Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 361: Divine weapons comparable to spiritual weapons

Chapter 361: Divine weapons comparable to spiritual weapons

After the auction of one hundred medium-grade Blood Yuan Pills ended, Xu Liangxian began to auction some immortal-grade magic weapons, which was also the bulk of the auction.

After all, in the secular world of Qianlong Continent, apart from the spiritual weapons rumored to be used by the immortals, the weapons of immortals can be called the best magical weapons.

Immortal-grade magic weapons are very rare. Even in the treasury of the Qin family or the Xiang family of the Chu Dynasty, there are probably only a few dozen at most.Some of the innate masters with inferior backgrounds don't even have immortal weapons.

Even if you are lucky enough to get immortal ores, among the three kingdoms of Qianlong Continent, there are only a handful of masters who can create immortal weapons, and almost all of them have been recruited by some big forces. It's not easy to find someone to build an immortal weapon.

Therefore, the magic weapon at the immortal level is more attractive than the previous mid-level Blood Yuan Dan.Even for forces like the Qin Family and the Xiang Family, which have no shortage of immortal weapons, most of the immortal weapons they collect are just lower-level immortal weapons, and they also hope to get more higher-level immortal weapons.

Therefore, the bidding for the immortal weapons is also fierce. Even if there is no shortage of forces and innate masters of the immortal weapons, there will not be too many immortal weapons that can be bought for money at this auction.

This time Xu Liangxian auctioned eighteen pieces of immortal-grade magic weapons in one go. Although most of them were lower-level immortal-grade magic weapons, there were still as many as six pieces of higher-level immortal-grade magic weapons. They were also the most competitive during the auction. It was so fierce that even people from the Qin family and the Xiang family were competing to bid.In the end, the Qin family and the Xiang family received two of the six superior-level divine weapons.

And these immortal weapons were basically created by Yan Fen and Yan Lie's father and son.In the past three years, guarding this precious place in the ancient times, Di Ke's masters have hunted and killed many innate demon beasts, including many innate demon beasts. The obtained demon beast scales, claws and other materials are basically all It was used by the Yan family and his son.

Under Di Ke's guidance, their weapon refining skills have improved a lot. In the process of creating immortal magic weapons again and again, the quality and efficiency of creating magic weapons have also been greatly improved. There are too many immortal magic weapons to use. It's over.

It was thought that after the auction of immortal weapons was over, everyone thought that some rarer elixirs with magical and special effects would be auctioned next. Unexpectedly, what Xu Liangxian ordered to get next was actually a special claw god. soldiers.

"This is the first auction item tonight. It is made from the sharp claws of a golden elixir stage demon beast and some special materials." Xu Liangxiang just said here. People from various forces in the surrounding room He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.A divine weapon made from the sharp claws of a golden elixir stage monster?Could the person behind the Vulcan Auction be so talented that he could actually kill a golden elixir stage monster?
Listening to the slightly noisy sounds in the surrounding rooms, Xu Liangxian paused slightly before continuing: "Its power is so powerful that it is even more powerful than the spiritual weapons used by the immortals."

As soon as Xu Liangxian said these words, the discussion suddenly became louder, and some people even directly raised questions.Comparable to the weapons used by immortals?Are you kidding me?Can a magical weapon of this level be put up for auction at will?

"You don't seem to believe it, so let's try its power." Faced with their doubts, Xu Liangxian smiled calmly and directly called for a shield at the level of an immortal weapon.

"Wait a minute!" A sudden cold voice sounded, coming from the room where the Xiang family's horses were staying: "You arranged for people to use the so-called immortal weapon level shields to test the power. It is a bit self-proclaimed, and it also makes people feel uncomfortable. People are a little unconvinced. Let’s do this! Let my people use the immortal magic weapon to test the power of your claw magic weapon.”

As soon as the cold voice fell, a short figure flashed out of the room, holding an inconspicuous black long knife in his hand, but the cold light shining on the blade proved that the long knife was sharp. "Okay, I'll listen to you," Xu Liangxian said with a slight smile and nodded. He put the sharp claws of the claw-like magic weapon on his fingers one by one like finger cots, and then waved his hand with a sharp claw. It shot out, carrying a slender and inconspicuous silk thread, and arrived in front of the short man in an instant.

The short man whose expression changed, subconsciously stepped back, and at the same time instinctively wanted to block with his knife. But the next moment, with the crisp and short sound of 'clang', the sound of gold and iron clashing, the hands holding the handle of the knife shook, Seeing the sharp claws that penetrated the long knife in his hand and shot directly towards his face, the short man couldn't help but shrink his eyes with a look of horror and disbelief.

However, just when the sharp claw was about to pierce the short man's face, it was suddenly withdrawn, and in the blink of an eye it was once again wrapped around Xu Liangxian's finger.

A short man who came to his senses in shock looked at the hole on the blade of the long black knife in his hand, feeling a little unbelievable.You know, although the sword in his hand is only a lower-level immortal weapon, it is not easy for even an upper-level immortal weapon to cut it off, let alone penetrate it easily?

"Spirit weapon? It really has the power of a spiritual weapon. It is worthy of the sharp claws of a golden elixir stage monster!" The cold voice from before came out again in the room, but compared to the previous doubts, it was now filled with difficulty. The taste of suppressed surprise was gone.

Next, there were surprised and shocked discussions in some surrounding rooms. The atmosphere of the auction became more and more lively for a while. But when the bidding actually started, very few people opened their mouths, and only a few people opened their mouths to bid.

As the price increase got higher and higher, in the end, only the Qin family and the Xiang family were still bidding.But as the cold voice spoke in a cold and threatening tone, the Qin family finally stopped and withdrew from the bidding.

But then, when faced with a shield that was as powerful as a spiritual weapon, the Qin family bid at all costs, and finally defeated the Xiang family, who had just been bleeding profusely, to take the shield.

The auction is still going on. After the two magical claws and shields that are comparable to spiritual weapons were auctioned, some elixirs were auctioned...healing, detoxifying elixirs, etc., and even some that can help innate masters A top-grade Blood Essence Pill that enhances strength and physical fitness.

Finally, when the auction was about to end, Xu Liangxian even came up with a spiritual elixir that could help the peak acquired masters improve their soul realm perception and step into the innate hope...
After hearing Xu Liangxian's introduction to the efficacy of the Spiritual God Pill, many people exclaimed in disbelief. However, because of the two magical weapons that were comparable to spiritual weapons and so many good things brought out in the auction, everyone was very concerned about the fire. There is still some trust in God Auction.

Therefore, after a brief period of doubt and hesitation, people started bidding one after another. In the end, it is conceivable that the auction price of the Spirit Pill was so high.

After all, the number of innate masters in the entire Qianlong Continent is very small. The pills that can help the acquired masters break through and enter the innate world have never been heard of in the past.If you have a large number of spiritual pills, the efficiency of cultivating innate masters is exciting to think about!

You must know that in the entire Qianlong Continent, apart from the superior immortals, the innate masters are already the top experts and have a life span of 500 years.Just such a long lifespan alone will make many masters of the day after tomorrow eager to look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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