Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 327 Lord Blood Knife

Chapter 327 Lord Blood Knife

After hanging up the call with Feng Ling, Dike, who was sitting cross-legged casually on the training ground at his new residence at the top of the Blood Wave Peak in the virtual universe, had already stood up and clicked on the call request sent by Lord Yanhuang on the floating screen in front of him.

"Venerable!" Diko was the first to salute, and Venerable Yanhuang on the screen also looked at Diko with a faint smile and said: "Have you arrived at the Blood Wave Secret Realm? How is it? It feels like leaving Chaos City and cultivating in the secret realm of the universe. How is it?"

"Almost, they are all places I have never been to, things I have never experienced before, and they are quite novel." In front of Lord Yanhuang, Diko looked respectful and casual.Although Lord Yanhuang gave him guidance and guidance, she was a senior sister after all, so the relationship between Diko and Lord Yanhuang was relatively easy.

"Novelty? Then you will encounter many novel things in the future..." Venerable Yanhuang, who was laughing dumbly, suddenly said seriously: "By the way, the teacher wants to see you, so he should have sent someone to pick you up. You should be mentally prepared first!"

"Old...teacher?" Diko's eyes suddenly widened when he heard this, and the relaxed smile on his face froze. The teacher Huang Jianzhu, whom he had never seen since his apprenticeship, suddenly wanted to see him. Diko was caught off guard: "Teacher wants to see me? Is... is it in reality, or..."

"Of course in reality, one of the teacher's clones is sitting in the Blood Wave Secret Realm." Before the nervous Diko finished speaking, Lord Yanhuang smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, teacher, although he is me He is a super strong person in the human race and the lord of the universe, but he is our teacher after all. He just wants to see you once, and he will not eat you, so what are you afraid of?"

Diko became speechless and thought to himself, of course you won't be afraid anymore. After all, you are already the real high-level leader of the human race, the powerful Lord of the Universe, second only to the Lord of the Universe, and no matter how evil and genius I am, after all, He's just a cosmic weakling.What's more, this is the first time I've met a teacher!Lord of the Universe, how many are there in the entire original universe?No matter which ethnic group he is in, he is a big boss.

In reality, at the top of the Blood Wave Peak in the Blood Wave Secret Realm, in the dining room of the manor where Diko lives, Diko suddenly stood up. When Yi Feng asked in surprise and confusion, he had just told him that the Lord of Huang Jian wanted to meet him. Yi Feng had already He couldn't help but glare, and his voice trembled: "The Lord of Huanghuangjian?"

O Lord of the Universe!Yi Feng was all excited for a moment. You must know that even the ancestor of their family, King Qinglan, who is a disciple of the Immortal God and Lord Yanhuang, has never met the Lord of the Universe!Even in the virtual universe, there is no such opportunity.

"Your Highness, since Your Majesty said that Huang Jianzhi will send someone to pick you up, let's go out and wait!" Yi Feng said seriously after coming back to his senses and calming down.

Diko nodded lightly and left the manor with Yi Feng, and came to the square next to the cliff at the top of Blood Wave Peak. He overlooked the entire Blood Wave Continent below and the endless Blood Wave Sea in the distance. While he was suddenly filled with pride, he couldn't help but feel proud. Some people became curious, wondering who the Lord of Huangjian would send to pick him up for a meeting?

Time passed quietly. Diko and Yi Feng waited for nearly half an hour before a bloody stream of light approached quickly across the dark void. In the blink of an eye, it had already arrived and transformed into a body covered in black armor, carrying a body on its back. A burly figure with a huge bloody sword as big as a door panel.

The figure was more than two feet tall, with long dark red hair hanging loosely. The dark red fist-sized eyes under the black scales were filled with bloodthirsty red light.Standing in the void, he looked down at Diko and Yi Feng. His whole body seemed to be integrated into the dark void, giving people a sense of uncertainty between reality and reality.Even if they restrained their aura, the invisible oppression of the life level still made Diko and Yi Feng feel trembling in their hearts and weak in their legs.

"Meet the Venerable!" Diko, who saluted respectfully with Yi Feng, couldn't help but secretly said: "As expected of the Lord of Huang Jian! He actually arranged for a Venerable Universe to take me to see him. This card..."

