Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 329 Reversal of Time and Space Resurrection

Chapter 329 Reversal of Time and Space Resurrection
Seemingly reading Diko's thoughts, the Master of Huang Jian said: "When I accepted your senior brother as my disciple, I was not yet the Lord of the Universe. Among all the disciples in my teacher, although your senior brother is less talented, But he is the most diligent and hard-working.”

"Diko, you are much better than Senior Brother Qi, but as my master, I hope you can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, work hard, and strive to become the Lord of the Universe as soon as possible," then the Lord of Huangjian warned him with ardent expectation. He said, "Normally, since this is the first time we meet, my master has accepted you as his direct disciple, so I should give you some treasures. However, your strength is still too weak after all, and you won't be able to use powerful treasures for the time being, so I will give you some treasures first." I won’t give it to you anymore, you should concentrate on your cultivation first and understand the original law with your heart!”

do not!When Diko heard this, he felt a little depressed and helpless. The powerful treasure is not available for the time being, but it can be used in the future!Even if you don’t give powerful treasures, a slightly inferior one will do!Teacher, you are the master of the universe. You can't be so stingy to your direct disciples, right?
Seeing Di Ke's slightly depressed look, the Master of Huang Jian couldn't help but laugh: "Haha... do you think Teacher, the Master of the Universe, is too stingy?"

"Disciple doesn't dare!" Diko quickly saluted and pretended to be scared. Even if he thought so in his heart, he couldn't say it with his mouth!Otherwise, if you offend this teacher whom you have just met for the first time, you will not get any good results in the future.

"Don't you dare? I think you don't mean what you say!" The Master of Huangjian said with a smile, and seemed to ponder for a moment before saying: "Let's do this! I allow you to make a request, as long as it is not too excessive, the teacher will How about I try my best to satisfy you?"

Require?Diko was stunned for a moment after hearing this. After hesitating for a moment with flashing eyes, he continued: "Teacher, I heard that the Lord of the Universe has the ability to reverse time and space and resurrect the dead, so I thought..."

"Huh? Do you want my master to help you reverse time and space and resurrect the dead?" The Lord of Huangjian looked at Diko with a focused gaze: "Is it an immortal god?"

Immortal gods?Di Ke was startled for a moment, thinking of Hu Yanbo, but shook his head slightly: "No! Teacher, the disciple just hopes that the teacher can help resurrect some of the tribesmen in his hometown who died in the face of danger during the rise of our line of people on Earth. The strongest among them They are only planet-level in strength and have a limited life span. The disciples are afraid that when there is a chance to resurrect them in the future, they will no longer be able to resurrect them."

"So that's it!" The slightly stunned Lord Huangjian's expression softened slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: "Okay! I will take you to your home earth, and resurrect your people."

Although among the human race, even ordinary immortal gods and feudal lords are not qualified to be resurrected, but out of respect for Dike, the youngest disciple, a trivial matter is just a piece of cake for the Lord of Huangjian. Naturally, he would not regret rejecting Dikoti's request.

"Thank you, teacher!" Diko was surprised and grateful when he heard this. At present, for him, there is really nothing he can ask for from the Master of Huang Jian, but if he can resurrect those people who died unfortunately on the earth, , there will be less regrets in the future.

Seeing Diko's surprised look, a smile of relief flashed in the eyes of the Master of Huangjian.Being able to care so much about his tribe, I believe that when Diko grows up in the future, he will respect him as a teacher and be willing to serve the Universe Mercenary Alliance and the human race wholeheartedly.

Earth, hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the earth has already changed drastically.

The entire earth has become a green ocean. Various plants, flowers, and even some vegetation species in the universe are spread across the entire earth. There are only monsters in some specific places on the land, and ordinary animals have increased again.

The reason why those monsters were not exterminated was actually Diko's intention, mainly to leave some training objects for the warriors on the earth.

However, those ruined cities have almost disappeared. Many new cities have risen from the ground, and they are all beautifully built, with good greenery, clear blue skies, and significantly smaller population density.Most of the land is a human settlement. Now the population of the earth has increased many times. After all, with the increasing proportion of warriors, people live longer, and there is no threat of monsters. After contact with the universe, There are no restrictions on land and food. The lineage of people on earth who want to develop and grow as quickly as possible encourages procreation, and the natural population reproduction rate is getting faster and faster.

Nowadays, in addition to the earth, many star regions in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region and even the Qianwu Universe Country have immigrants from Earth.As more and more people on earth leave the earth and go to other life planets in the universe to survive and develop, the reproduction rate of the people on earth will only become faster and faster.

"This is your home earth? It's quite beautiful. It's indeed a good planet for life." In the outer space of the earth, he was wearing complex scales and had three sharp horns on his head. At first glance, he looked like a humanoid beast. The ferocious and domineering Lord of Huangjian is looking at the green planet in front of him with great interest. This is the real Lord of Huangjian, and it is different from the beast-like clone who sits in the Blood Wave Secret Realm.

On the side, Diko, who was also suspended in space and was brought back by the Lord of Huang Jian through teleportation from the Kingdom of God and ultra-long-distance teleportation, looked at the familiar but somewhat changed earth in front of him, and couldn't help but have a complicated look on his face. .

If he didn't want to accompany the Lord of Huangjian and was thinking about resurrecting some old friends, I'm afraid Di Ke couldn't help but go home to see Jiang Fang.

As for Lan Ying, since the Vulcan Group entered the universe and developed, she has spent almost most of her time running around in the Ganwu Universe Kingdom, but she has very little time to return to Earth.

"Being a teacher is about to begin." The Lord of Huangjian said. Invisible fluctuations instantly enveloped the entire earth. In an instant, time on the earth was going backwards. Some things that happened in the past kept flashing by like images. However, in Huangjian Under the control of the Lord, apart from himself, only Diko could see it. Everyone on the earth, including some cosmic-level, domain masters and even the two domain masters, did not notice anything.

Soon under the control of the Lord of Huangjian, time went back more than a hundred years ago. The people on earth faced the threat of the Nuolanshan family. Dike defeated the Nuolanshan family's army with his strength and will. The method made the Lord of Huangjian couldn't help but turn his head and look at him.

The Lord of Huangjian said nothing, and continued to turn back time. The scene of Luo Feng and several planet-level experts practicing their skills and fighting to the death with the golden-horned giant beast made the Lord of Huangjian surprised again, and then he locked onto it directly. He killed Jia Yi and several other planet-level experts who died.

Immediately afterwards, time continued to go backwards. Until the beginning of the Great Nirvana Period, almost all the dead planet-level powerhouses, and even many dead God of War powerhouses, were easily locked by the Lord of Huangjian, and then the time and space began. Backtracking quickly brought them back to the current point in time.

"Huh?" However, as soon as he started to go back in time and space, the Lord of Huangjian couldn't help but change his face and looked at Diat, Dico's cheap father who was also targeted: "The backlash is so powerful, he is not planet-level? How can it be?"

The Lord of Huangjian, who did not continue to go back in time and space, and speeded up the time and space rewind investigation with a frown, soon looked at Diko who was looking at him with surprise and suspicion and said seriously: " Dicko, I cannot resurrect your father."

"Can't be resurrected? Why?" Diko frowned and asked in confusion. He didn't really care about this cheap father who had no feelings. He was just a little confused as to why the Lord of Huangjian couldn't resurrect a planet-level warrior, and the Lord of Huangjian had just The reaction also made him murmur.

(End of this chapter)

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