Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 332 Secret Realm of Glory

Chapter 332 Secret Realm of Glory
After choosing the training mission, Diko couldn't help but frown and muttered: "This training mission in the prison battlefield is really special. There is no specific mission content. You only need to stay in the prison battlefield for one year to get one." Ten thousand points, and after three years you can get one hundred thousand points."

"This is somewhat similar to the desperate mission Magic Mountain. It seems that they are both survival-test-like missions. Although they are more dangerous, they may also contain some special opportunities." Thinking of this, Dico couldn't help but feel more and more excited.

With the help of the nutrition capsule provided by the Universe Mercenary Alliance to assist the internal core members in their training, Diko, who absorbed energy and cultivated to the peak of the ninth level of the universe in one breath, finally determined the day to go to the prison battlefield.

In the mist-shrouded sky, a black spaceship slowly descended on the square on the top of the cliff of Blood Wave Peak, and everything was ready. Dico stood in dark red suit, boots, and a sword on his back. On the edge of the cliff, he was dressed like a normal mercenary in the universe, and other things that needed to be carried were naturally placed in the world ring.

Dico turned around and walked towards the black spaceship. At the same time, a mysterious immortal god shrouded in black armor and even wearing a visor on his face came out of the spaceship with the hatch opened, and an invisible aura came out. The coercion spread, causing all the Realm Lords and Territory Lords of the Guards who came to see Diko off to be busy bowing respectfully.

Even Yi Feng, facing the mysterious and powerful immortal god, looked moved and quickly bowed respectfully.

"Seal the Immortal King? It's just a training mission, and you actually arranged to have the Immortal King escort me there? Is this the treatment of a direct disciple of the Lord of the Universe?" Diko thought to himself, under the polite invitation of the mysterious black-armored Immortal God. After getting off, he also quickly boarded the spacecraft.

"Your Highness Dike, I am King Mo Sha. This time I will escort your highness to the prison battlefield in the secret realm of glory of our universe mercenary alliance." In the spaceship, the voice of the mysterious black-armored immortal god King Mo Sha was a little low and harsh, with an invisible tone. He said with an edge and a fierce edge: "The spaceship will fly in the dark universe for nearly a month. Your Highness can go and rest first. I will inform Your Highness when it arrives."

"Okay, King Lao Mo Sha," Diko nodded slightly, and was led by the servants in the spacecraft to a spacious and quiet training room.

Time passed quietly. A month was neither long nor short. Diko, who was resting quietly to adjust his state, also separated his consciousness and entered the virtual universe. He became familiar with the secret techniques he had cultivated over the years and some of the unique tricks he had figured out. means.

After all, the prison battlefield is a dangerous mission. Although Diko was confident when he went on a training mission for the first time, he did not dare to be reckless. He had to take every situation into consideration just in case.Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if the first training mission failed.After all, Dike is now the direct disciple of the Lord of Huangjian. He is destined to receive attention and represents the face of the Lord of Huangjian.

"Your Highness, we are here soon," reminded by King Mo Sha's voice transmission, Dico came out of the training quiet room and returned to the spacecraft control room. He saw that the spacecraft had slowed down and returned to the original universe, and at the same time, virtual exterior scenes appeared around him.

"Is this the Secret Realm of Glory?" Looking at the huge 'disc' in the dark void in the distance, which was huge in scope and emitting dazzling blue light, Diko couldn't help but marvel. This was the first time he had seen a complete Secret Realm of the Universe in the universe. appearance.

After the spacecraft quickly approached at sub-light speed, Dicko could even faintly see some mountains, rivers, stars and special celestial bodies bred in the secret realm of the universe in the huge 'disk'. He couldn't help but become more shocked: "In a sense. , the secret realm of the universe is simply like an imperfect and deformed miniature universe! Like the miniature universe opened by the strongest person in the universe, it has rich original energy of the universe and has many special and magical features." "Evolution of the universe, It's really a miracle of creation." When Dico secretly sighed in his heart, the spaceship also penetrated the dazzling green light area like a thick 'atmosphere' and entered the interior of the Glory Secret Realm.

