Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 335: Outbreak, bloody knife

Chapter 335: Outbreak, bloody knife
Can you leave the prison battlefield if you kill me?The words of the cold man in black moved Dico's heart, and he suddenly understood why these guys came to chase him so desperately.

"Psychic master?" Seeing the large number of ice picks in the cold field, Dicko's expression suddenly changed: "Domain Lord level peak psychic master? Damn! How could it be such a coincidence? I simply didn't look at the almanac when I went out!"

You must know that spiritual masters have an advantage when facing warriors, and they can crush and sweep those weaker than themselves.

Facing the peak spiritual master of the universe, Dicko had absolute confidence to fight and win, even if his opponent was a genius of the same level among the core members of the five major forces of the human race.But if you are facing a domain lord level spiritual master, even a weaker domain lord level spiritual master, the pressure will be doubled.

And the spiritual master at the peak of Domain Lord level is a big level higher than Diko!Facing such an opponent, Dico really had no confidence.Therefore, this battle is undoubtedly very risky and exciting for Dicko.

"If you want to kill me, then let's have a good fight! Even if I try my best to deal with a spiritual master at the peak of Domain Lord level, I may not be able to deal with it. However, this is more interesting!" Facing the sky full of laser fire, The ice pick came, and Diko's eyes were shining with brilliance. The invisible impact of will spread out, instantly making the cold man in black who bore the brunt tremble all over.

When the cold man in black's face changed and he showed a look of horror, while he was absent-minded and the power of the ice cone controlled by his mind was greatly reduced, Diko suddenly moved his mind. The moment he took action, time and space froze, and his speed dropped sharply. The ice pick seemed to stop, and then it was shot away by the light of the sword under Dico's impact...
In the blink of an eye, Dicko burst out of a vacuum like an ice cone in the sky and quickly approached the cold man in black.
Chi chi ah... ah... the sound of breaking through the air, the sound of ice cones penetrating the body and the screams came one after another. More than a dozen peak universe-level experts directly turned into sieves, and their blood-stained corpses fell from the mid-air.

Even the other seven Territory Lords, except for the cold man in black, were caught off guard and suffered minor or serious injuries. One by one, they retreated in embarrassment and looked at the people who had rushed in in a blink of an eye. Dicko in front of the cold man in black.

"Ah" growled, and the cold man in black, who seemed to have come to his senses under the impact of Dico's will, dodged and retreated while busy controlling a large number of ice picks to shoot towards the earth's crust.

Chi...chichi. With the help of the Ice Field, the terrifyingly powerful ice picks penetrated Dicko's body one after another in the blink of an eye, shooting him into a hornet's nest. However, the strange thing is that no trace of blood was seen. , as if they were shot into the air, and Dicko's figure slowly dissipated.

"No!" Realizing that something was wrong, the cold man in black subconsciously turned around and slashed out with a long, narrow black knife. However, a dreamlike sword light intersected with the long knife, as if they did not exist in the same place. Like space-time, it pierced directly into the cold man in black's right forearm holding the knife, instantly shattering the life core hidden in the forearm.

"Second brother..." The other seven domain lords were also shocked. They didn't expect that the most powerful second brother among them would die in Diko's hands.

Before they could react, Diko, who had just killed the cold-blooded man in black, instantly turned into a large number of afterimages and started to kill the seven injured Territory Lords...
Chi...ah...accompanied by the sound of the knife cutting into flesh and blood and the sound of screams, in the blink of an eye, under Diko's sharp and fierce siege, six of the seven domain lords died, and there was still a battle. Using his speed, he managed to escape while Diko was distracted and killed the other six domain masters.

After the figure solidified and stopped, he glanced at Diko who was in the direction of the territory lord's escape. He did not continue to pursue him, but left quickly after briefly searching for the loot.

With Diko's current status, he can apply for many resources for free in the Universe Mercenary Alliance. Naturally, he doesn't care about some of the so-called 'treasures' carried by these Universe-level and Territory Lord-level exiles in the prison battlefield, let alone think that What precious treasures will they have on them?However, these veterans who have been in the prison battlefield for a long time must know the prison battlefield better.From them, we may be able to find some clues about the hidden opportunities in the prison battlefield, but this is what Dicko is very interested in.

"Huh? This is..." Not long after leaving, Diko paused to check the trophies, and soon took out a card that was not just a beast from the storage belt of the cold man in black. The leather map, the black animal skin was faintly glowing red and full of strong evil aura, and the dense lines on it outlined a large-scale topographic map.

Especially the bloody knife in the middle of the top of the map, which gives people the feeling of being struck in the head by a bloodthirsty sharp knife at a glance. It seems to be a heart palpitation originating from the depths of the soul, which makes Dico's expression pale. His pale eyes narrowed slightly: "What is it? Is it a place? Or is there a terrible bloody knife in this place? If there is, this weapon may be beyond the scope of ordinary weapons, and it is a heavy treasure or even a treasure. .How could such a treasure be left on the prison battlefield without anyone picking it up?"

"Furthermore, the person who left this map is probably not an ordinary person. It's just that the blood knife on the map feels so terrifying based on my will. If I can simulate the breath of the blood knife to such a level, I'm afraid it's at least one person." A powerful immortal god, even stronger!" Diko looked at the animal skin map in his hand with frowning eyes, full of doubts in his heart: "But this map doesn't even have a trace of divine power. How on earth can it simulate the blood knife breath or leave behind it? Are you talking about sword intent?"

Dico, who realized that the blood knife mark was unusual, finally got such a clue. Naturally, he couldn't bear his curiosity. He roughly determined the location and direction, and then started looking for it all the way.
In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed. Dico, who was careful on his way, had a relatively smooth journey and finally slowly approached the position marked by the blood knife on the animal skin map.

Moreover, he also found that the closer he got to that place, the beasts and other life forms in the prison battlefield became increasingly rare along the way, and in the end it was as if not even a ghost could be seen at all.

"What exactly is this place? Is it some kind of forbidden area in this prison battlefield?" Diko, who was becoming increasingly suspicious and curious in his heart, moved forward like an illusion on a vast desert-like land, but at a certain moment, he suddenly stopped. , after landing, he frowned and looked forward: "Is this... invisible sword energy?"

Dico clearly felt that the air in front of him seemed to be filled with strong energy everywhere, blowing on him like wind, as if ignoring the obstruction of the suit on his body, causing the skin all over his body to ache like needles.

At the same time, Dico also discovered that the red light that originally looked like sunset on the horizon from a distance was actually a blood-red mist that filled the sky. It surged as if the bloody mouth of some ferocious beast was ready to devour people at any time. .

"The environment here seems a bit familiar." Looking at the surrounding desert, Diko suddenly thought of the desert world environment in the Ring of Vulcan. Then he noticed the dark red inconspicuous Ring of Vulcan on his finger. The ring trembled slightly and glowed red.

Dico's face changed slightly as he subconsciously invaded the Vulcan Ring with his mind power, and immediately sensed the hot and violent sword energy filled with the trembling Vulcan Temple, exuding the aura of crazy bloodthirsty killing...
 Eryang, I've been at home for three days on leave, and it feels like it's happening all over again. Today, I feel less dizzy, so I can mentally write some words, but my throat hurts so much... My physical condition is so bad, I didn't expect Eryang to be like that. It's terrible!Also, please subscribe. I have been losing more and more subscriptions recently. If this continues, I will really have no motivation to continue writing.

(End of this chapter)

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