Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 363 Treatment Conditions

Chapter 363 Treatment Conditions
"Golden Flame Eagle? Is he the person behind the Vulcan Auction?" Seeing the Golden Flame Eagle's words, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Qin Yu, who was holding him next to him, changed his expression and was secretly frightened: "Monster? What a terrifying aura. It shouldn't be an innate monster. Could it be a golden elixir stage monster?"

"Qin Yu, right? The youngest son of King Zhendong? I heard that you can't be good at literature or martial arts, but now it seems" Di Ke jumped off the back of the Golden Flame Eagle and looked at Qin Yu with a meaningful smile. Then he looked at Lian Yan, whose face was ashen and said: "He is seriously injured, but since he is not dead, there is still hope of treatment."

"You mean Grandpa Lian can still be saved? Then hurry up and save Grandpa Lian. No matter what conditions you have, I will try my best to do it," Qin Yu said eagerly with his eyes brightening after hearing this.

"Xiao Yu..." When the somewhat moved Lian Yan wanted to say something, Di Ke interrupted him and said: "This time your Qin family went to the Vulcan Auction House and bought a Spiritual Pill. Giving it to him first can help stabilize his soul and support him for a while longer."

"Quick, where is the Spirit Pill? Get it quickly!" Upon hearing this, Qin Yu hurriedly turned to the black-robed old man and other few Qin family masters who had survived the previous fight.

In response, he stepped forward and took out the jade box containing the Spiritual God Pill. The old man in black robe couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, Third Highness, this Spiritual God Pill was taken by Mr. Lian for you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Yu grabbed the jade box, opened it, took out the spiritual pill inside and stuffed it directly into Lian Yan's mouth without any explanation.

"Are you people from the Vulcan Auction House who are helping the Qin family to become enemies of the royal family and the Xiang family?" Seeing that Di Ke actually wanted to save Lian Yan, Yi Feng couldn't help but shouted in shock and anger.His father finally managed to seriously injure Lian Yan, but Lian Yan killed him with a spiritual sword. If Di Ke really saved Lian Yan, wouldn't his father Yi Qingyu's death be in vain?

However, Di Ke ignored him and just turned his hand and took out a green pill full of upgrading aura and threw it to Qin Yu: "Give it to him quickly! Although the internal organs are seriously injured, Fortunately, the wound is small, and this Bi Ling Pill should be enough to recover from his injury."

He hurriedly took the Bi Ling Pill and stuffed it into the mouth of Lian Yan, who quickly relaxed his brows and looked calm as if he was asleep after taking the Spirit Pill. He looked at the small hole pierced by an embroidery needle on his sleeping chest. Qin Yu, who was secretly relieved that blood was no longer leaking out, gently put down Lian Yan and looked at Yi Feng and others who were very angry because they were ignored for a while but did not dare to attack Di Ke: " I'll deal with them first, and then we'll discuss the conditions for you to save Grandpa Lian."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry. You deal with your own affairs first." Di Ke, who nodded with a faint smile, took the initiative to step aside. However, the old man in black robe couldn't help his expression when he saw Qin Yu stepping forward and approaching Yi Feng and the others. Wei Wei said: "Your Highness, don't be impulsive! They are all innate masters! And they are in the middle stage of innate..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Qin Yu, who had ignored him, suddenly appeared in front of a short innate master from the Xiang family. When the short man's expression changed and he was about to swing his sword in a hurry, a dark shadow appeared on his hand. Qin Yu, who was wearing red gloves, smashed the immortal long sword with a clang of gold and iron, and then pointed at the opponent's throat.

"This is... such a powerful force! The Third Highness of King Zhendong is actually a master of practicing external arts? He can easily kill mid-level innate masters. Could it be that he has reached the innate level along with external arts? And the weapon in his hand The glove, the sword that can easily break the immortal level, could it be a spiritual weapon?" Yun Lan then jumped off the back of the Golden Flame Eagle and landed beside Di Ke. She couldn't help but smile at her beautiful eyes when she saw this scene. He stared in shock.

