Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 338 Flame Crystal 9 Body Refining

Chapter 338 Nine Body Refining of Flame Crystal

Feeling the force of the counter-shock, Diko was a little surprised. On the contrary, he calmed down. With a thought, he activated the power of the world in the Vulcan Ring to surround him, and then waited silently to see the invisible force. Where exactly is the coercion going to take him?

Now in this situation, since we can't resist and retreat, we can only accept it.Moreover, the invisible coercion power is different from the ordinary swallowing power. It should not be formed naturally. Instead, it is like some kind of special transmission, which makes Dico feel that he should stay away from the secret hidden in the blood mist. Closer to opportunity.

In such a coercive and rapid flight, after a while, Dico almost felt a little anxious and uneasy. Suddenly, he felt a bright red light in front of his eyes, and he was instantly blinded. Then he felt weightless, as if he was flying rapidly. Falling.

Peng... was caught off guard. Just as he was about to stabilize his figure, Dico fell to the ground in a panic. He subconsciously wanted to get up, but an invisible pressure came suddenly, making Dico's face tremble all of a sudden. Turning red, the invisible sharp sword energy seemed to be able to tear everything apart. Dike felt that his internal organs were immediately severely injured, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.
Diko, who had his eyes widened, reluctantly raised his head and saw a giant knife stuck on the dark red ground in his sight. He felt that the sharp aura on the knife penetrated into his soul and mind, as if it was about to hurt his eyes. Similar.

Immediately afterwards, Diko saw that the knife seemed to have a blood-colored light shining on it, and found that there was only a piece of blood in his sight, a color that made people palpitate and fear, a color that was full of bloody evil and murderous intent.

"Ah no..." Dicko, whose consciousness was instantly filled with blood, relied on his strong will to barely stay awake. He roared and struggled to get up, but his whole body trembled and he spat out a mouthful of blood again, trembling. He knelt down weakly on one knee.

The next moment, flames rose all over his body, condensing into a layer of crimson energy armor on the body surface. At the same time, Diko used the soul-burning secret method, and then barely resisted the invasion of the soul by the terrible murderous evil spirit. Relying on the "Black Hole Evolution" The strong body blessed by the Flame Crystal Ninth Refining Body slowly stood up against the invisible sharp sword energy.

"Ah, come on! I want to see how powerful you are. Am I not even qualified to get close to you?" Diko roared through gritted teeth, his eyes fixed on the handle stuck in the dark red ground. The blood-red giant sword, and then took some difficult steps to get closer.

This is a space covered by a blood-colored light shield. It doesn't look very big, which makes the bloody giant sword look particularly big.In front of him, Diko, who was as tiny as an ant, relied on his strong will to approach step by step with difficulty.

"Pfft..." After walking less than a third of the way to the bloody giant knife, Dico couldn't help but vomited another mouthful of blood. After walking a few steps, he coughed with blood from the corner of his mouth. I got up and had to stop.

"Still can't bear it?" Dicko murmured helplessly, and suddenly sat cross-legged with his eyes closed. Flames rose on the energy armor with a large number of cracks on his body, and then began to absorb and refine the energy in this space. Rich original energy of the universe.

Chichi's rich cosmic origin energy was mixed with a large amount of sharp sword energy. When it fell on Diko's energy armor, sparks suddenly appeared from the friction, which also caused more fine cracks on it.But then, under the burning of the flames, the energy armor that absorbed the refined and pure energy quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Just like that, time passed quietly. I don’t know how long it took. When Diko breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. After finishing the practice, there were no cracks in the energy armor on the body. He allowed the invisible sword energy to continue to attack and chop. , as unbreakable as a diamond.

"Unexpectedly, this is a good place to practice the Ninth Flame Crystal Body Refining! It actually made my Ninth Flame Crystal Body Refining reach a whole new level in a short period of time," Di said with a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth. Ke, feeling that his body and strength had become much stronger, raised his head and glanced at the bloody giant sword in front of him, and then continued to walk forward unswervingly.

This time, Diko, who had walked most of the remaining two-thirds of the way, stopped again after approaching the bloody giant knife...
Clang...clang...accompanied by the harsh clashing sound of gold and iron, it was as if there were invisible sharp knives slashing hard at Dicko's body, leaving cracks all over the energy armor on his body, and he was about to collapse.

"Don't hold on!" Diko gritted his teeth and his whole body was filled with blazing flames. He was constantly absorbing refining energy to repair his energy armor. After a stalemate for a while, he reluctantly took another step forward. However, the energy armor on his body also cracked at that moment. Rapidly increasing...
Diko, who was busy stopping to absorb energy and repair the energy armor, was in a stalemate again... At the same time, in the process of training, the mental power consumed by Diko was constantly being restored.

With such constant consumption of practice and difficult progress, Diko's Nine Flame Crystal Body Refiners became more and more powerful.Under this kind of pressure, the cultivation of Yanjing Nine Body Refiners has indeed progressed very quickly.But the further back he went, the harder it became for Dico to take a step forward. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the bloody giant sword, it was as far out of reach as a chasm.

At the same time, in the Azure Tower in the center of the continuous temple in the void next to the continent where the prison battlefield is located, the young black-haired Lord Feng Yao, sitting cross-legged, looked at the direction of the prison battlefield from a distance, with a look of surprise and surprise on his face. : "I didn't expect that the little guy named Diko could really enter the sea of ​​blood mist, and even cause the blood knife to automatically lead him..."

"It's a pity that I can't even get close to the blood knife. If I want to really get the blood knife, it will be even more difficult to reach the sky," the Lord of Feng Yao shook his head and said. If the blood knife is really that easy to get, it will be a long time to sit in the secret realm of glory. How could the Lord of Time watch indifferently?
"But this little guy Diko is really stubborn! He's not even willing to give up." The Lord of Fengyao said and frowned: "Little guy, you have to do what you can! You work so hard for something." It is easy to fall down if you ignore everything with a bloody sword that you don't know the origin of. After all, you are too weak after all. It seems that Huang Jian must be notified of this matter. Otherwise, the newly recruited disciple will really die on the prison battlefield. He will definitely come to me to settle the score."

"Huh?" When he was about to contact the Lord of Huangjian, the Lord of Fengyao suddenly showed a look of surprise: "The origin of the law has come? This kid is indeed a monster. He has already understood the origin of the law of fire. It has reached such a level. It is recognized by the original law of the universe as soon as it steps into the Domain Lord level. What is it really? How could this happen? Could it be?"

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of Fengyao discovered something like this, and suddenly stood up in a rare rudeness. He could hardly help but go directly to the prison battlefield, with a look of surprise and disbelief on his face.

In the prison battlefield, deep in the sea of ​​blood mist, in a blood-colored space, accompanied by the extremely powerful and mysterious aura of blazing laws, in the dazzling fiery red light, the invisible sword energy and evil energy around the blood sword were quickly weakened and dispersed as if suppressed. ..
Buzz... The space trembled, and a drop of fiery red magma-like water appeared out of thin air above Diko's head, and then landed in the middle of Diko's eyebrows, causing a flame mark to appear on his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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