Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 362 Tongtian 3 Maps

Chapter 362
After some bidding, the only spiritual pill finally fell into the hands of the Qin family, but the Xiang family didn't pay much attention.

After all, as the most powerful royal family on the Qianlong Continent, what the Xiang family cares most about is peak combat power, the number of immortals and innate Dzogchen masters, as well as spiritual weapons and advanced divine weapons.Even if a spiritual pill can create an innate master, it will only be an innate initial strength and of no great use.

"Okay, everyone, next is the final lot of tonight's auction," Xu Liangxian said as he waved his hands, six sword-like spikes more than one meter long appeared out of thin air in front of him: "This is The spikes on the back of the Nascent Soul stage monster saber-toothed tiger, even without any refining, are already comparable to the spiritual weapons used by immortals."

Upon hearing Xu Liangxian's words, after a brief silence, the surrounding room suddenly started to boil again. The enchanting and handsome young man headed by the Xiang family suddenly stood up and widened his eyes, as did the inconspicuous old man in gray robe from the Qin family. He suddenly raised his head and opened his half-closed eyes, looking with surprise at the six spikes suspended in front of Xu Liangxian in the courtyard outside: "A saber-toothed tiger in the Nascent Soul stage? How is that possible?"

"Everyone, I know you will definitely have doubts. In fact, there is some luck in our being able to obtain these spikes from the Nascent Soul stage saber-tooth tiger," Xu Liangxian continued: "Now, please want this Come and identify the authenticity of the saber-toothed tiger’s spikes yourself!”

"Dwarf, go and give it a try!" In the room where the Xiang family members were, the enchanting and handsome young man shouted in a low voice. The short innate master beside him responded and walked out to Xu Liangxian, holding the knife in his hand. The immortal long knife with a hole in its face struck directly and hard on the nearest suspended saber-toothed tiger spike.

The spike fell a certain distance after being chopped down, and then flew up again under Xu Liangxian's control, approaching the short innate master.Squinting at the sharp point where the long knife in his hand was struck was intact and shining with cold light, the short innate master couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

Similarly, after the short innate master retreated, Lian Yan, the gray-robed old man headed by the Qin family, also sent an old black-robed old man with late-stage innate strength to come for inspection and confirmed that the saber-toothed tiger's teeth were made of excellent material and were indeed not immortal-level ones. Divine weapons are comparable.

"This Nascent Soul stage saber-toothed tiger spikes auction is a little special. Our Vulcan auction doesn't want gold, silver, or all kinds of rare treasures. We only want the Three Pictures of Tongtian. As long as you take out one of them, you can exchange it for this There are two spikes from the Nascent Soul stage saber-toothed tiger. After taking out the three pictures, you can naturally get these six spikes that are comparable to spiritual weapons." As soon as Xu Liangxian said this, everyone started talking in surprise.

"Three Pictures of Tongtian? The person behind the Vulcan Auction actually wants to get the Three Pictures of Tongtian?" Yi Feng, the handsome young man headed by Ma Zhong of the Xiang family, frowned slightly.

The gray-robed old man on the Qin family's side even said, his eyes narrowed slightly with an inexplicable brilliance: "Three Pictures of Tongtian? There seems to be one in the palace's treasury. Use one of the Three Pictures of Tongtian, which is of little use, in exchange for two The prince would agree with a spike at the level of a spiritual weapon, right? Moreover, if the spike was refined by the Immortal Feng Yuzi, its power might be even more terrifying."

"If such a treasure falls into the hands of the Xiang family..." Thinking of this, Lian Yan couldn't help but frowned: "Three Pictures of Tongtian, I wonder where the other two are? The Xiang family should have it, right?"

"Everyone, I think even if you have the Three Maps of Tongtian, you haven't brought them with you. So, tonight's auction ends here. Then, as long as any of you can come forward with the Three Maps of Tongtian, you can exchange them for the Nascent Soul Stage Sabre-toothed Tiger. It's spiked," Xu Liangxian continued.

