Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 331: Aftermath and Training Tasks

Chapter 331: Aftermath and Training Tasks

Seeing Jiang Fang walking towards him quickly with excitement, Di Ke also stood up, smiled, stepped forward, opened his arms, and embraced his wife.

Hundreds of years are really too long for Jiang Fang.As the saying goes, a long absence is better than a new marriage. In the evening, the couple had dinner together, watched TV, talked and laughed, as if they had returned to the familiar days in the past.
Diko, who had been away from the earth for hundreds of years, came back rarely. After returning, he did not inform anyone and stayed with Jiang Fang with peace of mind. The next day, as the entire earth was in trouble because of the resurrected gods of war and planet-level powerhouses, There was such a fuss that even Jiang Fang was disturbed. Dike, who was a little helpless, showed up to meet the senior officials and powerful people of the current Earthlings and deal with some aftermath matters.

Planet-level powerhouses have nothing to say. Now that they are alive, they can't wait to find their relatives.

And those resurrected Gods of War, even though many of them didn't look too old, were full of twilight, and a few even looked quite old and could die at any time, so Dico had to hurry up and get some help prepared. War God level powerhouses break through and tap into planet level resources so that they can break through as quickly as possible.

Only by surviving will their existence be more meaningful to the people on earth!Being able to become gods of war in the Earth Base City era, their talent potential is relatively good.After entering the planetary level, with more resources to cultivate, it is naturally easier to stimulate potential.

With sufficient resources provided to these resurrected gods of war, it will not be difficult for them to become star-level or cosmic-level powerhouses in the future.Even, it is not impossible for a few to have their potential explode and become domain lords, world lords or even immortals in the future.

On the contrary, some of the resurrected planet-level powerhouses had evil intentions or great ambitions. Even several planet-level powerhouses killed by Hong, Luo Feng and the others were resurrected by the Lord of Huangjian.

They were just some planet-level and low-class little guys. It is estimated that the Lord of Huangjian didn't care much, and they were all resurrected without careful screening.Not only planet-level experts, but also a few God of War experts who acted unscrupulously and were tried and executed.

Therefore, even if such a person is resurrected, he will naturally not be welcomed.But they have already died once, do they need to be killed again?
In the end, after discussing with Hong, Luo Feng and others, Di Ke decided to give these guys a chance.After all, they can be regarded as the elite talents who rose up early in the earth's lineage. Regardless of whether they will really wake up and change their minds in the future, just treat them as waste!Anyway, even if these people now rely on the resources of the Earth people to grow stronger, they can't make any trouble.

On the contrary, if they are smart enough, they will definitely behave with their tail between their legs.In order to obtain some resources and opportunities, even if their true nature is hard to change, they will at least appear to be extremely submissive on the surface.As long as Di Ke and Luo Feng's status remains unchanged and their strength becomes stronger in the future, they will not dare to have any different intentions and will only serve the people of the earth wholeheartedly.

Even the dead were able to ask the rumored extremely powerful Lord of the Universe to reverse time and resurrect Dico. These incredible methods and abilities also amazed and shocked the high-level powerhouses of the Earthlings.

Especially those strong men who were resurrected, including Jia Yi and other planet-level masters, were even more grateful to Dike and expressed their sincere respect and recognition.

Although Dico only stayed on Earth for a few days this time, what happened on Earth in these few days made his influence among the people on Earth directly surpass Luo Feng.

However, what makes Dico a little helpless is that he failed to resurrect Diat, which prompted the resurrected cheap brother Dillon to come to question him. I am afraid that many caring people could not help but murmur in their hearts.

But Diko didn't know how to explain this matter, because even his teacher, Master Huangjian, couldn't explain it after some investigation. Diko, who followed him back to the Blood Wave Secret Realm, was still confused, and he was still confused. Full of doubts, what secrets does his cheap father have?Could he be related to the world of mountains and seas?Did the Lord of Huang Jian hide something from himself?And then, after the earth was noisy for a while because of the resurrection of those God of War level and planet level powerhouses, it gradually returned to calm.

After the Lord of Huangjian returned, the Space Mercenary Alliance seemed to have no intention of obtaining ownership of the earth, which made Dico a little confused but also secretly relieved.

After all, whether it is him or Luo Feng, no matter how talented they are, they are still too weak in the end.If the earth is really taken over by high-level humans, the earth will be in big trouble for the people on earth.

However, this incident also made Dico feel some sense of urgency: "It seems that I still have to become stronger as soon as possible! Improve my understanding of the law and strive to break through to become a powerful immortal god as soon as possible. However, I can't be too hasty. Now, I will strive to break through the original Tongtian Mountain at both the Domain Lord and World Lord levels, so that I can get more points and resources, so that I can grow faster. Once I step into immortality, I will become the pinnacle and invincible existence in immortality, even like Luo Feng. Having a strength comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe can ensure that the people of the earth have enough voice and will not be bullied."

"It's not a problem to stay behind closed doors in the Blood Wave Secret Realm. Let's start taking on training tasks! If you go out and explore, you may be able to progress faster and even get some opportunities." Not long after returning to the Blood Wave Secret Realm, Di had an idea. Ke directly searched for information about the training mission in the virtual universe.

Training missions, as the name suggests, are missions for the geniuses at the core of the five major forces of the human race to hone themselves. During the adventure, they can undoubtedly grow and progress faster. Not only can they increase their combat experience and improve their combat skills, but they can also have a touching effect on their understanding of the law. of.

As the saying goes, reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, the human race provides a lot of resources to cultivate geniuses. If these geniuses are not willing to go through hard work and adventure, it will be difficult for them to achieve any great achievements.

Although there is a high probability of falling during the adventure, it is necessary to cultivate truly outstanding and potential geniuses.If you can't even survive the dangers in the training mission, why do you still want to fight aliens in the universe?

This training task is also divided into levels. From low to high risk, it is divided into safe level, ordinary level, difficult level, dangerous level and menopausal level. Dicko still has some confidence in his own strength and means, so naturally he directly chose the one with a mortality rate exceeding Completed 50.00% of dangerous level tasks.

If the difficulty is too low, it will have no sharpening effect on Dicko and it will be a waste of time.As for dangerous tasks, there are often some good opportunities, and Dicko is naturally very interested.

"Which one should I choose?" Browsing through a series of dangerous-level training mission information introductions on the computer page, Diko frowned and pondered: "Seven Flame Palace? Could it be related to flames? The secret realm of Virtual Universe Company... seems a bit far away. , it takes a lot of time to travel. Xueluo World? The Xueluo World where the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace sits? That Xueluo Crystal is indeed a good thing, but for the time being, it is not that useful to me."

"Eh? Prison battlefield? A place of exile that simulates a cruel battlefield...a place as scary as hell, a bit like a star prison? Interesting! In the secret realm of glory of my universe mercenary alliance? Well, just choose it. "Yeah," after learning about the situation on the prison battlefield, Diko quickly made up his mind and directly chose the prison battlefield as his first training mission.

(End of this chapter)

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