Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 333 Prison Battlefield

Chapter 333 Prison Battlefield

If Dico heard what the black-haired young man said, he would probably be shocked.The world of mountains and seas, the secret realm of the universe created by humans?What the hell?Could it be said that the secret realm of the universe can also open up creation?What kind of means is that?
Unfortunately, Diko didn't know that someone knew about the world of mountains and seas, and that he was also a super being of the human race.At this moment, he was in the spaceship and had arrived over the continent where the prison battlefield was located.

"Is this continent a prison battlefield?" In the spaceship, looking at the vast land that was simulated outside, Dico couldn't help but asked in surprise.

And King Mo Sha also nodded slightly: "Yes! This continent is the prison battlefield! Here, there are also many lives, including the lives bred in this continent, there are also many alien exiled races, and even immortals. Gods. However, the real strong men in the prison battlefield are greatly restricted. They are all in the core area of ​​the entire prison battlefield and will not appear on the periphery."

"However, even so, the prison battlefield is still very dangerous. Here, it is full of fighting and fighting. Killing is the daily life of the prison battlefield, so this place is called the prison battlefield," King Mo Sha continued: "In the constant In the battle, those who can survive are not weak, and they are extremely good at fighting... Entering the prison battlefield is like entering the Shura battlefield. Your Highness Diko, are you ready?"

"Of course! We've already arrived. Do you think I'm still afraid of retreating now?" Diko said jokingly, and then said: "Okay, open the hatch! I can't wait any longer. Let’s go down and see it.”

After hearing the words, King Mo Sha was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Haha, good, you are worthy of being accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Huang Jian, a peerless genius who can break through the original Tongtian Mountain at the cosmic level. You are indeed very talented." Courageous. But I still want to remind you that the prison battlefield is different from other training mission worlds. Here, you must be careful. If you can't beat, just run away. There is no shame in it. After all, the training mission requires you to stay in the prison battlefield for a while. One or three years is for you to adapt to survival here, not for you to defeat or kill all the opponents you encounter in the prison battlefield."

"Moreover, it is impossible for you to defeat or kill all the opponents you encounter here. Because your opponents not only include relatively weak star-level and cosmic-level experts, but also domain lords and even world lords...the more you go, If you go deep into the prison battlefield, the stronger the opponents you encounter will be, and the greater the trouble and danger will be." King Mo Sha said and couldn't help but remind him: "So, when you are trying to survive here, you must know how to live within your ability. OK."

"Thanks for the advice, I'll remember it!" Seeing how carefully King Mo Sha gave his instructions, he secretly guessed whether he had received special instructions from the Lord of Huangjian or the Lord Yanhuang. Dike's mind was spinning, but on the surface he was thinking Respectfully and gratefully.

"Okay, I guess you have already understood the details of the prison battlefield carefully when you took on this training mission. I won't talk nonsense anymore," King Mosha said and directly ordered the spacecraft to open the hatch: " Go down! I hope you will be fine when I come to pick you up."

Diko bowed slightly to King Mo Sha again, turned around and walked directly towards the opened hatch, and then flew out of the hatch. His whole body was suspended in the dark void. He took a deep breath before melting. A stream of light swoops towards the boundless land below.
In the prison battlefield full of killing and chaos, there is another outsider.To the entire prison battlefield, Dico's appearance was like an extra drop of water in the endless sea, inconspicuous.

But if this drop of water is restless and wants to cause waves... the dark sea of ​​the prison battlefield is never short of waves, and how big the waves can be depends on Dico's ability.

When Dico got close to the ground, he saw that the land was desolate, and even vegetation was sparse. This made him a little confused: "This is the secret realm of the universe, filled with rich original energy of the universe. How can it be so desolate?"

"And there is so much evil in this prison battlefield! It seems that there is an invisible force affecting my consciousness and arousing the murderous intention in my heart." After landing, feeling the depressive feeling brought by the surrounding environment, Di Ke I finally understand how it feels to be on the prison battlefield as if I were on a real battlefield.Not only because there are too many killings here, but the key is the influence of the invisible atmosphere. "The famous prison battlefield is indeed unusual. But, where are the exiled creatures here? What is the danger? Targeted killings from those exiles? Or is it some special dangerous environment in the prison battlefield itself?" I was curious. Dicko didn't stay where he was for too long, and just chose a direction at will.

When he first arrived at the prison battlefield, Dico did not fly directly in a reckless and arrogant way. Instead, he used his body skills and moved forward as quickly as he shrunk to an inch.Based on Dicko's current understanding of the original laws of space, the speed of movement is not inferior to the speed of direct flight.

Dico, who had traveled more than a hundred miles in the blink of an eye and still didn't encounter any living beings, couldn't help but secretly muttered in his heart: "Is the population density on the prison battlefield so small?"

"Huh?" Just when Dico was muttering doubts in his heart, the sudden movement made him turn around subconsciously and saw a black phantom approaching him from behind as fast as lightning.

The black phantom was very fast and was in front of Dico in a blink of an eye.At the same time, Dico also saw clearly the appearance of the black phantom. It was a ferocious beast that was about ten feet long and like a wolf. Its red eyes were bloodshot, full of evil aura and murderous intent.

Hey... when the ferocious wolf flew towards Dico, and the bloody claws were about to touch Dico's chest, there was a slight tearing sound, and Dico just waved his hand casually, and the space seemed to be torn apart. , the invisible space air blade directly tore the ferocious wolf's abdomen
After the blood spurted out and Dico's figure disappeared, the ferocious wolf let out a shrill roar and passed by where Dico was just now, and fell to the ground, with a trace of blood under his body as he twitched slightly. It spread, and soon the ferocious wolf with a low roar died.

"It should be a ferocious beast at the peak of the star level. Its speed is comparable to that of a cosmic-level powerhouse. It is indeed a creature bred in the secret realm of the universe. It is indeed extraordinary." Looking at the dead ferocious wolf, he was Diko, who was measuring its strength, then seemed to notice something, and looked at the corpse with a frown as he looked at the ferocious wolf with faint blood escaping from it.

At the same time, after the blood energy disappeared, Di Ke also keenly felt that the invisible evil energy around him seemed to become stronger, as if a drop of hot oil was dropped in the water...
Roar...roar...then, a low roar came from far away. Dicko, who felt the ground shaking slightly, suddenly turned around and saw black phantoms rushing towards him in the distance: "A pack of wolves? It turned out to be a killer." For the creatures on the death prison battlefield, the special blood energy escaping from the corpses will make the surrounding evil spirits rich and manic. If this disturbs the surrounding creatures, it will inevitably lead to more killings..."

"This prison battlefield is indeed tempting the creatures in it to fight and fight all the time," Diko cursed in his heart with frowning eyebrows. Looking at the ferocious wolves approaching rapidly, he decisively chose to use his physical skills to escape.

It's not that he's afraid of these star-level or at most cosmic-level ferocious wolves, it's just that there's no need to tangle with them.Moreover, once Diko kills too many people, it will inevitably make the surrounding evil atmosphere more intense, alarm more local creatures and exiles in the prison battlefield, and the trouble will be even greater.

(End of this chapter)

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