Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 344 In the wilderness

Chapter 344 In the wilderness
Prehistoric is the most mysterious and dangerous place on the Qianlong Continent. It is a vast area, covered with mountains and forests, and is full of crises.
In the outer areas of the prehistoric world alone, there are many ferocious beasts, and there are also many kinds of monsters, including some innate and even golden elixir stage monsters.

You know, the few immortals among the three great dynasties on the Qianlong Continent are just cultivators at the Golden Core stage.In the ancient times, there were not a few golden elixir stage demon beasts whose strength was comparable to that of immortals.

Fortunately, those powerful monsters almost always practice in the ancient wilderness where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is rich, and will hardly go to the mortal world where the spiritual energy is thin. Otherwise, the people of the three major dynasties of Qianlong Continent would not be able to live so peacefully. .

Precisely because the aura of heaven and earth in the ancient wilderness was rich, not only was the vegetation here lush, many powerful monsters were born there, but it was also home to various spiritual herbs, elixirs, rare minerals and other genius treasures.Some powerful monsters that have successfully cultivated themselves are full of treasures. Their sharp claws, fur and scales are all good materials for making magical weapons.

But powerful monsters, even some innate monsters, are not so easy to mess with.After all, monsters have rough skin and thick flesh, and their physical fitness is better than that of humans. Their teeth and claws are as sharp as divine weapons. It is often difficult for humans at the same level to kill monsters.

Therefore, those who dare to enter the wilderness to search for genius treasures, or even hunt monster beasts to obtain precious claws, fur and other materials from monster beasts, are undoubtedly highly skilled and courageous people, or they are some powerful forces with deep foundations.

But even so, they only dared to enter within a thousand miles of the outer reaches of the prehistoric world.Because if you go deeper into the wilderness, you are more likely to encounter powerful innate monsters and even golden elixir stage monsters, and the danger will naturally be higher.

If you are alone, even a strong innate master will generally not dare to venture into the wilderness easily.

About seven or eight hundred miles deep outside the prehistoric period, in a picturesque valley, a light mist filled the air. All kinds of flowers and plants were growing well, and there were also some medicinal materials that were relatively rare and rare in the outside world.

In the open space next to a cave on a cliff, there were several simple wooden houses built, and a casting furnace was placed outside one of the wooden houses.

Next to them were some monster claws, scales, etc. The naked father and son Yan Fen and Yan Lie were sweating like rain, waving the casting hammer, and busy building something.
On the grassy slope in the distance, Diko was sitting cross-legged and immersed in practice, surrounded by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth visible to the naked eye like mist.Dicko, whose skin was red all over, seemed to be filled with curling flames, and a fiery aura filled the air.

At the same time, Diko, who was immersed in the practice, seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, half awake but not awake. In a trance, he seemed to be in magma. He could clearly feel the surge of magma and the hot and surging fluctuations of the flame energy in it. Everything seemed to Contains the principles of heaven and earth...
In fact, since Dicko came to this world, he can always see some scenes when he is practicing or sleeping. Every plant, tree, wind and snow, or water flow, everything in the world contains the mystery of the great road. Dicko has the feeling of seeing everything in the world from God's perspective and experiencing the realm of the great road.

Just like in the original work, Qin Yu condensed the golden elixir of the soul and was able to understand the great enlightenment left by Zuo Qiumei, the god of life, in the tears of the falling stars, which made his soul realm improve all the time.

Naturally, with the improvement of the soul realm, Diko, whose soul has become more condensed, is also at ease in cultivation. The efficiency of absorbing the energy of the world is greatly improved, as if the affinity and compatibility with the aura of the world have been improved.

Roar... Accompanied by the faint roar of beasts, several figures in the distance quickly flashed over. The leaders were Di Yan and Xu Liangxian, and there were also three followers wearing black costumes.Their bodies were somewhat stained with blood, and almost everyone was dragging one or two corpses of dead beasts and monsters in their hands.Before the people arrived, the bloody smell was already drifting in the wind, which made Diko, who was immersed in practice, tremble slightly and open his eyes.

