Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 326 The Peak of the Blood Wave

Chapter 326 The Peak of the Blood Wave

In the control room of the spaceship, which is simple but exudes an invisible evil aura, Diko, standing next to Lord Blood War, is looking at the virtual exterior scene outside the spacecraft with some curiosity.

"This is..." There was darkness outside, and an extremely vast continent could be vaguely seen extending to the end of the line of sight. The peaks were intertwined like canines, and there were meteorites of various sizes flying through the dark void.

The spacecraft that slowed down to below the speed of light and left the dark universe easily passed through the meteorite flow and continued to move forward over the continent. Along the way, in addition to the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas on the vast continent, Dico also saw the mountains and rivers suspended in the dark void. We saw huge meteorites, celestial bodies, and even a river winding like the Milky Way. We couldn't help but marvel at the magic of creation in this secret realm of the universe.

The spacecraft kept flying at sub-light speed for more than three hours. The same dark scenery on this unknown continent finally changed. A bloody light appeared at the junction of the dark void and the land ahead, as if it was the rays of the setting sun. But it was as red as blood.

After slowly getting closer and seeing the true face of the blood light clearly, Dicko suddenly stared: "Blood Wave Sea? Isn't this the Blood Wave Sea in the virtual universe? Could it be said that the Blood Wave Secret Realm in the virtual universe is different from the original blood wave sea? Is the Blood Wave Secret Realm the same in the reality of the universe?"

"Of course it's impossible! The Blood Wave Secret Realm in the original universe is so vast, how could it all be simulated in the virtual universe? There is no need at all! The Blood Wave Secret Realm in the virtual universe only simulates the Blood Wave Secret Realm in the real Blood Wave Secret Realm It's just the sea. This is also where the geniuses of our Universe Mercenary Alliance practice and live in reality." Lord Blood War shook his head and said, "Have you seen those islands in this sea of ​​blood? Those are the geniuses in reality. The Blood Wave Island where we live.”

"So many?" Diko was still a little surprised when he saw the large number of islands dotted in the endless bloody ocean. Are there so many core geniuses of the Universe Mercenary Alliance in the Blood Wave Secret Realm?

Master Xue Zhan shook his head slightly and said: "The Cosmic Mercenary Alliance's business covers all the cosmic countries of the human race. There are so many geniuses screened and absorbed, but there are still very few who can truly enter the core layer. Even those who have entered the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance Most of the core members are only peripheral members, and there are even fewer true evil geniuses. And only a handful of each generation can truly grow up and become immortal gods."

As he spoke, the spaceship had already arrived in the sky above the vast Blood Wave Sea, flew past the Blood Wave Islands that were as big as continents on Earth, and flew towards the depths of the Blood Wave Sea...
Slowly, on the boundless sea of ​​blood, an equally vast dark red continent appeared in sight. It was vaguely visible that there were scattered manors on the continent, which also occupied a large area. Each manor contained millions of people. The huge training field, with a diameter of [-] mi and blessed by solidified secret patterns, faintly attracted the surging original energy of the universe in the secret realm to gather, forming a huge energy mask.

"No wonder some immortal gods will build a planet as their residence. This Blood Wave Secret Realm is more terrifying than the lairs of some universe kings. Such a base for cultivating geniuses is so domineering!" Even if it's Diko! He once became the main god in the Panlong World, and had seen the scenery of the God Plane and the High Plane, but when he came to the Blood Wave Secret Realm for the first time, he was still a little shocked.

Like the Blood Wave Secret Realm in the virtual universe, in the center of the dark red Blood Wave Continent is a mountain as tall as Optimus Pillar, which is even more domineering and shocking than the Blood Wave Peak in the virtual universe.

