Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 328 The Lord of Huangjian

Chapter 328 The Lord of Huangjian
When Diko sighed in his heart, secretly helpless, the sea of ​​fire in the pit also noticed the arrival of Diko and the Blood Knife Master, and automatically separated a passage.

"Follow me," the Blood Knife Venerable said to Dico, and flew him directly into the flame channel. He swooped down and flew down, as if he had entered a bottomless pit. After flying for a while, he finally arrived. In the square in front of the huge palace surrounded by golden red flames at the bottom of the pit.

Feeling the ancient and surging aura emanating from the dark red palace, that aura that was even more frightening than the Lord of the Universe, Diko couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and thought to himself: "A palace-like treasure? It feels better than the outside. The sea of ​​​​fire is still terrifying, is it the peak treasure palace? He is worthy of being the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance and a top-ranked superpower among the human race. Although his strength is not as good as the Chaos City Lord, his background is definitely not much worse!"

"Teacher, bring Dico here!" Lord Blood Knife saluted respectfully to the palace in front of him, and then a low and majestic voice came from the palace, as if ringing in every inch of space and time around him: "Let him come in! "

At the same time, the closed door of the dark red palace opened, and a faint blood-colored mist floated away. At the same time, a more terrifying aura poured out like a tide, making Dico feel weak in his limbs for an instant: "This is the Lord of the Universe. Is it the aura? It’s scary.. It’s so scary, it feels much scarier than the power of the Lord God’s will! I haven’t even seen the Lord of Huangjian yet!”

"Junior brother, hurry in! Don't let the teacher wait too long," Diko took a deep breath under the urging of the Lord Blood Knife, then resisted the feeling of trembling in every cell in his body, and walked away Entered the dark red palace.

In the hall where blood-colored mist floated, Diko stopped and looked around curiously. He saw nothing but mist. Where was the master of Huang Jian?

Immediately afterwards, the familiar and surging aura came from the front like a tide, causing Dico to turn his head and look, and saw a figure walking out of the surging blood mist. The moment he saw the other person, Dico couldn't help but open his eyes. His whole body froze as if he had been stabbed.

Where is a human being here?It's like a monster in human form!Although this clone of Lord Huang Jian maintains a normal human form, it is covered in bloody scales and its head is as ferocious as a monster, making it look very scary.

The key is that the evil spirit on the opponent's body is too heavy, like a bloodthirsty beast that has experienced countless killings. The bloodthirsty evil spirit alone is enough to make the world owner tremble with fear, and even the soul consciousness is susceptible to it. Influence, leaving a shadow like a demon.

If Diko's willpower had not been strong enough, facing the clone of the Lord of Huang Jian, who was like the incarnation of killing, he would have been trembling and falling down even if he couldn't get close, making it difficult to maintain normal emotional consciousness.

"Haha... very good, Diko, your will and consciousness are really good, you can actually withstand my breath," the Lord of Huangjian grinned, and his beast-like face looked even more ferocious. stand up.

At the same time, Diko, who reacted with excitement, suppressed the trembling all over his body and the unspeakable fear in his heart, and hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at the extremely terrifying Lord of Huangjian in front of him.

"You are outstanding. Whether it is your will, understanding or the speed of comprehending the original law, it is beyond my teacher's expectations." The Lord of Huangjian then said: "I am very satisfied! So, from today on, you are me Huang Jian’s No. 30 nine direct disciples.”

39 direct disciples?Hearing this, he secretly thought that the Lord of Huangjian had many direct disciples, even more than the Lord of Chaos City. Dike, who was also a little excited and surprised on the surface, knelt down quickly: "Disciple Dike, meet the teacher!" "Okay!" !” The Lord of Huangjian, who nodded with satisfaction, then smiled and said: “Most of your senior brothers are Universe Venerables, and the two weaker ones also have the invincible and ultimate strength of the king respectively. As a teacher, Among the many disciples, you are the weakest, but you are still very young. Moreover, in terms of talent and potential, you can definitely be ranked among the top disciples. I believe that in the future you will become the Venerable Master of the Universe. It’s not difficult, the senior brothers and sisters who are as powerful as yours should also be very promising.”

"There are actually two direct disciples of the King of Huangjian under the master of Huangjian? It seems that even the evil genius who is favored by the Lord of the Universe may not necessarily be able to become the Lord of the Universe. The Lord of Chaos City seems to have a A direct disciple is only at the peak of King Feng's strength," Di Ke secretly thought.

Compared with many universe sages and powerful immortal kings who have a lot of registered disciples, the masters of the universe have almost no registered disciples.Because the disciples they selected were all peerless monsters, even if they were only accepted as registered disciples at the beginning, as long as they performed well or broke through and became immortal gods, they would definitely become their direct disciples.

After all, even if the direct disciples of the Lord of the Universe have not yet become immortals when they become disciples of the Lord of the Universe, after breaking through and entering the immortal level, they will at least be crowned immortals.With the strength to become a king, he still has the qualifications to become the direct disciple of the Lord of the Universe.

You must know that many cosmic sages may have a large number of direct disciples and named disciples, but only a few are crowned kings.In other words, many of the most outstanding disciples of the Lord of the Universe are just relatively powerful immortal gods who have been crowned kings.

"Teacher, what is the approximate level of strength of my senior brothers and sisters who have become Universe Lords?" Diko couldn't help but asked curiously.

"The strongest among them is your sixth senior brother, the Star Prison Demon Lord. Although he has not yet entered the realm of the Lord of the Universe, his strength is barely comparable to the Lord of the Universe," the Lord of Huangjian briefly introduced: "There are nine cosmic overlords whose strength is second only to your sixth senior brother. There should be thirteen who have the strength of a high-level venerable in the universe. The rest are basically average-level venerables in the universe, or close to the high-level venerables in the universe. strength."

"Among them, you already know that your fourth senior brother, Venerable Blood Knife, is the overlord of the universe. Your thirteenth senior sister, Venerable Yanhuang, although not as powerful, is still a high-ranking Venerable in the universe," the Lord of Huangjian said again. He couldn't help but say with some pride: "However, the most powerful among all your senior brothers and sisters is not your sixth senior brother, the Star Prison Demon Lord, but"

What?Isn't Sixth Senior Brother the strongest?You must know that the Sixth Senior Brother Star Prison Demon Lord is the top overlord of the universe and is stronger than him. Wouldn't he be the Lord of the universe?

Thinking of this, Diko, who stared in surprise, couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, is it the senior brother who is the strongest? Is he already the master of the universe?"

".." The Lord of Huangjian was suffocated upon hearing this, and then continued: "Before I accepted you as my disciple, your senior brother was the weakest, with only the ultimate strength of the king. All your senior brothers and sisters Among them, the strongest one is your third senior sister, Lord Binglan."

Lord of Binglan?Third senior sister?female?The secret passage turned out to be the Lord of the Universe, Diko. Hearing that the Lord of Huangjian said he was the third senior sister, he was really surprised. Unexpectedly, among the three Lords of the Universe in the Universe Mercenary Alliance, not only one of them was the Lord of Huangjian. Disciple, and also a female Lord of the Universe.

"Most of your senior brothers and sisters were accepted as disciples by your master when they were at the domain lord level or even world lord level. Only two of them were accepted as disciples by your master at the universe level. One of them is you, and the other is your senior brother, King of Purgatory." The words of Lord Huangjian made Diko stunned for a moment, he thought the other one was Lord Binglan, the third senior sister!It turned out to be the Purgatory King, the weakest senior brother among the senior brothers and sisters. What is going on?
(End of this chapter)

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