"I am Lord Blood Knife," the burly figure who looked very domineering said with a grin, "Junior brother, you can just call me Fourth Senior Brother." Fourth Senior Brother?When Diko heard this, he looked up in shock and looked at Lord Blood Knife. Is this Lord Blood Knife also a disciple of Lord Huang Jian?And since he is the fourth senior brother, I am afraid that he joined the disciple of Master Huang Jian very early, earlier than the Lord of Star Prison. I wonder how strong he is?

"Teacher is already waiting for you, come with me!" said the Blood Knife Venerable with a wave of his hand. Before Diko could react, an invisible divine power wrapped around him and turned into a bloody stream of light and flew into the darkness in the distance. in the void.

In just a moment, as if time and space were changing, Diko and Lord Blood Knife had arrived in a battlefield-like world. The dark red blood-stained earth was as far as the eye could see, and corpses of foreign races, large and small, could be seen everywhere.Even if it is a corpse, the aura is still terrifying.Obviously, the corpses that can exist here for a long time are at least the fallen immortal gods.

At the same time, the aura of brutal killing that remained on the entire battlefield-like land made Dico feel his body tremble uncontrollably, and his emotions and consciousness were somewhat affected: "What on earth is this place? An ancient battlefield? "

"This is indeed an ancient battlefield. It once experienced extremely terrible fighting, which caused the space in this area in the Blood Wave Secret Realm to be shattered and the landscape changed." The Lord Blood Knife on the side nodded slightly: "That was a very long time ago. It’s such a big deal, I haven’t even been born yet!”

The fighting that took place before the four disciples of Lord Huang Jian were even born?Dico, who held his breath after hearing this, already had a relatively clear understanding of this 'ancient' thing.

"Teacher lives here?" Diko couldn't help but ask, and at the same time he secretly cursed in his heart. The leader of the virtual universe, the Chaos City Lord, also had a Chaos Ruins filled with alien corpses in the City Lord's Mansion where he lived in the Chaos City. There is also an ancient battlefield full of alien corpses in the Blood Wave Secret Realm where the Lord is sitting. What are the hobbies of these super strong men of the human race?Do you have so many corpses to show off or to warn yourself?

"Teacher is at the core of this ancient battlefield," Lord Blood Knife said, leading Diko to continue flying forward. After a while, Diko discovered some alien universes whose auras were more terrifying than those of powerful immortal gods. After the Venerable's body, the Venerable Blood Knife, which was flying rapidly with divine power, finally slowed down and stopped.

Ahead, there was a cliff, no, to be precise, it was a sea of ​​fire... After getting closer, Dicko was stunned to find that there was a sea of ​​fire. It was clearly a deep pit with no edges and no bottom!The flames were raging and boiling like a tidal wave, but there was no obvious fiery aura, and there were faint invisible fluctuations that made time and space freeze. Dico couldn't help but be surprised: "Isn't this fire?"

"It is indeed not a real flame, it is just the apparent state of a super treasure owned by the teacher." Seeing the raging fire waves in the super pit, Lord Blood Knife couldn't help but said with a fiery tone and a fervent tone: "This is such a treasure. , even among my human race, it is very rare. If the teacher controls this treasure with all his strength, a wave of flames can easily annihilate me and kill me."

"Domain treasure? I'm afraid it's at least a top domain treasure comparable to Chaos City Lord's Qianbao River, right?" Diko was shocked and greedy after hearing this.This kind of treasure is indeed so rare that even the masters of the universe would fight over it.

such a pity!There is no point in being greedy. Even if Diko becomes the master of the universe in the future, even if Diko becomes the master of the universe, the human race will not directly grant it to him such a precious treasure that is comparable to the pinnacle treasure weapon.After all, he doesn't have a generous teacher like Sishanke!
As for finding and fighting for it yourself, whether it is on the primitive star or in the cosmic sea, these treasures can only be encountered but cannot be sought. Once they appear in the world, the Lord of the universe will fight for them desperately. Without powerful enough secrets and top treasures, even if he To become the master of the universe, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight for it.

(End of this chapter)

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