Chapter 343
When the Yan family's father and son were talking to Yun Lan, the rhythmic hammering sound stopped, and the way Dike tempered it next made both the Yan family's father and son and Yun Lan couldn't help but change their expressions...
I saw Dico's palm smearing the blade, and the sharp blade scratched his palm, and the blood instantly dyed the blade red. Then, Dico spread the blood from the wound on his palm evenly on the body of the knife, accompanied by 'chichichi' ' With a sound, the blood began to penetrate into the blade as the hot blade evaporated.

After the entire blade was stained with blood, Diko swiped his palm across the blade again, and more blood flowed out from the wound in his palm. With a thought, Dico directly controlled the flow of blood, turning it into an ancient and mysterious blood-colored character in mid-air. At the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was attracted to gather violently, heading towards the blade, and then slowly integrated into the blade.

Buzz.. The moment the blood-colored characters merged into the blade, they penetrated into the blade and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the long blade suddenly trembled with blood flowing on its surface, as if it came alive, had spirituality, and wanted to devour blood.
Shit.. The next moment, Dico, who was late with his hands, just made a seemingly random chop. Instantly, blood flames rose on the blade, causing the flame energy between heaven and earth to converge, and the air was instantly shaken and distorted.

"It can actually activate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Father, is this still an immortal weapon? It seems that only the legendary weapons of immortals can activate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, right?" Yan Lie couldn't help being surprised and shocked and asked his father, Yan Fen, in a low voice. road.

Yan Fen's expression was also moved, and he looked at the long knife with blood flames in Diko's hand with burning eyes: "Sacrifice the knife with blood to make the magic weapon spiritual? Could it be that this is an ancient weapon refining method that has been rumored to be lost? ? Unexpectedly, the young master actually knows such a method of refining weapons. No wonder the young master would choose to refine the sword in summer when the yang energy is strongest. However, the magic sword forged by this method is probably full of blood-devouring and ferocious power. Qi is something that ordinary people can control."

"Haha... Master Yan is indeed a forger, he really has a good eye!" Diko looked at the knife in his hand with satisfaction and said with a smile: "My forging method is called the blood refining method. Although it can give the weapon spirituality and It has potential, but its disadvantages are also relatively obvious. However, as long as you are not affected by the ferocious aura of this magic sword and can control it, then the so-called disadvantages will become a means of deterring and influencing the enemy, and it is also an advantage!"

"Sir, you must be very tired in this hot day, right? Come on, let's have a bowl of sour plum soup first," Yunlan, who came over with a bowl of sour plum soup, saw the blood on Di Ke's hands and couldn't help shouting to follow her. One of the maids who came with her went to get the golden sore medicine for her wounds.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury!" Dike took the bowl of sour plum soup and drank it in one breath. He handed the bowl back to Yun Lan's hand, and then moved his palm slightly, only to see the burning blood on the palm and the wounds on the wound. The scabs fell off directly, revealing new red and tender skin.

Diko, who has been practicing the genetic energy cultivation method for more than half a year, although he has not yet reached the planetary level, he is definitely at the peak level of the God of War. With strong cell activity, he can naturally recover from minor injuries very quickly.

"Recovering so quickly? The skills that Young Master has practiced are really amazing," Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son who came over later couldn't help but admired when they saw that the wound on Diko's palm had recovered.

At this moment, Di Yan, who was dressed in red and strode in from outside the courtyard, felt the hot atmosphere in the courtyard, glanced at the steaming stove next to Di Ke, and couldn't help but frowning and said: "I said, Mr. , are you planning to ignore everything and spend the rest of your life working hard?"

"Injured?" Sensing the faint smell of blood coming from Di Yan's body, Di Ke couldn't help but raise his head and frown at her and asked.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury! The person who hurt me was more seriously injured," Di Yan shook her head and said indifferently: "I just work hard, and I am destined to work hard for you in this life. If there is nothing else, I will do it first Go back and rest.”

As Di Yan said this, she was about to turn around and leave, but Di Ke suddenly threw the dark red simple and narrow saber to her with the blood flame in his hand disappearing.

"Is this... given to me?" Di Yan subconsciously reached out to take it. Looking at the knife in her hand, her eyes suddenly lit up. With her eyesight, she could naturally tell that this knife was unusual, and regardless of its weight, The feeling of holding it still makes it feel very comfortable, and I feel inexplicably unable to put it down.

"Well, this is the first immortal weapon I have made. It is specially made for you. It is a reward for your hard work and sacrifice for me." Diko nodded slightly and then said: "By the way, turn around. It's best to let this knife be stained with some of your blood. By nourishing the knife with blood, you can control it better, and even slowly become able to use it like an arm."

"Use blood to nourish the sword? It seems that only the weapons of immortals need to be shed with blood to identify the owner, right?" Di Yan raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard this.Diko said noncommittally: "Take good care of this sword. When you become stronger in the future and use it to drink the blood of more powerful people, it may not be able to grow and transform to rival the weapons used by immortals."

"It's comparable to the weapons used by immortals, is it true?" Di Yan murmured doubtfully, but without hesitation, she directly wiped the blade with her slender palm, and immediately a wound opened in her palm, and blood flowed out. In an instant, it was absorbed by the blood-stained blade like a sponge.

Buzz... The long knife trembled slightly in Di Yan's hand, as if she was a little excited, and Di Yan, who stared in surprise, also had her beautiful eyes shining: "So spiritual? Is it really just an immortal weapon?"

"Use the blood to warm and nourish it regularly. After you can truly communicate with it, you may be able to bring it into your body to warm it," Diko said noncommittally.

"Okay, I got it, I will make good use of it," Di Yan nodded happily and left directly with the knife.

After Di Yan left, Yan Fen couldn't help but asked excitedly and curiously: "Master, can your blood refining method really be able to refine weapons used by immortals?"

"The weapons used by the Immortals are not as rare as you think," Diko shook his head noncommittally, "As long as there are ores of good enough quality and the Immortals have learned a little bit about how to refine weapons, they can easily use them. The refined ones are relatively rare to ordinary people."

"Master Yan, please go back and prepare! Next, we may have to leave here," Diko said immediately: "If we want to refine the weapons used by immortals, we still need more wealth and resources. . After all, it’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!”

"Yes," Yan Fen responded excitedly and expectantly, and left with his son Yan Lie.

Yun Lan, who watched them leave, turned to Diko and said, "Sir, do you need more good ore?"

"Not only ores, but also materials that can be used to create magical weapons, such as monster claws, leather armor, etc., are all useful to me," Dico said.

Yun Lan's pretty face changed slightly when she heard this: "Sir, are you planning to enter the wilderness to search for precious mineral materials and hunt monsters?"

"That's right! Yun Lan, you know me well and guessed my thoughts right away." Diko nodded and smiled. Looking at Yun Lan's worried expression, he couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, I'm just going to go to the outskirts of Honghuang." Turn around, I don’t want to go deep into the inside of the ancient world. After all, the real danger in the ancient world is that some immortals will die or not live when they encounter them.”

(End of this chapter)

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