stunned and speechless: "So that's it! I was hurt by love, so I saw my relationship with Feng Ling." Only good members of the opposite sex would be unhappy? Is she thinking of herself? Could it be that the person she once liked was also a peerless genius? "

Dico shook his head slightly, putting this strange thought behind his head, and then returned to his residence.There are less than two years left before he leaves Chaos City. He is also planning to take advantage of this time to devote himself to cultivation and study the Cosmic Chaos Monument twice more. After all, after leaving Chaos City, he doesn’t know when he will be able to come back to study next time. The Chaos Monument.

One or two years passed very quickly. After studying the Chaos Monument and practicing meditation for a few times, Diko also ushered in the day when he left Chaos City.

"Huh? It's finally here.." Above Chaos City, Diko, who was standing in the air, waited for a long time, and finally saw a bloody stream of light in the distance approaching and slowing down, turning into a dark red F-class spaceship exuding ancient evil aura. , you can even faintly feel the invisible coercive aura on the spaceship that is no less powerful than the powerful immortal gods: "Is it a spaceship that is fused with immortal metal life?"

The spaceship slowed down and stopped. When the hatch opened, after seeing the figure flying out of the spacecraft, Dicko suddenly stared in surprise: "Lord Bloody Battle?"

"Diko, that's good! You performed very well in Chaos City. It's been too long since I've met a monster genius like you," Lord Xue Zhan, with long blood-colored hair shawl, a dark red armor, and a strong evil spirit exuded from his body. Seeing Diko, he showed a rare smile and said, "This time, I will personally escort you to the Blood Wave Secret Realm of the Universe Mercenary Alliance."

"Thank you Lord Blood War!" Diko reacted and quickly saluted Lord Blood War. Sensing the terrifying aura of divine power on Lord Blood War's body, as well as the faint mysterious and obscure fluctuations, he immediately roughly judged the opponent's strength: "Compared to Any immortal king I have seen is more terrifying. Is he stronger than an invincible king like King Zhenyan? Can he be comparable to the Lord of the Universe? However, the first time we met in reality, he gave I really don’t feel like I have stepped into the level of the Universe Master.”

"Let's go! It's time for us to set off!" Master Xue Zhan said and flew to the spaceship first. After hearing this, Diko followed with breathless anticipation.If you leave Chaos City, you will have to face more dangers and tests, and you will not be able to practice with peace of mind like you did in Chaos City.

(End of this chapter)

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