Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 339 'Waste wood' Muke

Chapter 339 'Waste wood' Muke

In an instant, Dicko's consciousness followed the soul-shaking silent call and entered the ocean of fire, the origin of the universe. As he more clearly sensed the origin of fire, his body was keenly aware of the changes in the outside world, and he suddenly became excited. As if he had come back to his senses, he felt that the invisible sword aura and evil spirit around him were no longer affected. His eyes suddenly brightened and he hurriedly approached the bloody giant sword.

At the same time, Diko also noticed that under the dazzling fiery red light that contained the fluctuations of the law, the blood-colored giant sword with a bloody surface was actually trembling, as if struggling.

And the original law of fire, which was about to dissipate, also felt the breath of the blood knife, as if it was stimulated by it. The same light shone brightly, and then the light above was distorted, and it turned out to be golden, green, earthy yellow and Water-blue light descended, and the dazzling five-color light enveloped the bloody giant sword, immediately dimming the light of the bloody giant sword.

After the aura of the bloody giant sword restrained itself, the dazzling five-color light slowly dissipated.Witnessing this strange situation with his own eyes, Diko gritted his teeth and resisted standing beside the giant sword that turned into a dark gold color without moving away. After the breath of the original law of the five elements attributes dissipated, he subconsciously turned his head and looked to the side. The dark golden giant sword, which still had a restrained aura, hesitated slightly and then reached out to touch the blade like a ghost...
Buzz.. Almost at the moment when Diko's palm touched the blade, the dark golden sword suddenly trembled. At the same time as the bloody light shone, Diko's eyes widened as if he had been struck by lightning, and soon there was something in his eyes. He showed a look of surprise...
At the same time, the five-color original law aura that had just disappeared came again, shrouding the bloody giant sword and Diko.
When Diko's palm touched the blade of the dark golden giant sword, he felt that the sharp and invisible sword energy instantly tore the palm of his hand, and then his whole palm was sucked in. Diko's whole body was trembling, and at the same time he only felt something ancient and fuzzy. Memories flooded into his mind, and they were so messy that Dico couldn't distinguish them for a moment. He could only vaguely distinguish what seemed to be scenes of forging weapons.

Until some pictures of mysterious symbols and patterns on weapons emerged in Dicko's mind, an invisible restraint and oppression suddenly came and acted directly on Dicko's soul, causing those things that emerged in Dicko's soul to disappear. The picture quickly blurred, as if it had been erased.

The dull pain in his soul instantly made Dico feel dazed, followed by a burst of dizziness. While he was confused, Dico seemed to see the picture of mysterious symbols and patterns carved on the weapons, and they were even more complicated. Before Dicko could think about it carefully, his consciousness had completely fallen into a coma.

After an unknown amount of time, Dico slowly woke up. When he suddenly opened his eyes, he saw a gauze tent, a wooden roof with black paint, and dragon patterns circling around. Dico was stunned for a moment: "This Where is it? It's not the prison battlefield, has it traveled through time again?"

"Hiss" hurriedly sat up. The feeling of pain and weakness that spread all over his body immediately made Diko frown and take a breath: "What's going on with my body? Is it useless?"

Just when Diko was looking at the antique furnishings in the spacious room and became more and more confused, with the sound of gentle footsteps, a gentle and beautiful woman in white walked in. Seeing that Diko had woken up, he was suddenly shocked and confused. He hurriedly stepped forward: "Your Highness, are you awake?"

"Your Highness?" Di Ke glanced at her with a frown, and the woman in white who was supporting Di Ke to sit on the bed lowered her head and continued: "Sir, how do you feel? Doctor Xu has come over to give you some treatment before. After reading it, they said that something went wrong in the practice, and the meridians were injured, and it needs to be rested for some time. Young Master, you are really too impatient. The practice of internal energy needs to be done step by step. You are too impatient."

