Chapter 341 Casting Skills

After Yun Lan reluctantly went to pack her things, Xu Liangxian finally came in from the outside as if belatedly arrived: "Sir, I checked Master Di. He was just injured and unconscious. There is nothing serious. !What happened? Master Di, he”

"Uncle Xu, forget about that bastard Di Shaojian. He is asking for trouble," Di Yan curled her lips and then looked at Di Kelian and asked, "Sir, where should we go next? Why not, let's go to Chu The three counties in the eastern region of the dynasty are ready. They are close to the outskirts of the ancient wilderness, and it is more convenient for us to arrange people to go into the ancient wilderness to collect some rare medicinal materials. By then, the business of the Jishengtang Pharmacy Store left behind by Madam will definitely be better."

"Three counties in the Eastern Region... Prehistoric." Di Ke was slightly moved when he heard this, while Xu Liangxian raised his eyebrows in surprise and said, "Sir, are you ready to leave?"

"We have already broken up with Di Shaojian, and we have no choice but to leave." Di Ke smiled helplessly, but Xu Liangxian shook his head slightly: "Sir, even so, the Di family probably won't drive us away. Even , I’m afraid the young master’s uncle will take the initiative to come to apologize later. If he knew that you were leaving, he would definitely dissuade you.”

"Uncle Xu, you said the Di family will prevent the young master from leaving? Is it because?" Di Yan frowned with a look of deep thought on her face, while Di Ke also thought of something, nodded thoughtfully and laughed at himself: "That's right! No matter what. How to put it, even if I don't admit it, I am still a member of the Mu family. The reason why my uncle and grandpa prefer me and are willing to take me in is not because of my identity? What they really care about is the Zhennan Palace!"

"Then Young Master, are we still leaving?" Di Yan asked with an eyebrow. It was obvious that she still didn't like staying here. Although she was taken in and raised by Di Ke's mother, who also gave her the surname 'Di', Di Yan actually has no feelings for the Di family. After all, she was an orphan and didn't even know her real last name.

Diko pondered for a moment and then said: "It is inevitable to leave, but don't be in a hurry. Let's see what my uncle's attitude is first! After all, it is my mother's family. We have been here for so long, and we have to leave. Just leave without making a sound."

Xu Liangxian on the side couldn't help stroking his beard and nodding with a smile. He looked at Di Ke with satisfaction, secretly left the palace, and experienced the near-death experience of going crazy while practicing martial arts. The young master has indeed grown a lot, and is thinking more and more appropriately about issues. .

"Uncle Xu, send someone to send my cousin back to Di's house!" Di Ke asked Xu Liangxian, and Xu Liangxian, who smiled lightly and agreed, also hurriedly made arrangements.Usually, Xu Liangxian is not only Dike's personal doctor and bodyguard, and the teacher who guides him in practicing martial arts, but also Dike's big housekeeper, helping him deal with some trivial and troublesome things.

As expected, not long after Di Shaojian was sent back to Di's house, Di Ke's cheap uncle Di Min came to Di Ke's residence.

Not only did Di Min not blame Di Ke for Di Shaojian's injury, but he blamed Di Shaojian for not taking good care of Di Ke. He said that the Di family didn't take good care of Di Ke and treated Di Ke like an uncle. Facing the prince born of his sister.

In fact, in the three counties of the Southern Region of the Chu Dynasty, the Mu family was the Tu Emperor. The status of the son of King Zhennan in the three counties of the Southern Region can be imagined.

The Di family is just a businessman. Although they do a lot of business and can be considered a wealthy family, compared with the Mu family, they pale into insignificance.Even if the Di family is based in the Ming Dynasty, if it really offends the Mu family, it will be very easy for the Mu family to touch it.

What's more, the Di family has always called themselves the losers of the Mu family. They have long wanted to cling to the Mu family and regard the Mu family as their main supporter. Naturally, they take more careful care of Di Ke.From the Mu family's point of view, even if Dike had a falling out with his father, Zhennan Wang Muchun, he was Mu Chun's biological son after all. The nature of father and son, and Mu Chun only had two sons, how could he really deny his younger son? Woolen cloth?
Moreover, the strength Di Ke showed when he injured Di Shaojian made the Di family believe that he was already an innate master.The innate master who has just reached the age of 20 has high potential and unlimited future. If Zhennan Wang Muchun knew about it, he would be even less likely to give up on his son.Naturally, the Di family valued Di Ke even more because of this.

Facing his uncle's cautious flattery, Diko was not prepared to embarrass him. Instead, he took the initiative to ask him for some fine iron and black iron for making weapons, and also asked for two blacksmiths who were good at making weapons. .

The attitude of the Di family made it difficult for Dike to mention leaving for a while, so he planned to spend his time practicing to ponder the casting skills that had been introduced to his mind from the bloody knife on the prison battlefield.

Dico, who had never been exposed to casting before, planned to start learning the most basic weapon-making skills.This is the basis for refining weapons. It can be used whether it is refining spiritual weapons, fairy weapons, divine weapons, heavenly weapons or even Hongmeng spiritual treasures in this world, or creating heavy treasures and treasures in the Devouring World.

Moreover, in the Devouring World, the casting skills passed down to Dicko by the Blood Knife even erased the rules of the universe.Being able to touch the rules of the universe must be a big deal. How could Dico not be interested?
In fact, many of the casting techniques passed down by the blood sword are somewhat similar to, or even the same as, some of the weapon refining methods that Diko obtained from the Vulcan inheritance.In other words, the inheritance of casting skills should also come from the world of mountains and seas, which made Dico even more curious.

A few days later, Dico lived in a quiet courtyard. Next to the forging furnace that exuded a blazing hot smell, a middle-aged man with short white hair like a steel needle, Yan Fen, watched with stern eyes as Dico forged a rough piece of fine iron. Pointing from the side, Yan Lie, a man in his 30s with thick arms, pulled the bellows loudly, causing the flames on the casting furnace to jump up and down.
It was said to be a pointer, but Yan Fen only pointed out some basic casting tips to Dike, and Dike started to try casting according to the most basic casting techniques inherited from his memory, as if he were exploring on his own.
Bang... Bang... Accompanied by a very rhythmic beating sound, Dicko, who used his strength, relied on his ingenious force-generating skills to unknowingly complete the forging of a rough piece of fine iron. It's obviously a circle or two smaller when it's up.

"Okay! Even if I did it myself, it would be difficult to forge this piece of fine iron into this in such a short period of time." After Diko stopped, he stepped forward to inspect the forged iron block and praised it. Yan Fen turned to look at Diko and couldn't help but said: "Sir, have you really never been exposed to forging before?"

"No," Diko shook his head decisively, and Yan Fen was even more amazed: "Young master is really talented in casting. If you are willing to put in some hard work, you will definitely become a master of casting in the future!"

"Master Yan has said it before. I just thought about the technique of exerting force. Blacksmithing and attacking have the same purpose in exerting force." Di Ke shook his head and smiled, while Yan Yan wiped his sweat and stopped blowing the bellows. He stood up and panted slightly, grinning: "Dad, are you confused? As a young master, how can you focus on being a blacksmith in the future?"

Yan Fen was stunned when he heard this, and then he shook his head and smiled: "That's right! The young master is like a dragon or a phoenix among men. Naturally, he can't do such a dirty job like us."

"Blacksmithing is not a lowly occupation. If there were not those masters of weapon refining, where would those immortal weapons come from?" Diko said with a smile: "To be honest, I am quite interested in casting. I I really want to know if I will have the opportunity to create weapons used by immortals in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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