Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 337: Blocking the Realm Lord

Chapter 337: Blocking the Realm Lord
Considering that the stronger the strength, the greater the possibility of obtaining chance treasures, Dike, who could no longer endure it, quickly underwent transformation-like changes in his body under the stimulation of the invisible evil aura and sword aura.
In Dicko's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a beautiful and gorgeous spiral galaxy core, and there are eight small black holes on the eight spiral arms of the huge black hole. It is obvious that Dicko's telepathy has already reached the peak of the cosmic level.

Suddenly, the devouring power of the central black hole and the eight small black holes on the spiral arms surged, causing the stars in the surrounding spiral galaxies to be crazily devoured, causing the central black hole to continue to grow, and even the eight small black holes on the adjacent spiral arms were also affected. The influence of gravity is rapidly approaching...
After a short time, the black hole in the center swallowed everything and formed a super large black hole. Then the quantitative change caused a qualitative change. The extremely expanded black hole suddenly collapsed inward, causing the entire black hole area to continue to shrink. In the blink of an eye, the entire black hole collapsed and disappeared. At the same time, a gray ball appeared in the center of the original black hole, which was the core singularity.

The singularity is very small, but it is the real core of life of the powerful domain lord, and it is also the starting point of nurturing a world.This kind of gestation runs through the entire process from the first level to the ninth level of the Territory Lord, and finally undergoes a qualitative transformation, turning into a world, and the Territory Lord has stepped into the level of the Realm Lord.

The inner world of the Realm Lord is the real One World. Living things can survive in it, store items, and even use the power of the Realm Lord to fight. This also makes the Realm Master who controls the One World stronger than the powerful Domain Lord. many.

Going from the pinnacle of the universe level to the domain lord level is also a big leap. Not to mention that the power of mind, force, and physical fitness have increased tenfold in an instant. With the life core, Diko, in addition to the life core, is also a big leap. No matter how severely injured the physical body is, it can recover quickly, and the ability to save life is greatly improved.

Coupled with Liu Yanyi's assistance, Diko's physical fitness and strength are at the peak of the Domain Lord and even comparable to the World Lord.Coupled with Diko's understanding of the law, which is comparable to that of the powerful Immortal War Lord, he is not afraid at all even if he faces the real powerful World Lord.

Feeling the transformational improvement in his own strength and greatly increasing his confidence, Diko couldn't help but look at the surging blood mist in front of him, and his figure flew closer to it again...
"Huh?" Unknowingly, the surging blood mist area was as close as a stone's throw away. It was about to get closer. Feeling the impact of the increasingly powerful invisible sword energy and evil spirit, I felt that I could still Diko, who continued to support a longer distance, was about to speed up when he suddenly sensed something like a change in his expression: "The power of the Realm Lord?"

It is impossible for ordinary powerful Domain Lords to detect the power of the Realm Lord's virtual Realm Lord, but Liu Yan Yi is very special, improving Diko's physical fitness and strength, giving him power comparable to that of a Realm Lord. At the same time, it can also allow it to perceive the power of the world lord level.

Feeling that the power of the realm master swept past him and then circled back, obviously locking himself, Diko, who frowned, couldn't help but rushed forward at an explosive speed, trying to get rid of the lock of the power of the realm master. , enter the blood mist area as soon as possible.

However, the other party is the world leader, so how can his reaction and speed be slow?Just as Biao She was approaching the surging blood mist and feeling the strong evil aura permeating it, Dico also clearly felt an equally powerful aura approaching rapidly from behind.

"What a bad luck! Shouldn't the Realm Lord-level powerhouses gather inside and in the core area of ​​the Prison Battlefield? How could they appear here? Moreover, the great Realm Master, why are you staring at me, a junior who has just stepped into the realm lord level? Let go?" Dico, who was depressed and cursing secretly in his heart, was rushing towards the blood mist at an unabated speed when a cold and low thunderous voice came from behind: "Boy, don't run away, or I will kill you. !”

"Hmph!" Dico snorted coldly, not bothering to respond at all. Instead, he burst out again and sped up a little faster. Seeing the surging blood mist in front of him, Dico even smelled the bloody smell and the trembling... The invisible sharp aura that tightened the skin was as if a bloodthirsty knife was hanging above his head and ready to be chopped off at any time.Just as Diko approached the surging blood mist, he let out an angry groan, and then the invisible power of the Hollow World Lord invaded Diko's body. Under the weakening of the special material of the Flowing Flame Clothes, he was still Heading directly towards Diko's sea of ​​consciousness.
"Soul attack method? You want to kill me with a long-range attack by the power of the virtual world lord?" Facing the power of the virtual world lord that invaded the body, Diko didn't care at all, using his original law to understand , the soul defense method Void Tower learned from the lineage of the Fallen Ink Star has already reached the five-story pagoda level. Coupled with the strong will and the soul-burning secret method at the bottom of the box, even in the face of the immortal military leader's random soul attack method, he can still have the confidence to fight hard. Resist it.

With the blessing of a strong will, the five-story pagoda covering the singularity core in the sea of ​​consciousness only trembled slightly and easily blocked the opponent's soul attack method. At the same time, Diko continued to fly towards the nearby one without slowing down. Blood mist...
"Huh?" Finding that Diko was not affected at all, the powerful Realm Master was obviously a little surprised, and then he suddenly burst into speed and approached like a bloody stream of light.

With the terrifying speed that a world lord-level powerhouse can explode in an instant, the boom can reach a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles in just an instant. Diko, who had just resisted the opponent's long-range soul attack method, felt the terrifying aura approaching quickly from behind. , and the violent and terrifying attack fluctuations.

"You have no grievances, but you kill me as soon as you come up. Do you really think I'm easy to mess with?" Di Ke also tried hard, and suddenly turned around. Under the surging blood mist like a wave, flames all over his body instantly rose. , the whole person was bathed in flames like a god of fire, the body swelled in a circle, twisting the body and punching out, the red energy visible to the naked eye was like a small mountain, directly facing the fire dragon sweeping in s attack.

Boom...In an instant, like a spark hitting the earth, the terrifying energy storm that was violent enough to destroy a planet swept across, causing the blood mist behind Dico to surge violently, and Dico's figure was like a meteor Like shooting directly into the endless blood mist.

At the same time, in the chaotic energy storm, a burly figure also appeared. He was three or four meters tall, with long dark red hair and a slightly thin man with a knife-like face. His aura was violent and full of evil aura, like a man addicted to alcohol. The blood is as murderous as a god.

"A little guy who has just entered the Domain Lord level, can actually catch my punch...a member of the core layer of the five major human forces? Or is he a monster and pervert trained by some old guy?" The burly man muttered with frowning eyebrows in confusion, and then followed He snorted and said with an indifferent look: "However, with this little strength, entering the sea of ​​blood mist is simply courting death!"

After saying that, looking at the blood mist surging in front of him, the burly man with a look of desire but solemn fear on his knife-like face did not enter it, but directly turned into a stream of blood and left, as if his It seemed that he only appeared to prevent Dicko from entering the sea of ​​blood mist.

At the same time, in the endless blood mist, Diko, who had only used force to enter the blood mist, did not expect that as soon as he entered the blood mist, his whole body was wrapped by an invisible force, and he was carried and quickly traveled through the endless blood mist. , moving faster and faster towards the depths of the blood mist
"What's going on? Could it be that this area shrouded in blood mist is like a black hole, a death trap?" The somewhat confused Diko, thinking of this, subconsciously tried to break the power that was holding him, but it felt like a punch. It hit an invisible wall of energy that couldn't be shaken at all.

(End of this chapter)

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