Chapter 360 Vulcan Auction

In late winter, the weather is already very cold.After a heavy snowfall, the entire wild mountains and forests were covered in silver.

At the outer edge of Honghuang, on a ridge with a relatively flat top, sits a mansion that occupies a large area like a courtyard.

The sky cleared up after the snow, and as the sun gradually set in the west, in the snow-covered wilderness under the mountains, there were carriages guarded and protected one after another, either alone or in groups of martial arts masters riding horses, and even occasionally A few people can be seen riding monsters or flying birds.

These martial arts masters on the Qianlong Continent, as well as some big figures from various forces, climbed up the mountain one after another and came to the large courtyard mansion. The servants in charge of reception arranged them into some rooms around the courtyard. .

As it gets darker, more and more people come, and most of them deliberately hide their identities.But similarly, there are also people who come openly and honestly, such as the people of Zhendong King Qin De and the masters of the royal family of the Chu Dynasty, who appear to be confident.

After all, there were so many good things being auctioned at the most mysterious and high-level auction on the Qianlong Continent.

Many things are enough to cause snatching by all parties, and the price paid to take pictures of these things is not small.Whether it is to keep their wealth secret or to take the things they photographed back for safety, it is understandable that some people deliberately hide their identities.

But for the Qin family and the Xiang family, they are really too confident and their strength is too strong.Even if you take a photo of something good, you don’t have to worry about being intercepted and snatched away midway.

In the Chu Dynasty, anyone who dared to attack members of the Qin family and the Xiang family would undoubtedly be seeking death once they were found out.Even among the people of the Ming Dynasty and Han Dynasty, there were not many who dared to attack the Qin family and the Xiang family.Even if he really takes action, it’s hard to say whether he has the ability to snatch things away!
Unconsciously, it was getting dark. After they had had enough wine and food, some of the guests who had arrived earlier and had been waiting in the room for a long time were already a little impatient, and gradually they couldn't help but start making noises.

A sudden eagle call came from the night sky, which made everyone excited. They subconsciously raised their heads and looked outside, only to see the originally dark night sky light up. A bird that was one or two feet long, bathed in water. The golden eagle in the flames was slowly trembling and spreading its golden wings, blowing up a blazing wind, which suddenly made the courtyard warm, and the snow began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Monster? What a terrifying aura! What kind of monster is this? Could it be a Golden Core stage monster?" After a brief silence, there was a burst of suspicious and nervous discussion in the surrounding rooms of the courtyard.

"Everyone, welcome to tonight's auction." As the gentle and clear voice echoed, it seemed to penetrate into everyone's ears, and a figure appeared in the middle of the yard like a phantom early in the morning. On the wooden platform that was set up, Xu Liangxian was really wearing a gray robe.

At the same time, the Golden Flame Eagle in the night sky also restrained its aura, and the flames all over its body were somewhat restrained, but it still lit up the surrounding night sky and the entire yard like a small sun.

In fact, when the Golden Flame Eagle released its breath at the beginning, it had deliberately restrained it. After all, it was at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. When its breath was completely released, even ordinary practitioners at the Golden Core stage would have weak legs. What's more, these forces from all sides are just innate and don't even have innate cultivation.

"This is the third time the annual Vulcan Auction has been held. I believe everyone, whether they have been here or not, should know some of the conditions and rules," Xu Liangxian glanced at the surrounding rooms. Said: "Okay, no more nonsense! I think everyone is a little impatient with waiting, so today's auction will officially begin."

"First of all, it is the Blood Yuan Dan that can enhance the body's energy and blood, has certain effects on physical fitness, delaying aging, and can assist in improving strength. The middle-grade Blood Yuan Dan is useful for acquired masters. There are a hundred pills in total, and every ten pills are the same. The starting price for the auction is 1000 taels of gold, or other items of equal value, but the price will be determined by our people after appraisal." Xu Liangxian continued: "Now, the first round of auction begins!" Middle-grade Blood Yuan Dan. , only useful for acquired masters, not too precious.But for some old immortals, it is a panacea that can prolong life. And for some juniors from big families, whether they are practicing internal or external martial arts, their qi and blood will be strong, and their cultivation efficiency will naturally be better.

What's more, this Blood Essence Pill is a pill that can directly strengthen the body and improve physical fitness. It also has a very good healing effect, and it has a very good effect even on innate masters.

Naturally, as Xu Liangxian's words fell, representatives of many forces or some innate masters couldn't help but raise their bids for one hundred middle-grade blood essence pills. Although it was a lot, they were auctioned in ten batches. , but there are still some monks with too much food, so the competition is extremely fierce.

Although the price of a Blood Essence Pill of [-] taels of gold sounds a bit exaggerated, for such a pill that even the rich can't buy, for these powerful people who are not short of money, buying it means making a profit!
Compared to the Blood Essence Pill, what are the worldly gold and silver money?Even a thousand taels or ten thousand taels of gold is nothing to those who are qualified to participate in the Vulcan Auction.

If you can't even get the worldly gold and silver money, what qualifications do you have to bid for the more precious and rare things later?They came here specially to join in the fun!

Therefore, after one hundred middle-grade Blood Yuan Pills were auctioned in ten times, they had already sold for a high price of more than [-] taels of gold. The average price of one Blood Yuan Dan exceeded a thousand taels of gold.

One hundred thousand taels of gold is almost equivalent to tens of millions of taels of silver, which is definitely a huge sum of money in the world.Although Diko didn't care much, the people under his command also needed money to cultivate talents in the secular world.Although every auction can make a lot of money, the expenses are also high, so he needs real money in the world.

Especially gold, after refining a large amount of gold, purple gold can be purified.Pure purple gold can be used to refine low-grade spiritual weapons, and the purple gold liquid can also be used to engrave talismans and is a commonly used material for talismans.

It's a pity that ten thousand taels of gold can only be refined into two or three kilograms of purple gold. With 10 taels of gold, even if twenty or thirty kilograms of purple gold were extracted, Diko could barely refine a low-grade spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword.

In fact, the so-called middle-grade Blood Essence Pill is only made from the blood essence of some innate monsters and some other relatively rare auxiliary medicinal materials.For Diko, it is not difficult to obtain raw materials and easy to refine. It is also the most commonly supplied auxiliary cultivation elixir when training his troops.

The ordinary low-grade Blood Essence Pill refined from the blood of acquired monsters can be taken by ordinary people. It is sold in every Jishengtang drugstore under Di Ke, but the price is not cheap either, ten taels of gold. , which is equivalent to one thousand taels of silver, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

But even the most common low-grade Xueyuan Dan is much more effective than some old mountain ginseng, whether it is to help people who are seriously ill and dying, or to increase blood vitality for the elderly, or to give Some people who are deficient in essence, vitality, and blood can replenish their vitality, and the effect is very good, and it is very popular among some powerful and wealthy businessmen.

Some martial arts practitioners, especially masters of external martial arts, eat it like jelly beans to enhance their energy and blood, and it has a wonderful effect in assisting their practice.

(End of this chapter)

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