The strange thing is that the Glory Secret Realm looks extremely dazzling from the outside, but it is still dark inside. Even the sky is dark blue, and the entire Secret Realm is filled with various planetary bodies, cosmic dust, and even rivers and mountains suspended in space. , and even some huge landmass like floating islands can be vaguely seen in the distance.
After entering the Secret Realm of Glory, the spacecraft flew for half a day, and finally approached an endless continent. Dicko was also a little surprised and curious and subconsciously looked at the undulating space in the space next to the continent, which was also invisible at a glance. The temple buildings to the side, especially the tallest and dazzling blue tower, emitted dazzling blue light from the top like a lighthouse, which reminded Dico of the aperture outside the Glory Secret Realm.

"King Mo Sha, where is that place? Why is there such a large temple next to the prison battlefield? Is there something special about the prison battlefield that requires the Universe Mercenary Alliance to send many strong men to guard it?" Dico was curious. asked.

King Mo Sha looked at the temple building with reverence and said: "This temple exists not only because of the prison battlefield, but also to guard the entire secret realm of glory."

"Did you see that blue tower? That's called the Azure Tower. It's the palace-like treasure of Lord Fengyao. A clone of Lord Fengyao has always been sitting in the Secret Realm of Glory," King Mo Sha said, Diko's expression suddenly became moved: "Lord of Fengyao? A palace-like treasure? Are you saying that this Lord of Fengyao is another Master of the Universe in our Universe Mercenary Alliance?"

"That's right!" King Mo Sha nodded slightly and said, "Lord Feng Yao is an extremely ancient Lord of the Universe of our Universe Mercenary Alliance. He rose up almost in the same era as Lord Huang Jian. Of course, he may be more important than Lord Huang Jian. A little later. However, it is said that our Universe Mercenary Alliance was established by Lord Fengyao and Lord Huangjian. Lord Fengyao is the real elder of our Universe Mercenary Alliance. Even Lord Binglan is just They’re just young people.”

"Of course, even the weaker Lord Binglan in our universe mercenary alliance is still a great super being in our human race, and his strength is beyond our imagination," King Mosha said but couldn't help but Somewhat sighing and sighing, he turned to say: "Okay, I will send you to the prison battlefield first!"

As the spaceship continues to fly towards the boundless vast continent where the prison battlefield is located, among the continuous palaces in the space next to it, the most conspicuous Azure Tower has thirteen floors, and the top of the tower seems to be holding a dazzling blue sun. Green light shone everywhere, illuminating the entire contiguous temple.

On the thirteenth floor of the Azure Tower, in an empty and seemingly endless space, a cyan translucent sphere with restrained light and several circles larger than the earth is suspended. Pictures of some special places in the Secret Realm of Glory are floating on it. , and is constantly flashing and changing
"Huh?" Sitting cross-legged in the boundless void, a young man wearing a dark cyan simple armor and a black hair shawl, who looked very much like an Earthling, suddenly felt something and opened his eyes, his eyes faintly glowing with blue light. He looked at the huge sphere in front of him, and at the same time, the sphere showed a picture of a black spaceship flying to the continent where the prison battlefield was located.

Then the screen zoomed in, and the figures of Diko and King Mosha emerged, causing a strange gleam to flash in the old green eyes of the young man with black hair and shawl: "Dico? He is Huang Jian's new recruit. That little disciple?"

"The Earth from the Milky Way in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region of the Qianwu Universe... Now, is that living planet called the Earth?" The young man who murmured to himself had a trace of reminiscence in his eyes: "Remember, that planet once was The living planet is called the Mountain and Sea Realm, right? The Mountain and Sea Realm is like a special secret realm of the universe. Although it is not as big as the real secret realm of the universe, it is still incredible to artificially create a world similar to the secret realm of the universe!"

(End of this chapter)

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