"I said, are you full of food? Let us work hard to help you move the foundry to the wilderness. Are you really making weapons on the spot in the wilderness? Don't you know that the sound of forging will alarm the surrounding people? Wild beasts and monsters. Even if we can easily kill the wild beasts and monsters that enter the valley, it is very likely to attract more and more powerful monsters, and may even attract some innate monsters." After getting close, throw it casually Di Yan got rid of the corpse of a red boar-like monster in her hand, glanced at Yan Fen and Yan Lie who were being cast, and couldn't help frowning and said to Di Ke angrily.

Di Ke smiled nonchalantly and said, "Wouldn't that be better? If we can really attract some powerful monsters, we don't have to go looking for them. We can just wait and see."

"My eldest young master, this is the beginning of time! What if some powerful monsters are attracted that we can't deal with?" Di Yan looked at Di Ke helplessly and said helplessly as if she was complaining.

"Don't worry, as long as it's not a golden elixir stage monster, there's nothing to be afraid of," Diko, who shook his head and smiled, stood up and said, "Even if a golden elixir stage monster happens to come to the outskirts of this prehistoric world, whoever will kill whom in the end will Not necessarily yet! To be honest, I really want to fight a monster at the Golden Core stage to see how powerful the monster at the Golden Core stage is."

As he spoke, Dicko suddenly made a fist and punched out seemingly casually, instantly detonating the spiritual energy of the world. With a terrifying air explosion sound like compressed air, his fist seemed to rise and burn with flames, and his whole body was covered with fire. The hot breath spreads like boiling...
Hearing Di Ke say that he wanted to fight a demonic beast in the Golden Core stage, Di Yan was about to mock him for not overestimating his own abilities. Feeling the terrifying power of Di Ke's punch, his beautiful eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. : "You...what level has your strength reached? How did it improve so fast?"

"Talent! My potential has exploded, and others can't envy it." Diko retracted his hand with a smile: "As for my current specific strength, it's hard to say! In short, as you know, I haven't survived the [-]th grade. There’s a catastrophe!”

Xu Liangxian, who was also shocked, came to his senses and couldn't help but excitedly stepped forward and said: "Master, the power of your punch has surpassed the innate level. It seems that the skills that Master has obtained and practiced, It’s really amazing! Now that the master’s strength has reached this level, it’s only a matter of time before he can survive the forty-nine minor tribulations.”

"It's just that these four-nine minor heavenly tribulations are no small matter. I don't know how many martial arts geniuses and heroes, after reaching the innate perfection, eventually fell to the forty-nine minor heavenly tribulations. Young master, you need to be careful. You have to cross the four-nine minor tribulations." Try to accumulate and improve your strength before the Nine Small Heavenly Tribulations." Then Xu Liangxian couldn't help but said sternly: "If you can possess a magical weapon that is comparable to the weapons used by the immortals before passing through the Nine Small Heavenly Tribulations, you will be able to overcome the tribulations in the future. More confident.”

"Don't worry, Uncle Xu, I know it well. Even without the help of powerful magic weapons, I am still somewhat sure of overcoming the disaster," Diko smiled calmly.

After all, his genetic energy cultivation method only cultivates the physical body, which is much better than the so-called external body training method.His physical body is comparable to that of divine weapons. When he explodes with all his strength, he will never be inferior to Qin Yu when he passed through the [-] small tribulations in the original work, or even be stronger.Coupled with his superior force-generating skills, it shouldn't be a problem for Diko to survive a mere forty-nine minor tribulations under full power.

Roar.. Roar. While Di Ke and Xu Liang were talking, a sudden roar of an animal came, like a tiger roar, with a hint of sadness, anger, and anger.
(End of this chapter)

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