Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 354 Baisha Town, 3 years

Chapter 354 Baisha Town, three years
Dico's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw the big red bird: "The sacred beast Red Luan? Judging from its appearance, it seems to have the bloodline of the super sacred beast Fire Phoenix? I don't know if this Red Luan can inspire the bloodline and transform into a super beast. Where is the mythical beast Fire Phoenix?”

"Humans, you dare to kill mythical beasts in the wilderness, you are so brave!" Seeing the way Dick looked at him with a faint burning smell, Hong Luan suddenly shouted angrily.

"Isn't it just a divine beast? It just relies on the power of blood. What is there to be proud of?" Diko shook his head and said immediately: "You have also seen that the Dragon Rock Lion is no match for me at all. I can kill it easily." I see that your strength is not stronger than it. Why, instead of running for your life, you want to kill me to avenge this dragon rock lion? Or are you ready to bow your head and surrender to me?"

"Submit to you? Human being, you are dreaming! You are insulting the noble beast!" Hong Luan became even more angry after hearing this.

But when Zhou You saw its angry overreaction as if it was covered in flames, he shook his head slightly and didn't bother to say anything more to the proud red Luan. He directly used his will attack method like the Golden Flame Eagle, and then used the power of his soul to Trying to influence and control this red luan.

"Huh?" However, soon, Diko felt the resistance of the red Luan. It seemed that there was an invisible force in its body resisting the influence of the surroundings. Diko frowned slightly and thought to himself: "The blood of the divine beast is Power?"

Diko used his will attack again, and controlled the soul power with all his strength. This time, he finally influenced and controlled the soul consciousness of Hong Luan, causing him to float to the ground with the flames all over his body restrained, and he obediently expressed his surrender.

"The sacred beast Hong Luan in the Nascent Soul stage is probably as powerful as a cultivator in the Dongxu stage, and it must be very fast. It is a better mounted fighter than the Golden Flame Eagle! Wait until I teach it and the Golden Flame Eagle in the future After learning the body refining method and the method of stimulating bloodline, their potential achievements will definitely be even more remarkable." After subduing Hong Luan, Di Ke was in a good mood, and then processed the body of the dragon rock lion, using fire to refine its blood essence. After gathering energy, he took the Golden Flame Eagle and left quickly on the Red Luan.

Di Ke, who killed a divine beast and kidnapped the divine beast Hong Luan, was afraid of disturbing the peripheral controller of the ancient world, Black Dragon Yanmo, so he naturally did not plan to stay in the ancient world any longer.

Although Di Ke was very confident in his own strength, Yanmo was after all a divine beast from the Kongming Period, and an intermediate divine beast. His strength was comparable to that of a cultivator from the Tribulation Stage, and he was probably equivalent to a star-level expert. .Dico didn't want to provoke such a difficult opponent unless necessary.

After all, even if Diko tried his best to kill the black dragon Yanmo, it would definitely alarm some powerful people in the inner circle of the ancient world, and the trouble would only get bigger and bigger.

And in the past month or two, Di Ke has been killing hard enough in the periphery of the ancient world, and has gained a lot. If he continues to kill, it is very likely that he will alarm Yan Mo and his subordinates, the mythical beasts Zhe Chu and Hydra.

In the valley hundreds of miles deep outside the prehistoric times, when Di Ke came back with the Red Luan and the Golden Flame Eagle, he felt the terrifying pressure of the aura of these two flying birds and monsters. Xu Liangxian and others were really overwhelmed. It was quite a shock.

You know, not only the mythical beasts, but also the ordinary monsters are very proud.It is still possible to subdue some innate monsters, but even if you can defeat the monsters in the Golden Core stage and Nascent Soul stage, it is extremely difficult to make them surrender.

"Get ready, let's leave Honghuang as soon as possible," Diko ordered Xu Liangxian and others as soon as he came back. After quickly packing up and preparing, they also took the Hongluan and left directly with Diko.

