Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 334 The Crazy Exile

Chapter 334 The Crazy Exile

In the prison battlefield, in a dark cave on a barren mountain, Diko was sitting cross-legged. His clothes were stained with blood, and his whole body was a little more evil than when he first came to the prison battlefield.

"I didn't expect that I was already so careful, but still..." Diko slowly opened his eyes and exhaled softly. Thinking of the bloody and tragic battle before, his slightly pale and tired face couldn't help but reveal... A look of helplessness.

In the prison battlefield, the truly terrifying thing is not the ferocious beasts, nor the weak and militant natives, but the exiles from the outside world.Being able to be exiled to the prison battlefield is enough to prove that these guys are not simple.

Their strength may not be too strong, at least compared with the core members of the five major forces of the human race, there is still a gap.But these exiles are all experienced in fighting and very cunning.Join forces to form teams in the prison battlefield, and they come and go without a trace like killers and thieves.Once you are targeted by them, it is equivalent to encountering a crazy hound, and it will be difficult to get rid of it.

"I don't know where these exiles came from? Could they be some extremely vicious prisoners in the human race? The Space Mercenary Alliance deliberately placed them here, wanting to use the waste and create such a prison battlefield to sharpen the core of humanity. Members?" Diko secretly asked.

Thinking of the crazy ferocity and fearless death of those guys, Dico couldn't help but feel a little headache.Facing a group of lunatics who are not afraid of death, he really has no good way to deal with them.

In fact, Dico didn't take the initiative to provoke those exiles. He just took action to teach two guys who didn't care about life and death and took the initiative to provoke them. Neither of them killed him. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to smell the smell of blood and regarded him as a shark. Like prey, they launched a brutal pursuit.

At first, Dicko, who was annoyed, also killed some people ruthlessly.But unexpectedly, Dico, who had already shown some strength, not only failed to scare the exiles, but actually made them even crazier, attracting more exiles to come after him.

Most of the exiles who were chasing Diko were cosmic-level experts, and most of them had reached the peak cosmic-level level. There were even a few domain masters.

Faced with their pursuit and interception, Diko, who was finally surrounded, was forced to fight with those exiles. Even though he killed many in an explosion, he was still beaten by several domain members. The main-level experts teamed up to injure them, and finally killed the three domain lords, and managed to escape in some embarrassment.

"Fortunately, there is this world ring left by the God of Fire. While it is quietly absorbing the original energy of the universe in this prison battlefield, it is also feeding back to me, allowing me to recover quickly from my injuries..." He glanced at his fingers. The inconspicuous world ring he was wearing, thinking of Diko from the previous battle, he couldn't help but frown and secretly said: "What a bunch of lunatics!"

"Huh? They are chasing us again so quickly? What a bunch of crazy dogs." Then he suddenly looked up at Diko who felt something. He couldn't help but frowned: "There are not many people, but it seems that there are more powerful guys here." , do you think you’ve got me?”

"Boy, come out and die!" A loud voice suddenly shouted outside. The thunderous voice directly shook the stone walls in the cave to tremble slightly, as if the crumbling Yuyao collapsed.

"Do you really want to force me to go on a killing spree?" Diko, who looked outside with squinted eyes, a cold light flashing in his eyes, hummed and turned into a phantom and went out.

In the desolate valley outside the valley, there are more than 20 people standing in the air, including more than ten peak universe-level experts. The remaining auras are stronger, and they are obviously domain lord-level experts.

"Nine Territory Lords, you really think highly of me!" Looking at the more than 20 people standing in the air, Diko's eyes swept over nine of them, and finally looked at the cold man in black standing in the center with his hands behind his back.With Diko's keen sense of breath, he can naturally tell that the other eight Territory Lords are all Territory Lords below the sixth level.But the cold man in black has a restrained aura that even Diko can't see through. He is definitely a Territory Lord of the sixth level or above. I'm afraid he is not only a Territory Lord of the seventh or eighth level, he may have reached the peak level of a Territory Lord. .

"Damn brat, you killed my eighth brother, I will make you pay for his life today!" The bald man with an iron tower shape shouted loudly, his whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning, and he waved a purple-black sledgehammer towards Di. Ke hit hard.

The seemingly clumsy bald iron tower man was actually extremely fast. He was in front of Dico instantly like a bolt of lightning. At the same time, the terrifying binding force of the lightning field made the space around Dico seem to freeze. .

Amidst the explosion, the whole person was like Dicko who was stuck in a quagmire. Under the terrifying blow of the bald iron tower man, his figure collapsed and disappeared.

"Sixth brother, be careful!" In the sudden and urgent voice, the cold man in black changed his face slightly. Just when he was about to take action, his movements were stagnant and his expression was ugly.

"Second brother, don't worry, I'm a little guy at the pinnacle of the universe." I didn't care about the bald iron tower man who said, and then his body stiffened and he lowered his head and stared in disbelief at the man who didn't know when he appeared in front of him. , Dico, who had already stabbed his chest with a knife, had just felt the tearing pain, and then the bald iron tower man's consciousness disappeared, because Diko's knife had already stabbed directly into his body. On the singularity of the core of life.

The singularity in the body of a Territory Lord-level powerhouse is what will give birth to the world inside the body in the future, and is also the life core of a Territory Lord.As long as the singularity core is intact, even if the physical body is destroyed, it can still be restored to its original state.

And the life core of the bald iron tower man was chopped into pieces by Diko's knife. Naturally, his soul was immediately scattered, and he could not die anymore.

With Diko's current understanding of the law, it is not difficult to quietly approach and hit the opponent's life core with one strike unexpectedly, killing a powerful Domain Lord-level man. After all, his foundation is solid. That's great, it's normal to be able to leapfrog and fight.

You must know that in the original work, Luo Feng accepted the training mission for the first time. In the world of Xueluo, the earthling himself was able to compete with the domain lord with his peak cosmic strength.At that time, his understanding of the law had not yet reached the sixth level of Tongtian Bridge!
Di Ke's understanding of the law is much higher than that of Luo Feng. They are both at the pinnacle of the universe level. The difference in strength is probably more than dozens of times. He is definitely at the top domain lord level.

"Sixth Brother (Sixth Brother | Sixth Leader)!" Those exiles at the domain lord level and the pinnacle of the universe level exclaimed in shock when they saw the bald iron tower man being killed by Diko with a single blow.

The cold man in black at the head looked at Diko with squinted eyes, his cold eyes faintly flashing with fiery light: "What a strong strength! With such a level of understanding of the laws of the Space Academy, you should be at the top of the top five of the human race. A core member of the force, right?"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" His gaze made Dico feel a little awkward and uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but frown and asked.

"Haha... If so, I can leave the prison battlefield if I kill you," the cold man in black chuckled, but his voice was so cold and chilling: "Even if it is not, I can kill a monster genius like you. A happy and comfortable thing.”

As he spoke, the cold air around the cold man in black filled the air, turning into an icy field that seemed to be able to freeze space. At the same time, a large number of ice picks suddenly appeared in the cold air. As the icy field spread, they instantly turned into strands of cold light. Shooting toward Dicko
(End of this chapter)

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