Young Master?Hearing that she suddenly changed her title again, Dico became more and more murmuring in his heart. Then he felt a dull pain in his head, and a large number of messy memories poured into his mind. There were the original memories of this body, but there were still more. Weapon making screen
"Sir..." Seeing that Diko suddenly exhaled while holding his head against his head, and soon passed out, the woman in white whose face changed couldn't help but shouted outside: "Come here, come here, go and ask for Dr. Xu!"

After falling asleep for a long time, Dicko woke up again. It was already late at night. The moonlight shined through the window onto the bed, and happened to shine on the woman in white who was sleeping beside the bed. Under the moonlight, she was as beautiful as The jade-like, delicate and fair face made Diko slightly distracted. "Yunlan..." Looking at this familiar woman who kept appearing in his memory, Dike murmured, recalling the memory of this body with vague eyes: "Qianlong Continent, Chu Dynasty, three counties in the southern region Mu family, the second son of Zhennan Wang Muchun, Mu Ke... was dissatisfied with his father for allowing his sister Mu Jin to enter the Chu Palace as a concubine, and had a complete falling out with his father due to the death of his sister Mu Jin. He left the Chu Dynasty in anger and came to My mother’s family, the Di family, lived in the Ming Dynasty. I changed my mother’s surname to Di Ke and tried to do business with the support of the Di family. This identity script seems a bit bloody!”

"The Mu family of the three counties in the southern region is the secret agent of the Qin family, and they are also descendants of the First Queen. So with my current status, wouldn't I be of the same clan as Qin Yu?" Di Ke muttered secretly: "King Zhennan His son, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! Unfortunately, he is just the second son of Zhennan Wang Wen who is not good at martial arts. It is a bit similar to Qin Yu's start, but this person is really useless! He is useless and incompetent, and he has a bad temper. He was so young that he and his father had a falling out. In the end, he still had to rely on his mother’s family for help, what a loser!”

Fortunately, although Mu Ke's mother died young, she left him with a gentle and capable personal maid Yun Lan, who helped him even before he fell out with his father Mu Chun. Manage some of the properties left by my mother.Otherwise, it would be difficult for Mu Ke to survive and eat after leaving the Mu family and losing his status as the heir apparent!

However, this kid still refuses to accept his own talents. Although his martial arts talent is mediocre, he insists on cultivating to become an innate master. He also cultivates both internal and external skills. He is not very tolerant of hardship when practicing external skills. However, he goes too far when practicing internal skills because he is too impatient. As a result, he completely loses himself. It's ruined...
A few days later, in the early autumn weather, there was still a trace of heat in the air. In the evening, Dike, who was sitting in a wheelchair as if paralyzed, was enjoying the cool wind under the ancient trees in the courtyard.

Yun Lan, who is dressed in white and has an orchid temperament, as gentle and quiet as a rich lady, is making tea at the side, and her skillful movements are pleasing to the eye.

"Sir..." As a clear and gentle voice came, a handsome middle-aged man with gray hair and linen clothes walked in. When Yun Lan saw him, she couldn't help but stood up and saluted: "Mr. Xu!"

Mr. Xu, a handsome middle-aged man who smiled and nodded at Yun Lan, walked straight to Di Ke and stretched out his hand to feel his pulse. Di Ke also clearly felt a trace of cool energy pouring into his arm and surrounding his body. After a while he went back.

"It's strange, Young Master, have you been practicing external skills these past few days? But even with external skills, it's impossible for your body to become weak in just a few days... It's really strange!" After retracting his hand, Xu Liangxian suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

strangeness?Di Ke laughed secretly in his heart. Ever since he knew that his meridians were severely damaged due to going crazy while practicing, he had tried to practice the gene source energy cultivation method of swallowing the starry sky world. With his keen perception of the aura of heaven and earth, he easily got started. .

It was the first time in this world that I tried to practice the Gene Source Energy Cultivation Method. After I started, my body absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and my physical fitness improved like a transformation...
(End of this chapter)

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