Hong Luan, who is tens of meters long, has a lot of space on his back. It is not a problem to carry Dike and his group of ten people. Even the Golden Flame Eagle lazily landed on Hong Luan's back.

At Hong Luan's speed, he left Honghuang in less than half an hour, and then took Dike and others to Baisha Town, a small town close to Honghuang in the three eastern counties of the Chu Dynasty. This is where Dike I have long decided where to settle down after arriving in the three counties of the Eastern Region.Although Baisha Town is just a border town, it is clean and tidy, and it is not easy for Dike and the others to attract attention when they live here.Compared with living in a big city, you will save a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Since they are planning to engage in high-end business such as elixirs and magical weapons, Diko and the others naturally need a safe base to refine elixirs and cast magical weapons.Moreover, Baisha Town happens to be close to the ancient wilderness, which makes it convenient for Dike's men to enter the ancient wilderness to hunt monsters and search for materials for refining weapons and medicinal materials needed for alchemy.

From this trip to the ancient times, Di Ke and his team returned with a full harvest. Each harvest was not small. The large amount of medicinal materials and the materials obtained from hunting innate monsters were enough to refine many elixirs and immortal weapons. .

With the help of the power of the elixir, Xu Liangxian and others have greatly improved their strength. They have honed themselves in the battles with the monsters in the ancient world. With the help of spiritual weapons, their combat effectiveness is also different from what it used to be. They have also made some achievements. The confidence for high-end businesses such as elixirs and magical weapons.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the mountains and forests a few miles outside Baisha Town, a quiet and large villa is located. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it is a good place for seclusion and tranquility.

In the early autumn weather, there is still a trace of heat in the air, but in the quiet garden in the mountains and forests, it is very cool early in the morning. Yunlan, who is dressed in white and snowy, is cooking gracefully in the pavilion by the stream in the house. Tea.

"Yun Lan..." A gentle voice suddenly sounded, and Xu Liangxian, who was dressed in a simple white robe, walked over. Three years later, not only did he not show any sign of aging, but he looked younger, calmer and gentler with every move. They all give people an inexplicable sense of tranquility.

Obviously, in the past three years, Xu Liangxian's soul level should have improved very quickly, and his whole person had the feeling of being washed away.

"Uncle Xu," Yun Lan also stood up and bowed slightly to Xu Liangxian. Xu Liangxian, who nodded lightly, walked to the side and sat down. Yun Lan immediately stepped forward and poured tea for him personally.

Xu Liangxian took a sip of tea before he asked calmly: "Has the person who broke into the house last night found out the details?"

"Not yet! The other party's mouth is very harsh... However, being able to send a late-stage innate master to investigate is definitely not an ordinary force, and he must have discovered some details about us." Yun Lan, who sat down next, also He shook his head lightly and said: "I have already sent someone to ask for Yuyin. If she comes to ask, everything will be clear."

"Well! Yuyin is indeed very good at dealing with these innate masters who have good strength but average soul realm. Innate masters who have not yet possessed spiritual consciousness cannot resist Yuyin's enchantment method," Xu Liangxian nodded slightly and couldn't help but said: "Perhaps her cultivation talent is not very good, but her realm and soul skills are really not to be underestimated. The young master is able to discern pearls, and he has trained her so well in just one or two years. It is indeed true. Good vision and good means!"

"By the way, it's been a while since the young master left for the Great Wilderness. Haven't you come back yet?" Xu Liangxian couldn't help but frowned and asked worriedly: "Is the young master going to survive the six or nine heavenly tribulations?"

After hearing this, Yun Lan couldn't help but frown slightly and said: "Young Master didn't say it, but with your strength, it's almost time for you to survive the six or nine heavenly tribulations. However, if you really want to survive the tribulation, we won't be able to help you." With Hong Luan following him, there shouldn't be any danger."

(End of this chapter)

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