Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 345 Monster Sabre-toothed Tiger

Chapter 345 Monster Sabre-toothed Tiger

The sudden roar of a tiger made almost everyone in the valley jump into excitement. They felt an inexplicable feeling of heart-trembling fear. It was as if the tiger's roar contained invisible momentum and pressure, making people instinctively feel the danger. breath.

Even Diko couldn't help but raise his brows slightly, his eyes flashing with surprise and curiosity: "It seems to be a powerful monster. When the tiger-like monster hears this roar, is it possible that it is in a desperate situation? But this is the outskirts of the ancient world. What dangers could exist in this area that could threaten a powerful tiger monster?"

"Let's go over and have a look!" Following Di Ke's greeting, Xu Liangxian, Di Yan, Yun Lan who was preparing to eat in the cave, and even Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son who had stopped casting were also curious. hurriedly followed.

Soon they left the valley and followed the direction of the roaring tigers for several miles. They only heard the fierce roaring sounds of tigers fighting, and then Dike and the others saw the tragic scene in the forest ahead. fight
"It's not a fight between monsters, but..." After seeing the fighting scene, Dicko was even more surprised, because the people fighting with the tiger monsters were humans, not one person, but a group of people. There are more than ten people, and there are several innate masters, and the rest seem to be masters who have reached the peak level of acquired skills.

However, such an elite team of human experts is in a very embarrassed state at the moment... Amidst the roar of the tiger, the five-meter-long dark red tiger figure turned into afterimages, everywhere it passed. No matter how hard the acquired peak human masters tried their best to dodge, some of them would still be scratched, knocked away, or even disemboweled by the sharp tiger claws from time to time.

"Saber-toothed tiger? These people dare to provoke the monster saber-toothed tiger? Are they seeking death?" Xu Liangxian recognized the dark red tiger and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "Looking at the size of this saber-toothed tiger, it should have reached the late stage of innateness. Even the innate Dzogchen. The saber-toothed tiger is the top existence among monsters. It is extremely fast, cruel and murderous. Even the strong humans who have the innate Dzogchen would not dare to provoke them easily. How dare these guys..."

"Uncle Xu, this saber-toothed tiger seems to be injured. Look, there is a big wound on its abdomen and it is still bleeding!" Di Yan suddenly pointed at the saber-toothed tiger that briefly landed on the ground.

"With such a serious injury, how could they possibly injure this saber-toothed tiger with their innate mid-term and late-stage abilities?" Xu Liang roughly judged their strength from the movement speed of the innate masters who carefully surrounded the saber-toothed tiger. Xian, frowning in confusion, said, and then his expression changed: "Could it be that this saber-toothed tiger was seriously injured fighting other monsters inside the ancient wilderness, and escaped to the outskirts of the ancient wilderness, and happened to meet these people?"

"Uncle Xu, look at that guy, is he the innate master we met last time?" Di Yan pointed at the chubby old man among the innate masters who were besieging the saber-tooth tiger.

Xu Liangxian looked at the other party carefully with eyebrows, and nodded immediately: "That's right! It's him! He dares to take the lead in the wilderness, he really has a lot of background. I don't know what force these five innate masters come from?"

"The last time we met, was he the innate master who hurt you last time?" Di Ke's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Di Yan and asked.

"That's right!" Di Yan nodded and gritted her teeth and said, "If he didn't lead someone to interfere suddenly last time, that precious hay plant would be mine."

"He killed someone for a piece of hay. It seems that he has done this kind of killing and looting a lot." Diko nodded slightly and then said: "Since we have met again, what I didn't say is that there is revenge and grudges. Complain! The monster saber-toothed tiger is full of treasures! This time, it is our turn to snatch him." "The opponent has five innate masters, and there is also the saber-toothed tiger, which is not easy to snatch!" Xu Liangxian But he frowned slightly.

While they were talking, something unexpected happened in the fierce battle in the forest ahead. A shrill and painful roar resounded through the forest, and vague black air rose from the abdominal wound of the saber-toothed tiger who fell to the ground in a panic. The wound burned and corroded the saber-toothed tiger. , as if his whole body was twitching in pain, and the shrill tiger roar also became weaker.

Hey... Among the five innate masters, the most powerful red-faced middle-aged man suddenly approached him. Taking advantage of the fact that the saber-toothed tiger was seriously injured and his reaction speed was greatly reduced, he stabbed directly into the saber-toothed tiger's abdominal wound with a swift and sharp sword.

After being hit by this fatal sword, the saber-toothed tiger froze up, and his screams of pain became weaker and weaker. At the same time, the fat old man and other four other innate masters also surrounded him, trying to take the opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment, the saber-toothed tiger suddenly struggled and broke away from the sharp sword that was pierced into the abdomen. His body arched up like a spinning wind wheel, and the sharp sword-like spikes on his back slashed through one of them, unable to dodge. The abdomen of the innate master was instantly disemboweled, and the blood-stained spikes pierced the arm of another innate master.
Ah...ah...I remembered the continuous screams, and the saber-toothed tiger that was about to explode madly. The red-faced middle-aged man hurriedly blocked it with his sword, but still grabbed his shoulder with a claw and slapped him. flew out
The red-faced middle-aged man flew away in embarrassment, with scratches on his shoulders dripping with blood. At the same time, the saber-toothed tiger finally fell to the ground with a weak roar, twitched twice, and soon lost its breath.

"As expected of a saber-toothed tiger, he was able to unleash such a ferocious counterattack even when he was about to die. I was stunned." Xu Liangxian took a breath. You must know that the demonic beast is only one step away from the perfection of its innate nature. He can survive the forty-nine minor heavenly tribulations and transform into human form, and his wisdom is no less than that of humans.

"Sir, it's time for us to take action?" Di Yan said to Di Ke eagerly. Xu Liangxian on the side hesitated slightly, and Yan Fen also said with stern eyes: "The corpse of a saber-toothed tiger is a good thing! The other party Although there are five innate masters, one is dead, one is crippled, and the red-faced middle-aged leader is also seriously injured, so we have every hope that we can keep them all."

"Do it!" Diko said coldly, his figure disappeared and he was already killing him with an explosive speed. When he got close to the red-faced middle-aged man who changed his face and hurriedly warned him, his speed surged again, and he almost instantly reached the man who had just left. In front of the red-faced middle-aged man who climbed up from the ground.

Peng... The next moment, accompanied by a muffled sound like a drum, before the red-faced middle-aged man could react and dodge, he was punched in the chest by Dico, and his whole body flew backwards as if he had been hit by a truck...
Poof... Amidst the faint sound of bones shattering, the red-faced middle-aged man was already spitting blood from his mouth as if he was struck by lightning. After breaking a tree and falling to the ground in a panic, he struggled to get up, but it was very difficult. Kuai glared unwillingly and fell down without breathing.

"Are you guys?" The fat old man was shocked when he saw Xu Liangxian and Di Yan who were killed later, and couldn't help but said hurriedly: "Our boss is Zhu San..."

But what responded to him was the dark red slender sword in Di Yan's hand. The fierce and bloody evil energy made the fat old man freeze. When he realized what he was doing and hurriedly dodged, he was still slashed across the chest by Di Yan. In an instant With blood pouring from his chest, he stared helplessly and fell down.

Phew... In the blink of an eye, under the attacks of Di Ke, Xu Liangxian and Yan Fen, the remaining innate master with a broken arm and another innate master in black robe were killed one after another, but the old man in black robe was killed before he died. Instead, a fiery red flare was released.
(End of this chapter)

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