His words naturally made some power representatives and innate masters who were greedy for the sharp points of saber-toothed tigers somewhat dissatisfied.In any case, since it was an auction, there was no direct auction, which inevitably made everyone feel unhappy.

"Hmph! Even if it is an auction, six Nascent Soul stage saber-toothed tiger spikes that are comparable to spiritual weapons, what do you want to bid for?" Faced with those unhappy comments, Di Yan snorted coldly, accompanied by a cold shout. Appeared next to Xu Liangxian: "Everyone, the auction has ended, please do your own thing!"

Everyone was suffocated when they heard this, and they could only stand up and leave one after another in depression, shutting up.Di Yan dared to be so rude, but he had already calculated that even so, they would still come to the next Vulcan auction.

In one of the quiet rooms of the quadrangle, after those who came to the auction left with their items, either happy or unsatisfied, Diko was lying on a lounge chair, drinking tea and tasting snacks. He also stretched and stood up, and said to Yun Lan who was waiting on the side: "The auction is over, it's time for us to leave." "Sir," Xu Liangxian said when he saw Di Ke and Yun Lan walking out of the room. He came up and said: "The proceeds from this auction are some relatively precious things."

"Uncle Xu, just look at the arrangements for these things." Before Xu Liangxian could finish speaking, Dike interrupted him and said, "Yunlan and I will leave first. By the way, when we get the Three Pictures of Tongtian, Remember to send me to a separate hospital outside Baisha Town in time."

"Yes," Xu Liangxian responded, watching Di Ke flying up with Yun Lan, riding the Golden Flame Eagle, turning into a stream of flames and disappearing into the distant night sky, and then quickly ordered his men to sort out those things as soon as possible. Proceeds from auction.

Even if some worldly gold and silver were packed in boxes, Xu Liangxian did not take a second look. On the contrary, he paid special attention to those rare medicinal materials, ores, rare treasures, etc., and only after careful inspection had people put them away in categories. .

"He is quite relaxed, just watching the excitement, and doesn't care about the final harvest." Di Yan, who looked at Xu Liangxian's busy appearance and glanced at the night sky in the distance, muttered unhappily: "We are busy here and there. It’s really hard work to prepare for this auction and then deal with the aftermath after it’s over!”

"Based on the master's cultivation level, our auction is indeed nothing. The harvest obtained by the master is naturally disdainful to the master." Xu Liangxian smiled nonchalantly and said, "However, these things are ours." Next, we need to be more cautious in cultivating people and don’t make mistakes.”

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, I will personally escort him. Unless the other party sends an immortal to intercept him, there won't be any problems," Di Yan said confidently.

At the same time, Di Ke and Yun Lan, who were riding the Golden Flame Eagle, had not yet arrived at Baisha Town. They noticed the fierce fighting and fighting on the ground below, especially the two auras that soared to the sky. They were innate. The strong men at the Dzogchen level took action with all their strength.

A fight of this level might be considered a big deal in the ordinary world, but for Dicko, it was just a child's battle, and it couldn't interest him at all.

However, Diko, who subconsciously checked with his spiritual consciousness, directly ordered the Golden Flame Eagle to stop, and then ordered the Golden Flame Eagle to turn around and rush towards the place of the fight with a slight sigh.

"Qin Yu?" After getting closer, Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the young and tall figure swooping over on a divine black eagle.

"Grandpa Lian" hugged the seriously injured Lian Yan. Qin Yu screamed and cried, but Lian Yan smiled calmly, as if he didn't care about life or death at all. After all, he was not young anymore. He killed his enemy with all his might and had no regrets.

While the two were talking, there was a penetrating eagle cry, and a hot and surging breath filled the air. Yi Feng and several other Xiang family members, who gritted their teeth and filled the air with hatred, were ready to surround Qin Yu and Lian Yan. The faces of the innate masters changed and their figures froze.

(End of this chapter)

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