Di Ke looked at Qin Yu's performance with a noncommittal smile. He saw Qin Yu's crisp and clear attacks. After easily killing the dwarf and shocking Yi Feng and the other two innate masters, he immediately faced their siege. , unexpectedly relied on his rapid speed to kill them one by one with three punches, just like an innate master dealing with an acquired master as easily as he did.

Qin Yu, who killed Yi Feng with his last punch, turned around and walked back. He glanced at Qin Yu who was still sleeping. Some color returned to his pale face, and he also showed a smile, as if he was dreaming and talking like a sweet dream. , couldn't help but look at Diko with joy and said: "Thank you for saving Grandpa Lian, tell me, what are your conditions for saving people?" "The conditions are very simple. In fact, what I want is in you." Dike said with a slight smile. Qin Yu was slightly startled when he heard this. He glanced at the dark red gloves in his hand with an eyebrow, then nodded with a slight hesitation and said: "Okay, I will cancel the recognition of the master right now and transfer this Spiritual Weapon Gloves..."

Before he could finish speaking, Di Ke, who was also stunned for a moment, couldn't help crying or laughing: "Qin Yu, you misunderstood! What I want is not your spiritual weapon gloves, but the piece of Heavenly Map on your body!"

"The Map of Babel?" Qin Yu was stunned again after hearing this. He immediately reached out and took out the Map of Babel from his arms without hesitation, and handed it to Di Ke.Anyway, he already knew the secrets of practicing external skills on the Tongtian Diagram, so it was of little use to him.

He reached out and took the piece of Babel, and squinted at the tiny patterns on the square jade piece that was emitting light. He couldn't help but smile happily and said, "Okay, I'll trade you a healing elixir for a piece of Babel. We deal fairly and don’t owe each other anything.”

"By the way, remember, my name is Dike," said Dike with a smile, then flew up with Yunlan and landed on the back of the Golden Flame Eagle. The Golden Flame Eagle turned into a stream of flames and left. .

Qin Yu, who watched Di Ke leave happily, whispered Di Ke's name, and couldn't help but wonder: "It's just a picture of the sky. Apart from the action figures of practicing external skills on it, what other secrets can make him so happy? ? Could it be that there really is some secret of chance left behind by the mysterious strong man who left behind three pieces of the Babel Map?"

"What's the background behind the Vulcan Auction House that suddenly appeared and had so many powerful people?" Qin Yu was filled with doubts for a moment.

"Haha... I didn't expect to get a piece of Babel so easily. It's such an unexpected surprise." Di Ke, who was playing with the Babel in his hand on the back of the Golden Flame Eagle, was in a great mood.

Yun Lan on the side couldn't help but asked curiously: "Master, although these three pictures of Tongtian are said to have been left by a mysterious strong man, no one has discovered the secrets contained in them for so many years. Master, I will do it at any cost." To get it, don’t you have to know its secrets?”

"Haha, after I get the three pieces of Babel, I will let you know what secrets it has," Dico said with a slightly mysterious smile.

Then Di Ke thought of something and said in a serious tone: "The Xiang family should have a piece of the Babel Map. Now that Yi Feng and the others are dead, we need to find a way to get the news about this auction to the house." The Xiang family must ensure that the Xiang family knows that they can use the Babel Diagram to exchange for the spikes of the Nascent Soul saber-toothed tiger."

"Sir, if you want the Tongtian Map, just go to the Xiang family and ask for it. With your strength, they can't resist, so why bother?" Yun Lan asked with a frown.

"Go directly to the Xiang family?" Di Ke shook his head slightly: "With such a big fanfare, it will make the Xiang family realize the importance of the Babel Map, and it will be more difficult for us to get the Babel Map. After all, a small piece Tongtian Tu, who knows where the Xiang family is hiding? If they insist that there is no Tongtian Tu, can I really go on a killing spree in the palace of the Chu Dynasty? If I do that, not to mention whether they can get the Tongtian Tu, too Being too high-profile may cause some unnecessary trouble.”

(End of this chapter)

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