Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 325 Grandson Di Yan

Chapter 325 Grandson Di Yan
Compared to the outstanding sons and daughters, Diko's grandson is much more ordinary. Whether it is cultivation talent or business management ability, they are very average.

As the only grandson of Di Ke, that boy has been doted on by his elders since he was a child. He grew up in a honeypot. Although the Di family's upbringing was strict and would not produce a dandy, Di Ke's Sun Tzu's behavior is sometimes quite absurd and unscrupulous, and he is very romantic.

Di Yan, the grandson of Di Ke who grew up on the earth, has many wives and women from the earth's lineage. Overtly or covertly, there are too many people who want to have a relationship with the Di family and fawn over the Di family. With Di Yan's identity and status, he didn't care even if those women followed Di Yan namelessly.

As the Earthlings came into contact with the universe more and more, Di Yan had the opportunity to leave the Earth and go to other life planets in the universe. Gradually, there were more women. He simply interpreted the words "romantic and passionate". Incisively and vividly.

Therefore, Di Yan naturally has many children. When his children bloom, the Di family's bloodline will continue to multiply and grow even faster than Luo Feng's family.

Slowly, Di Yan seems to have figured out his position. Since he has no natural ability, instead of just waiting for death, he should devote himself to spreading the branches and leaves of the Di family. If there are more descendants, there will always be some outstanding descendants. .

No matter how outstanding these descendants are in the future, they are still his descendants!Di Yan doesn't have much ability, but with such a powerful grandfather and father, plus more and more outstanding juniors, he is enough to be proud of.

Even Di Ke didn't expect that his grandson, who only knew how to have fun and have children but was useless, would experience a lot as he grew older, and actually live a very transparent life.

Especially after traveling to many places in the universe and seeing many civilizations and scenery. The wonderful life he has lived for nearly a hundred years has made Di Yan a completely different person. His state of mind has also been transformed. From an innocent heart that has seen all the prosperity, to a A state where the heart is infinitely big and inclusive.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it! This kid Yan'er will also be reborn one day." Di Ke, who was chatting about his grandson Di Yan with his two wives Jiang Fang and Lan Ying, couldn't help but smile and feel a little relieved. road.

Since the birth of his grandson Di Yan, Di Ke has never seen him in reality, only in the virtual universe.

At first, after learning that Di Yan was useless, Di Ke was actually a little dissatisfied and angry. He also had some regrets and blame himself for not being able to teach Di Yan himself. He thought that if he had been on Earth, he would have been there when Di Yan was a child. Just teach him carefully, maybe this kid won't be so muddy that he can't hold himself up against the wall.

Later, Di Ke, who really couldn't see any hope of success in Di Yan, just let it go and didn't force anything anymore.

After all, this boy has worked hard to propagate the bloodline of the Di family without any credit!Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. If Diko's descendants are outstanding in each of them, will they give others a way to survive?

"Dike, I told you before, our Yan'er is not bad, it's just that you didn't see the shining points in him before," Jiang Fang said with a smile and a little pride: "Now it seems that Yan'er is He is very good at cultivating his mind! After just communicating with Master Hong once and receiving guidance from Master Hong, he has reached the state of infinite heart and all-inclusiveness. Now the whole lineage of people on earth has reached the level of innocence in the cultivation of mind. There are only a handful of people, and the only one who has reached the third state of mind is Master Hong."

"If Master Hong had not been a match for Brother Dike, given his love for Yan'er, he would have been tempted to accept him as his disciple. Even so, Master Hong is now teaching Yan'er as a disciple. " Lan Ying on the side also smiled and said: "Dike, we have to thank Master Hong." "Haha... Big brother, he really loves Yan'er. I can rest assured that Yan'er will learn from him," nodded and smiled Diko turned around and said: "However, now that the eldest brother is traveling around with his teacher Luo, the Lord of the Time Realm, he does not need any more help from me. With the talent and potential of the eldest brother, it is only a matter of time before he rises to prominence. "

"Although the state of mind has some auxiliary effects on cultivating and understanding the original law, the effect is limited." Then Di Ke couldn't help but said: "Yan'er's cultivation talent and understanding are still a little behind. Even with the bonus of state of mind, if you want to become It takes a long time to become a truly strong person."

"Why are you anxious? With our Yan'er's character, sooner or later we can be called a real strong person," Jiang Fang seemed to be confident in her grandson. Lan Ying on the side also smiled and said: "That's right! Moreover, the mood is high enough. , there are infinite possibilities in the future, Yan'er is destined to have more potential and stamina the longer she practices, I believe it won't be too difficult to become an immortal god in the future, that's what you said!"

"Immortal God..." Diko chuckled and murmured. He had no doubts about whether Di Yan could become an immortal god in the future. After all, as long as he was willing to spend resources, even a person with average talent could be cultivated into an immortal god, not to mention Di Yan's ability to become an immortal god. Yan's state of mind, his potential and achievements in the future cannot be underestimated.

What are immortal gods?For his only grandson, Diko naturally hopes that he will become stronger and better in the future. He believes that under his careful cultivation, it should be no problem to become the Lord of the Universe, and it is not impossible to even spend enough time to become the Lord of the Universe.

Coincidentally, when Di Yan reached the planetary level, his awakened innate ability was the same as Hong's.With the transformation of his state of mind and Hong's guidance in the virtual universe, Di Yan, who is still only a star in strength, now possesses the field of light.In a sense, even among the countless star-level experts in the universe, Di Yan is considered outstanding.

Nowadays, among the tens of thousands of descendants of the Di family, there are only a handful who have reached the star level and have fields. This is because they, as children of the Di family, have been well trained.

Of course, with more descendants and a bigger family, although there are some juniors with cultivation talents or outstanding abilities, it is inevitable to raise some unsatisfactory guys or even scum.

In this regard, both the Di family and the Luo family actually have strict family rules and are very harsh on the children of the family.After all, neither Di Ke nor Luo Feng wanted their family to slowly decay as they grew.

Only by being stricter can we cultivate talents that can be made!In fact, if the Earthlings want to develop and grow, they cannot rely solely on Di Ke, Luo Feng, and Hong, nor can they rely solely on a few families such as the Di family and the Luo family. They also need to give birth to more talented and powerful people. Only by making the foundation of the entire earth's people stronger.

For this reason, whether it is Di Ke, Luo Feng, Hong, or the high-level powerhouses of the Earth people, and even Jiang Fang, Lan Ying and others, they are also working hard to help the development of the Earth, cultivate warriors and talents, earn wealth, and Accelerate the evolution of the entire human race on earth.

After some exchanges with Jiang Fang and Lan Ying, I learned about the performance of some outstanding juniors of the Di family, the development of the Earthlings lineage, and some things about the Vulcan Group. I also met with a few senior executives of the Earthlings lineage, Warriors and geniuses, after giving them a little mention, Dicko spent almost half of the next six months in the Jiuxing Bay Community in the virtual universe.

Finally, the Blood Wave Secret Realm arrived. Under the sound transmission reminder from Lord Blood War, Diko, who was sitting cross-legged in the training quiet room, opened his eyes and couldn't help but expect: "The Blood Wave Secret Realm... This human group controlled by the Universe Mercenary Alliance is important. What is so special and mysterious about the secret realm of the universe?”

(End of this chapter)

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