Chapter 330 Special Clues

The Lord of Huangjian looked at Diko and was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Your father's situation is more complicated. It would be more difficult for me to resurrect him than to resurrect the Supreme Master of the Universe, and there is no hope of resurrecting him at all. Even if the founder of the giant ax comes to resurrect him in person, he probably won’t be able to succeed.”

"What? Even the founder of the giant ax can't be resurrected? How is it possible?" Diko became more and more surprised when he heard this. You must know that the strongest person in the universe can even be resurrected by the top overlords of the universe like the Star Prison Demon Lord. It can be said that as long as you have not reached the level of the Lord of the Universe, are not controlled by the soul after death, or have other special circumstances, you can be resurrected!Could it be that Diat will still be the master of the universe?He is obviously just a planet-level warrior!

Faced with Diko's surprise and confusion, the Lord of Huangjian hesitated for a moment and then said: "Dico, your father's situation is a bit special. In fact, I just have some guesses and I am not completely sure. But one thing, What I am certain of is that your father's existence violates the rules of the universe. To resurrect him is tantamount to provoking the rules of the universe. Therefore, even the strongest man in the universe cannot reverse time and space and resurrect him."

"Violates the rules of the universe? How can the existence of a living body violate the rules of the universe? If it violates the rules of the universe, how can it exist?" Dico became more and more surprised and confused, even a little unbelievable. He was so cheap. What is so special about my father?
"Ordinarily, he really shouldn't exist. This is what I don't understand," the Lord of Huang Jian said with a frown, his domineering eyes also flashing with surprise.

Di Ke suddenly thought of the Mountain and Sea Realm. The earth used to be called the Mountain and Sea Realm. At that time, the cultivation civilization of the Mountain and Sea Realm should have been quite prosperous, and it should have been in contact with the universe. It is estimated that some powerful people were born, but why later? Has the entire world of mountains and seas vanished into thin air?

Even if the earth, which was called the Mountain and Sea Realm at that time, was destroyed, wouldn't all the people in the Mountain and Sea Realm die?Mountain and Sea Realm, and later Yuanxing, where are their remnants?How could there be nothing left?

"Could it be that their disappearance is also related to the rules of the universe? Could it be that the things that violate the rules of the universe are some attempts by the mountaineers? The practice method in the mountain and sea world seems to be a bit special, a bit like cultivating immortals. Could it be that it is? Can those who sit on the mountain be guided? And this way of practice will eventually violate the rules of the universe, so under the influence of the original will of the universe, the world of mountains and seas disappears, and this way of practice is also submerged in the dust of time and space? "In a flash of thought, Diko had actually faintly discovered some ancient and secret clues.

"Your home earth, there is indeed something special about it. It doesn't look like an ordinary planet with life," the Lord of Huang Jian said suddenly as he looked at the earth.

Upon hearing his words, Dico suddenly felt a thump in his heart. If the Lord of Huangjian discovers the specialness of the earth, then I am afraid that in the original work, the high-level human race forcefully acquires half of the earth's ownership will be brought forward!Moreover, with the somewhat domineering style of the Space Mercenary Alliance, they may not be able to help but directly occupy the earth.

"Fortunately, the ownership of the earth is in the hands of Luo Feng. He is the genius of the Virtual Universe Company. Even if the Universe Mercenary Alliance has ideas about the earth, it cannot bypass the Virtual Universe Company." Thinking of this, Dico felt slightly reassured. Although the character of the Master of Huang Jian may not give him any face as a weak disciple, but when facing the Virtual Universe Company, he always has to have some scruples in his actions.

What's more, the strongest person in the human race today is the founder of the giant axe!After discovering a special treasure land like the Earth that has been transformed by the Mountain Riders, it is natural for the founder of Giant Ax to decide how to use it.

"I can't resurrect your father, but it's still easy to resurrect the remaining people. I'll resurrect them first," the Lord of Huangjian continued: "However, I want to remind you first that the lifespan of a planet is Thousands of years, naturally they can withstand the passage of time for hundreds of years. But those so-called gods of war who have not even entered the planetary level have a lifespan of more than a hundred years at most, and they may not be able to return to the current time node alive. Even if After being resurrected, they are approaching the end of their lifespan and need to break through and enter the planetary level as soon as possible."

"Got it, teacher!" Diko nodded in agreement, and saw the Lord of Huangjian's expression becoming serious after speaking, and once again began to try to reverse the time and space and resurrect the fallen Earthlings' war gods and planet-level gods who had been locked before resurrecting. Strong, but Diat is missing among them.

It is naturally very easy for the Lord of Huangjian to resurrect some planet-level and war gods who are not even planet-level.But after a while, the fallen strong men who were locked everywhere on the earth were resurrected one by one as they traveled back in time and space. "Thank you, teacher!" When Diko bowed respectfully and gratefully to the Lord of Huangjian, the powerful men who had just been resurrected were also surprised and excited.They all clearly remembered that they had died, and to come back from the dead was simply incredible!

And soon, when the news spread that those powerful men who had been dead for hundreds of years came back alive, the whole earth was a little boiling...
"Dico, I want to stay and investigate the earth carefully. You haven't been back for many years, so you must be very homesick, right? Go back and meet your relatives first! After I finish investigating, I will take you back to the Blood Wave Secret Realm. ," the words of the Lord of Huangjian immediately made Diko's eyes light up and he responded with some surprise.

However, Diko, who respectfully bid farewell to the Lord of Huangjian and flew to the earth, couldn't help but thought to himself: "Detection? Could it be that the Lord of Huangjian has noticed the clues that the earth has been transformed? Is this going to go back through time? Check carefully to make sure? In the original work, the founder of the giant ax can even find out the number of times the earth has been destroyed. I don’t know what the Lord of Huangjian can finally find out?"

Earth, Hongning Base City, the entire base city has changed a lot, and has expanded several times. It can be regarded as a top big city in the world today.

Without the threat of monsters, humans on earth live peacefully. Hongning Base City, which once had a small population, has relaxed the conditions for becoming residents of Hongning Base City. More and more people have settled here, and almost all of them have gathered here. Some elites from all countries in the world have also made Hongning Base City the place with the most mixed-race people in the world.

However, as the earth today develops and has more contact with the universe, there are many people on earth with alien ancestry. The concept of so-called "hybrids" on earth no longer makes much sense.

Today, the entire earth is completely managed by the Earth Federation, and the concepts of country and race have slowly faded.However, due to the transcendent status of the Di family and the Luo family, and under the invisible influence of Di Ke and Luo Feng, the real management of the Earth Federation is still mainly Chinese.

Extreme training camp, hundreds of years have passed, and there has not been much change here from the past. It is just that the entire training camp has expanded a lot. Now there are more elite genius warriors of the Earth people studying here, and Many elite students are gods of war or even planet-level powerhouses.

After all, after hundreds of years of development, the Earthlings not only have more powerful people, but the training mechanism for warriors has also become more complete.After hundreds of years of evolution and development, it is basically easier for slightly more powerful genius warriors to enter elite training camps to become gods of war. It is also normal for a few elites to break through and become planet-level powerhouses.

"Here, it's still the same as before..." When they came to the villa area where the teachers of the elite training camp lived, in the villa courtyard where they once lived with Jiang Fang, Di Ke, who was reminiscing with some emotion, used his virtual mind power to investigate and found Jiang Fang. Fang was teaching students, so he was not in a hurry to inform her that he was back.

After Jiang Fang finished her class, she returned to her residence and saw Di Ke sitting on a lounge chair in the courtyard of the villa, sipping tea. She was stunned for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes turned red with surprise and excitement: " Didico"

(End of this chapter)

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