Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 336: A knife, a choice

Chapter 336 A knife, a choice

While the Fire Temple was trembling, the flaming bull-horned giant in the mid-air outside also quickly condensed. It was staring at the Fire Temple with a pair of bull's eyes and looked at the Fire Temple in surprise. Then it was busy looking towards the Dico's mind that had penetrated into the mid-air. Looking in the direction: "Dico, what's going on? What did you do?"

"I was just about to ask you, what is going on? What is hidden in this Fire Temple?" Diko's somewhat solemn voice also echoed in the air.

The horned giant was silent for a moment, then looked at the trembling Fire God Temple again, which was filled with terrifying sword energy and said: "Remember that I told you that my master, Lord Fire God, left a trace in this Fire God Temple. A precious treasure?"

"The most precious treasure in the Fire Temple?" Diko looked moved when he heard this, and then he frowned and communicated with the horned giant in the world ring: "Could it be that the treasure you mentioned is a sword? Is it a heavy treasure? Or the most precious sword?"

"Important treasure? Supreme treasure?" The horned giant seemed a little confused. He thought for a moment before shaking his head and said, "I don't know. I don't remember many things. However, you guessed it right. It is the most precious thing left by the master. The treasure is indeed a knife, a very terrible knife. In the past, it has been sleeping, but I don’t know why, it woke up."

"Sleeping? Awakening?" Diko became more and more confused after hearing this. Even if a knife is a treasure and has some spirituality, it may not produce a real spirit and it is not life. How can it still sleep and wake up?Is it an anthropomorphic figure of speech, or does this knife really have life characteristics?
However, feeling the crazy and terrifying sword aura, Diko also vaguely realized that this sword was definitely unusual. The aura it automatically emitted was so terrifying, how could it be easy to control?It gave Dicko the feeling more like a wild horse-like magic sword. The sword energy, which was filled with a crazy atmosphere of bloodthirsty killing, even affected Dicko's emotions, seducing the murderous intention in his heart.

"You can't control this sword yet, or even refine it, so you can only suppress it in the Fire Temple first. Only when you are strong enough can you try to refine and control it," the horned giant said As he waved his hand, the Fire Temple was rising like flames, exuding a terrifying aura that made the entire desert world tremble, and the crazy and sharp violent sword energy disappeared as quickly as the tide receded.

Everything in the desert world returned to calm, and his mind swept across the Fire Temple, which had once again turned into an ordinary palace with a completely restrained aura. Diko's heart trembled even more: "Being able to suppress such a terrifying knife, this The Fire Temple is probably at least a high-quality palace treasure, right? A top palace treasure? Or a palace treasure?"

"Moreover, it can withstand the aura pressure from the explosion of the Fire God Temple. This Fire God's Ring is by no means an ordinary world ring. Was it left by the Lord of the Universe, or was it refined by the Lord of the Universe? That mysterious Fire God, What level of power were you in your lifetime?" Thinking of this, Diko had more doubts in his heart.

The horned giant who suppressed the mysterious knife-like treasure in the Fire Temple couldn't help but ask: "Boy Dicko, what did you encounter outside? How did you wake up the sleeping Yan... knife?"

"I don't know where this place is or what is there, but" Dico also quickly told the horned giant about his experiences after entering the prison battlefield, especially what happened when he was attracted here by the animal skin map.

"Invisible sword energy...blood mist..." The horned giant frowned and fell into deep thought again, while Diko couldn't help but asked curiously: "Could it be that there is more than one sword like that? And there are differences between them. Or, what does this special place in the prison battlefield have to do with the God of Fire?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard the master say that there is more than one sword. Moreover, the master doesn't seem to have been to any prison battlefields," the horned giant shook his head slightly.

When Diko heard this, he secretly cursed in his heart and became speechless: "It seems? It seems? You amnesia guy, you don't have a few reliable words to say!" "I'm going to check it out, but this invisible sword energy is still there for the time being. I can resist it, but I don’t know how powerful it is. After all, I am still at the peak of the universe level. Although I have a good understanding of the law, I am still a little weak after all," Di Ke said.

"Well! Since it is related to the sword left by the master, we need to investigate it. If you encounter any trouble or danger that you cannot resist, just hide in the world ring. This Vulcan Ring is not that easy Destroyed," the horned giant reminded with a nod.

Dico nodded lightly in response, took a deep breath, and walked toward the place where the blood mist surged in the distance.
As expected, the invisible sword energy became more powerful the further they went. After a while, the advancing Diko couldn't help but stop trembling, and his face turned pale as he vomited blood.

"I'm afraid we haven't even made it one-tenth of the way! The sword energy is so powerful that I can't hold it anymore. It seems I can only do it." A somewhat helpless Diko thought. Suddenly, there was a liquid as thick as magma in his body. The liquid flowed out and fit into Dicko's skin, blending into muscles, forming a dark red close-fitting suit on his body. It was when Dicko first entered the Vulcan Ring and before he entered the planetary level. The protective armor obtained is the Flow Flame Clothes.

However, the Flowing Flame Clothes that Diko is wearing now is different from the Flowing Flame Clothes he got originally. Although the effects are similar, the level is not the same. It can directly allow Dico to improve his basic physical strength and defense to a large level.

In other words, with the help of Liuyanyi, Dicko, who is now at the peak of the universe level, has strength and defense comparable to the peak of the domain lord level.Coupled with his understanding of the law, he can be said to be invincible at the domain lord level, and he can fight even against the realm lord.

This enhanced version of the Flowing Flame Clothes was obtained by Diko in the Fire Temple.Since his understanding of the original law has improved by leaps and bounds, he has won many battles in the battle space in the Fire Temple, and the reward treasures he has received have become better and better, more and more precious and rare. The enhanced version of Liu Yanyi is in All of them can only be regarded as ordinary treasures.

With the help of Liu Yanyi, it was much easier for Dike to resist the invisible sword energy. After moving tens of millions of miles in one breath, he saw that the bloody mist that covered half of the sky was getting closer and closer. But the invisible sword energy that could easily cut a cosmic powerhouse into pieces made him feel that he had once again reached the limit of endurance and could no longer bear it.

And in addition to the invisible sword energy, the closer he got to the surging blood mist, the invisible evil energy and murderous intent became stronger, constantly shaking Diko's consciousness.If his will was not strong enough, even if his body could withstand the invisible sword energy, his consciousness would not be able to resist the invasion of the evil energy and murderous intent.

At the same time, the invisible evil spirit and sword energy are constantly influencing and stimulating Diko's consciousness and body, giving him the feeling that he can break through and step into the Territory Lord level at any time. If he even continues to advance further, even if he does not want to break through and become a Territory Lord, I am afraid that I will be directly stimulated and break through automatically.

"What should I do? Break through directly? I have just accepted my first cosmic-level training mission, so am I too eager to break through and become a domain master? But if I don't break through, I'm afraid I will have to go back home and miss this opportunity. This is an opportunity." After Diko hesitated for a while, he made a decisive decision: "My understanding of the law is already very high. Even if I break through and become a Domain Lord, I will still be the top among Domain Lord-level geniuses. And this If I miss the opportunity, I may not be able to meet it in a short period of time. I want to grow and become stronger as soon as possible, so naturally I have to move forward courageously. To worry too much is not in line with my status as a peerless evil genius."

(End of this chapter)

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