Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 346 Killing the Immortal

Chapter 346 Killing the Immortal
Looking at the fiery red signal bomb soaring into the sky, Diko, who frowned slightly, couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "If the signal bomb is released in this primitive wilderness, do they still have help?"

"Kill them all, don't leave any alive!" Under Xu Liangxian's cold greeting, Yan Fen, Yan Lie and his son, Di Yan, and Yun Lan all chased and killed the top acquired masters who fled away when they saw the situation was bad. past.

"Zhu San? The richest man in the world? Could this saber-toothed tiger be the one where he made a deal with Emperor Xiang Guang of the Chu Dynasty in the original work?" Di looked at the saber-toothed tiger corpse not far away and frowned thoughtfully. Ke, but did not go with Xu Liangxian and others to hunt down those who escaped.

Xu Liangxian, Yan Fen and Di Yan have all reached the innate level of strength. If these guys with acquired peak strength were allowed to escape, they could just find a big tree in the wilderness and kill them.

After about a stick of incense, Diko and others briefly dealt with the aftermath, and then returned to the previous valley with the body of the monster saber-toothed tiger.

Looking at the saber-toothed tiger carcass placed on the grass in the valley, especially the sharp sword-like spikes on the saber-toothed tiger's back and the two dagger-like saber teeth on both sides of its mouth, Yan Fen couldn't help but said with burning eyes: "Sabre-toothed tiger, It is indeed the legendary monster saber-tooth tiger! The spikes and saber teeth on its body, even if it has not been forged, are probably comparable to the upper-level immortal weapons. If it is forged into a weapon, it will definitely be the top-notch immortal weapon. !”

"Sixteen spikes, plus two saber teeth, wouldn't they be eighteen top-notch immortal weapons? Congratulations, young master!" Yun Lan, who has always been gentle and quiet, couldn't help but said with shining eyes after hearing this. .

"This tiger skin is difficult to break even with immortal magic weapons. It is a good thing for making top-grade soft protective armor." Xu Liangxian also said with a smile: "A saber-toothed tiger with an innate Dzogchen level can indeed be said to have a full body. It's a treasure. If it hadn't been seriously injured before, I'm afraid even a human with innate Dzogchen would be hard-pressed to kill it. Only an immortal can be sure to kill it."

"Sir! The skin of this saber-toothed tiger has been turned back into soft armor. Please give me a piece of protection." Di Yan also begged Di Ke directly with shining eyes, not knowing what politeness meant.

"Okay! Cut this saber-toothed tiger into pieces later, and everyone will have a share in the forged weapons and soft armor," Diko said with a faint smile. In fact, he didn't care about the so-called fairy-level magic weapons and soft armor. care.So what if it's a spiritual weapon used by an immortal?When the strength is strong enough, Zhao Yao can smash it with one punch.The so-called immortal weapons in the common world are like paper in front of the flying sword of the immortal, and they are simply vulnerable.

Just when Yan Fen and Yan Lie and his son were about to cut the saber-toothed tiger into pieces, Diko, who seemed to be aware of it, suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance, because he keenly felt a soul power similar to spiritual power. Spread to investigate.

Immediately afterwards, the faint sound of breaking through the air approached quickly, getting louder and louder, and then I saw a golden stream of light flying quickly from the distant sky, flying diagonally like a meteor, and in the blink of an eye it was above the valley, turning into a handle. A red-gold flying sword as long as Zhang Xu.

On top of the red-gold flying sword, which exuded a fierce sword energy that made the air vibrate, stood a young man dressed as a Taoist priest in a feather-clad star crown.However, judging from the vaguely visible white hair at the temples and the sharp and aged eyes, it is obvious that the other party is not as young as he appears on the surface.

"Go to the Immortal?" Yan Fen, Xu Liangxian and others cried out in shock when they saw the man in feathers and star crown holding a flying sword.

Looking down with cold eyes, the man with the star crown in feathers saw the body of the saber-toothed tiger on the ground, and couldn't help but a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Did you kill Zhu San's people?" "Zhu San? The richest man in the world in the Ming Dynasty?" Xu Liangxian's face changed slightly, thinking that the fat old man said before he died that their boss was Zhu San, and the fiery red flare that the black-robed innate master released before he died, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, this mysterious man I'm afraid the immortal knows them!
"So what? In this ancient world, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. If they die, it can only mean that they are too weak." Di Ke looked calm and didn't care. What kind of bullshit immortal is just a golden elixir stage? A cultivator!It's not enough to make him afraid.

"Do you know that you are killing people from the Ming Dynasty, and I am the Immortal worshiped by the royal family of the Ming Dynasty," the man in feathers and star crown narrowed his eyes at Dike and said.

Di Ke asked noncommittally: "Oh? It turns out that the Supreme Immortal comes from the Ming Dynasty. I wonder what the Supreme Immortal is called?"

"My surname is Bai! Now that you know my identity, you guys can be more understanding," the man with the star crown in feathers said coldly. As soon as his mind moved, the red-gold flying sword under his feet quickly shrank. A golden sword light shot towards Diko.

The speed of the flying sword was so fast that Xu Liangxian and others' faces changed drastically when they saw this scene, but they had no time to react. Then the golden sword light had already arrived in front of Dike.

Similarly, Diko seemed to have no reaction, and did not dodge at all. He just stared at the golden sword light tightly, and at the same time, invisible fluctuations spread...
"Huh?" Bai Shangxian, the man with the feathered star crown who was originally full of confidence and thought he could easily kill Diko, changed his expression. He looked at the red-gold flying sword that seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and stopped an inch in front of Diko's eyebrows. He was full of surprise, because he found that the connection between himself and the flying sword had disappeared, and he was completely unable to control the flying sword.

Why is this so?In fact, the reason is very simple. It's just that Diko used his soul power to forcibly cut off the invisible connection between him and Feijian, causing the Bai Shangxian to lose control of Feijian.

Peng.. With a deep muffled sound, taking advantage of the moment when Bai Shangxian was stunned and lost his mind, Diko stepped on the ground and burst out with a sudden burst of speed. Almost instantly, he jumped in front of Bai Shangxian in mid-air, and at the same time, flames rose. A violent punch with a violent explosion that shook the air instantly landed on Bai Shangxian's body...
Amidst the booming sound, Bai Shangxian reacted and flew backwards like a broken sandbag. Almost instantly, his face was full of horror and disbelief, and his whole body was turned into a piece of blood. fog, fragmented
"This" was also shocked and disbelieving. Xu Liangxian, Yan Fen and others looked at this scene, their faces were twitching and they lost control of their expressions, and their expressions were extremely exciting.

"Exalted Immortal? It's nothing more than that!" Diko, who shook his head slightly in disappointment, waved his hand and took out a white bracelet and a golden elixir the size of half an egg from the blood mist in the sky: "Even a protective shield You don’t even have any spiritual weapons and armor, so it’s too miserable for you, right?”

He was just a small cultivator at the golden elixir stage. To be honest, Diko didn't really care.You know, in the Qianlong Continent, innate masters can only burst out with tens of thousands of pounds of force. How strong can the attack power of a cultivator in the Golden Core stage be?Di Ke is now at the peak of the God of War level. With the strength amplitude, he can easily explode millions of kilograms of force. Even the attack power of ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators may not be able to reach this level.

What's more, the weaknesses of cultivators are too obvious.The true energy in their bodies may not be weak, and their attack power with the help of spiritual weapons is quite strong, but their defensive power is hard to describe.

(End of this chapter)

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