The spaceship flew straight to the Blood Wave Peak and soon landed slowly on a broad platform on the edge of the cliff at the top of the Blood Wave Peak.
Seeing Diko's unexpected and curious expression, Lord Bloody Battle couldn't help but said: "Don't be surprised! By breaking through the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, you have proven your talent to the strong men of the Universe Mercenary Alliance and even the entire human race." Excellent. In addition, you are the disciple of Lord Huangjian, the founder of our Universe Mercenary Alliance, and you live on the top of Blood Wave Peak, so no one will have any objections."

"Let's go out and have a look!" As he said this, Master Xue Zhan took Dico out of the spaceship. The moment he flew out of the spacecraft, Dico saw a large group of people waiting in front of him. The leader was Qing Hei. Wing Feng, the skinned bald immortal god and leader of Dico's bodyguard.

Behind Yi Feng were seven Realm Lords recognized by the Origin Law, dozens of Territory Lords and hundreds of cosmic ninth-level powerhouses.

Of course, there are also a small number of guards, including the three world masters, who have been arranged by Dico to go to Earth to take charge.With Dico's current status, he already has the power to control his bodyguards at will.

Behind the escort were thousands of servants. Facing Diko and Lord Blood War, except for Yi Feng and the seven world masters who bowed respectfully, everyone else knelt down directly. However, Diko's bodyguards, the Territory Lords and the universe-level warriors, all knelt down on one knee: "Greetings to Lord Blood War, please click to meet Diko!" "Dico, you just came here, you need to know more about the people here. According to the situation, I will leave first," Lord Blood War said directly, and Diko also saluted respectfully: "Thank you Lord Blood War for escorting us all the way!"

"It's your duty," Lord Bloody Battle said, then turned around and flew back to the spacecraft, and the spacecraft also quickly took off, accelerated and turned into a stream of light and left.

"Your Highness..." Seeing Di Ke silently watching the spaceship leave, Yi Feng stepped forward and gave a slight salute and said: "Let me take Your Highness to familiarize yourself with the situation here!"

"Thank you, Mr. Yi Feng," Diko turned to look at Yi Feng, nodded and smiled, and then under the leadership of Yi Feng, he flew to the vast manor located on the top of the Blood Wave Peak, which was thousands of miles in radius.

Dico spent half a day briefly strolling around the manor where he lived. Just as he and Yi Feng took a break after having dinner, they received a call request from Fengling in the virtual universe.

"Are you in the Blood Wave Secret Realm? How is it? How does it feel to live on the top of the Blood Wave Peak? Isn't it great?" As soon as the connection was connected, Feng Ling couldn't help but smile and asked.

"Are you envious? Then you have to work hard! Try to improve your strength before I become the Territory Lord and inherit my residence at the top of Blood Wave Peak!" Diko said with a joking smile, which immediately made Feng Ling unable to bear it. He gritted his teeth: "Are you trying to make me angry on purpose?"

"Now, you should know, right? Even if we are both in the Blood Wave Secret Realm, I am not even qualified to get close to the Blood Wave Peak. Unless you come to me at the manor where I live on the Blood Wave Continent, we will not be able to meet at all. "Feng Ling continued.

Diko raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled: "Oh? So, you are inviting me and want me to meet you at your place?"

"Whether you want to come or not," Fengling said in a noncommittal voice, "However, I am already preparing to take on the mission in the secret realm. If you don't come to see me, I'm afraid the next time we meet in real life will be at least a few years away. ”

"Secret mission..." Diko was about to speak after hearing this, but he noticed another call request, and it was a specially marked important call request. He immediately didn't care to talk to Fengling: "I'm afraid I really can't go there for the time being. See you, Your Majesty is looking for me..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, then you go see the teacher first!" Fengling, who was a little disappointed after hearing this, continued. Before hanging up the call, Dike also reminded him slightly seriously: "I heard that there are still secret missions. It’s definitely dangerous, so be careful!”

"Well, don't worry! I've done some research a long time ago, and I'm still somewhat confident, and I'm not ready to take on a dangerous mission right from the start," Feng Ling nodded with a slight smile upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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