Chapter 342
Create weapons used by immortals?Yan Fen and Yan Lie, father and son, couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment after hearing this, secretly thinking that Young Master really dares to think that!

Their father and son were able to forge immortal weapons, and they were already considered the top weapon-refining masters of the Di family.It is generally accepted that the weapons used by the Immortal can only be refined by the Samadhi True Fire of the Immortal. They are not weapons that ordinary people can forge.

"The flames that I am now inducing to condense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth are comparable to the flames formed by the true energy of innate masters who practice fire-attribute skills. After I step into the planet level and reawaken my special ability to refine fire, its power will also be It is by no means inferior to the Samadhi True Fire of the Golden Elixir Stage cultivators," Di Ke was confident. Through the power of the innate level flame, he could naturally roughly deduce the power of the Samadhi True Fire of the Golden Elixir Stage cultivators.

And even if there is no flame that can match the true fire of samadhi of cultivators in the golden elixir stage, it may not be impossible to refine the spiritual weapons used by cultivators.

Among the weapon refining methods that swallowed up the world's mountains and seas, the most special blood refining method can even refine magical weapons with growth attributes, which is the so-called blood refining magic weapon.

Weapons refined by the blood refining method, even if their foundation is very poor, can only be comparable to ordinary divine weapons when they are first refined. However, with the killing, they can slowly grow to be comparable to spiritual weapons and even powerful weapons. An even more terrifying divine weapon.

Divine weapons with growth attributes and no upper limit have never been seen or even heard of in Devouring World.In a sense, it is even more precious than the Yuan embryo, the precious weapon of the God King inherited from ancient civilizations.

In Diko's opinion, although the weapon refining method of the Shanhai lineage also has some other special features, I am afraid that only this blood refining magic weapon has truly touched the rules of the universe, and is not allowed to appear by the rules of the universe.Because the emergence of the blood-refined magic weapon has indeed broken some balances.

"The blood knife in the prison battlefield, with such a heavy murderous aura, should be a blood-refined magic weapon." Thinking of the experience before the coma consciousness came to this world, Dico couldn't help but become more and more curious about the mysterious blood knife. : "Who left that bloody knife behind? I don't know what level the bloody knife has grown to. It should be a treasure, right? And it doesn't feel like an ordinary treasure. Otherwise, after its breath explodes, it will not directly Causing the suppression of the rules governing the universe.”

"The superpowers of the human race did not get it, probably because it was suppressed by the rules of the universe, right?" Thinking of this, Diko couldn't help but feel worried: "Then can I get it? Even if I get it, , how do I use it?”

"There are also the weapon refining methods of the Shanhai lineage and the blood refining method of divine weapons. Although I have learned it, even if my consciousness wakes up and returns to swallow the world, the memory of inheritance in my mind will not be erased by the rules of the universe, but the rules of the universe will. Are you allowed to refine the blood-refined magic weapon?" A somewhat worried Diko secretly said: "It seems that we can only hope for a chance of survival under the rules. Luo Feng can defy the rules of the universe and practice to improve the level of life genes. "Nine Tribulations Secret Code", my situation is even more magical and special, I can travel through other universes with my consciousness, there is no reason why I can't even learn the method of blood refining of divine weapons, right?"

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, several months passed... In addition to cultivating the original power of genes, Dike's thoughts were almost entirely on pondering the weapon refining techniques of the Shanhai lineage and making weapons.

In midsummer, the weather is already hot. In the yard where the casting furnace is specially placed, the entire courtyard is filled with heat waves, like a steam furnace, as the heat is continuously released from the casting furnace.

However, even so, under the scorching sun, it was the hottest time of the day, it could even be said to be the hottest day of this summer. The steaming heat made the air blurry, and next to the casting furnace, wearing only a pair of black gold shorts, Dicko, who was almost naked, was still immersed in the casting.
Under the continuous hammering of the black and faintly red casting hammer head, a long and narrow saber on the casting furnace has slowly taken shape...
Not far away, even if they were sitting under the shade of a tree, Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son were still sweating profusely. While drinking gulps of water and talking, they also felt puzzled that Dico chose to build weapons at this time.

Originally, the father and son could actually leave, because they had nothing to teach Diko about blacksmithing.On the contrary, Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son were attracted by the basic forging skills of the Shanhai lineage that Dike slowly revealed, so they chose to stay.I'm afraid the Di family never thought that they would end up losing a master forging by Yan Fen, the master of weapons, to teach Diko about forging.

Although it was a bit painful, Yan Fen and his son chose to follow Di Ke. They did not object or stop him, but they readily agreed.After all, everything they did was to make good friends with Diko, and then further close the relationship with the Mu family through Diko.

What does this little effort mean?As long as it can satisfy Diko and make him think of the good things about the Di family, it will be worth it even if it costs more.

As for the Yan family and his son, they are not at a loss either.Just because of Dico's identity, they would have a better future if they followed him.Although they are masters of weapon refining, they are only masters of weapon refining in the ordinary world. At most, they can only refine immortal weapons.As long as Di Ke is willing to give them some guidance, even the most basic weapon refining techniques of the Shanhai lineage will be enough to make their forging skills improve by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, as he deeply studied the weapon refining methods of the Shanhai lineage, Di Ke also started to think about making and selling weapons, especially high-quality dark iron weapons, and even immortal weapons. That would be a huge profit!
That's why Di Ke chose to accept Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son. The key is that Yan Fen is not only a master of weapon refining, but also an innate master.Without the assistance of innate-level flames, he would not be able to create an immortal weapon.

A congenitally skilled weapon master, for Diko, who currently has relatively few real masters under his command, it is still worth wooing him.

"Master Yan" was accompanied by a soft and melodious familiar voice. Yun Lan, who was wearing a white gauze skirt, was walking with two maids. The two maids also carried thirst-quenching sour plum soup and some fruits in their hands.

"Miss Yun Lan..." Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son stood up politely after seeing Yun Lan. After staying with Di Ke for a long time, they naturally understood Yun Lan's status as the mistress of the house. Don't dare to neglect easily.

Yun Lan, who had spoken politely to Yan Fen, then turned to look at Di Ke who was immersed in the casting with a raised eyebrow: "Young master, the casting time seems to be a bit too long. What kind of weapons are you making? "

"Miss Yunlan, what the young master wants to create this time is an immortal weapon, so it will naturally take a longer time." Yan Lie looked at Di Ke who was bathed in the sun and his whole body was on fire and said: "Moreover, After working for so long, the young master doesn’t look tired at all, which is really incredible. On such a hot day, the young master seems to be able to absorb the energy of the sun to replenish his own consumption. The skills that the young master cultivates are really amazing!"

"The skills that Young Master cultivates are indeed very suitable for forging," Yan Fen on the side also said with a smile: "And in the past few months, Young Master's strength seems to have improved rapidly."

The corners of Yun Lan's mouth curled up slightly when she heard this. She knew very well how powerful and special the skills Diko practiced were, because Diko also passed on the same gene energy training method to her.

(End of this chapter)

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