Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 355 Black Dragon Yanmo

Chapter 355 Black Dragon Yanmo
Thousands of miles deep in the outer reaches of the prehistoric world, on the grassland where the mythical beast Dragon Rock Lion was previously entrenched, a tall woman in red stood with her hands behind her back. Her whole body naturally exuded a faint fiery aura and noble temperament. The surrounding air was slightly distorted, reflecting her appearance. It's all blurry.

Rumble... Accompanied by the low muffled sound of thunder, the dark sky was filled with wind and clouds, lightning flashed and thunder, and the tall woman in red wore a red light visible to the naked eye in her eyes, looking at the dark red hill in front of her with burning eyes.

On the top of the hill, Diko stood with his head held high. Although his clothes were in tatters and covered with burn marks, he was still full of momentum. His whole body seemed like a spear that was about to pierce the sky, and there was an invisible aura of power all over his body. The pressure caused the surrounding air to twist.

"The power of my sixty-nine heavenly tribulations has exceeded that of Hong Luan's tribulation. I didn't expect that the last tribulation cloud was still gathering the power of thunder and lightning, trying to hit me hard. Isn't it because the cultivation method is special? Are you targeting me like this?" Ningmei looked at the vortex of calamity clouds that was still condensing the power of thunder and lightning and became larger. Diko couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart: "Thunder Punishment City, which is in charge of thunder calamities in the God Realm, is trying to force me to do so. Hold a grudge?"

Boom... After a long while, finally a beam of light-like thunder energy fell from the sky, instantly covering Diko. The terrifying power of the bombardment even made the entire dark red hill tremble, and then collapsed like a sudden collapse, and a large number of dark red rocks followed. The dissipated lightning energy was thrown away in all directions.
"Master..." Hong Luan, a tall woman in red who saw this scene on the grassland in the distance, suddenly became nervous and worried. She had been controlled by Di Ke. Although she still had her own consciousness, she had already subconsciously controlled her. Dico became the most important and close person.

Just when Hong Luan couldn't help but turn into a stream of red light and was about to get closer, suddenly two terrifying auras swept in from the east like waves. Hong Luan immediately froze and turned around to look, with flames rising all over his body. stand up.

In the blink of an eye, two streams of light, one black and one white, streaked across the eastern sky, slowed down as they approached, and turned into an indifferent man in black robes and a figure covered in white fur, with a cat-like head and a graceful figure like a Catwoman. Beautiful shadow.

"Hong Luan?" When he saw Hong Luan, the indifferent man in black robe suddenly narrowed his eyes and recognized her identity.To be precise, he saw through the animal head that Hong Luan used to cover up with magic, and roughly guessed her identity based on Hong Luan's breath.

"My master is going through a tribulation. No one is allowed to disturb you. Please retreat immediately..." Hong Luan said coldly, but the clear and cold voice made the cold man in black robes look even more indifferent: "Master? The master you are talking about is the one who killed the Dragon Rock Lion three years ago, right? At that time, he had not survived the Sixty-nine Heavenly Tribulations, but he could kill the Dragon Rock Lion and make you surrender. He must be a divine beast, right?"

As he said that, the indifferent man in black robe couldn't help but look towards the dilapidated dark red hill where the thunder and lightning energy was raging, with a trace of curiosity on his face.It can make Hong Luan, who has entered the Cave Void Stage, follow him loyally, but it has not yet passed through the six or nine heavenly tribulations. Could it be that it is an intermediate divine beast?
As for the superior divine beasts, the indifferent man in black robe did not dare to think about it. After all, there were only a handful of superior divine beasts on the entire Zixuan Star. They were too rare.Even a superior divine beast, a superior divine beast that had just survived six or nine heavenly tribulations, would not be his opponent.

Boom... Just when the cold-blooded man in black robe looked over with burning eyes, thinking that he might be able to subdue a powerful subordinate this time, increasingly violent energy fluctuations swept across the dark red hill that had been destroyed by thunder. The blood-colored light in the dissipated thunder and lightning energy could be vaguely seen, turning into a blazing blood-colored flame.

"This flaming fire phoenix? Fire unicorn? Impossible!" Feeling the terrifying aura fluctuations contained in the blood flames, the expression of the indifferent man in black robe suddenly changed.

The next moment of the boom, as the dark red hill that had just experienced the destruction of the sky thunder trembled and collapsed again, a bloody stream of light rose into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Hong Luan and transformed into a body bathed in blood flames and wearing dark red crystals. Dicko wearing sleeveless and tight-fitting underwear.

"Human? Are you not a divine beast?" Seeing Diko and feeling the aura on Diko's body, the indifferent man in black robe suddenly changed his face slightly in disbelief: "Impossible! If you are not a divine beast, how can the Sixty-nine Heavenly Tribulation be so powerful? So strong? How can I make Hong Luan surrender to you?"

"Master!" Hong Luan shouted with a respectful salute to Diko, which also made the indifferent man in black robes frown and react, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Spirit Beast Circle, did you use the spirit beast circle to control Hong Luan? "What? There can't be peerless evildoers among humans, and can't we let the divine beasts surrender?" Diko, who said with a faint smile, stretched out, moved his body and looked at the indifferent man in black robe. Said: "If you, the divine beasts among monsters, consider yourself noble, why do you want to change into a human form? Isn't it ridiculous to become a human but look down on humans?"

"Who are you?" The indifferent man in black robe was not angry when he heard this, but was slightly stunned, and then asked in a deep voice with a frown.

"My name is Dike, a person with no family or sect and no background," Dike shook his head lightly and said casually: "Unlike you, you were born in the Dragon Clan and have a big backer like the Dragon Clan... However, seeing as you are not practicing in the Dragon Clan, you are I came to the ancient wilderness, and I must have not been very happy with the Dragon Clan, so I came to the ancient wilderness alone. Speaking of which, we also have some sympathy for each other. What, do you want to be my enemy? "

"You killed many monsters in our ancient wilderness, and even killed the dragon rock lion. As the peripheral controller of the ancient wilderness, how can I, Yanmo, remain indifferent?" Yanmo, a cold man in black robes, said in a deep voice: "How dare you come to the ancient wilderness to act so wantonly? , I want to see how capable you are after just surviving six or nine heavenly tribulations."

"It looks like there is still a fight," Diko looked a little helpless, and the blood and flames all over his body calmed down at a thought: "Come on! I also want to see what the strength of you, the ancient peripheral controller, is. "

Seeing Di Ke's casual look, Yan Mo, whose blood-colored eyes were filled with evil spirits, instantly turned into a black phantom and rushed toward Di Ke. His right hand turned into a black dragon claw, and fiercely attacked Di Ke as if stirring the space. Caught it...
With a bang... Dicko, who couldn't dodge, punched him, and the space was instantly distorted. The fist wearing a dark red glove collided with Yan Mo's dragon claw, and a golden sound was heard. A clashing sound.

The next moment, Di Ke and Yan Mo, who were shocked, retreated almost at the same time, and quickly stabilized their figures, and they were evenly matched in a head-on fight.

"Your strength is definitely not at the Dongxu stage. Are you really a human?" Yanmo, whose dragon claws were trembling slightly, looked at Diko in disbelief and couldn't help but ask.

You know, the Dragon Clan is famous for its strength and strong body. Even among the mythical beasts, there are very few that can rival the Dragon Clan in strength.How is it possible that a human being who has just survived six or nine heavenly tribulations can compete with the black dragon, an intermediate divine beast in the void and underworld?

"I told you, don't underestimate humans. Next, it's my turn to take action," Diko said with a smile, and his figure turned into a blurry afterimage and came to Yan Mo, seemingly casually. The fist exploded out, and then the power of the fist exploded like a volcano. Yan Mo, who had used all his strength to strike, was still shaken all over, and flew backwards in a slightly embarrassed manner.

Di Ke, who was slightly shaken all over, just stepped on the void and took two steps back to stabilize his figure. He moved his fingers that were a little sore from the shock, and looked at Yan Mo with a wider smile: "The majestic divine beast Black Dragon, that's all. Do you have the strength?"

After hearing this, Yan Mo roared in embarrassment and instantly transformed into a huge ferocious black dragon. The dragon's tail swung in an instant and was in front of Diko. It roared and grabbed Diko again with its huge dragon claws...
(End of this chapter)

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