Chapter 364 Villa Cave
trouble?Yun Lan doesn't quite understand. In today's Qianlong Continent, who can do anything to get his son?After all, Di Keke already had the powerful strength to kill the Immortal three years ago.

Di Ke didn't mean to explain anything more. After all, some powerful cultivation sects in Tenglong Continent and the powerful Sanxian made an agreement that cultivators cannot interfere in the battles in Qianlong Continent. For Yun Lan, who is not yet a cultivator, it is really difficult. Something far away.

Even a handful of immortals from the three major dynasties do not know about this agreement.And the existence of a few immortals cannot affect the pattern of Qianlong Continent. Tenglong Continent is so far away, so naturally no one will care.

But Di Ke knew that the two immortals of the Ming Dynasty came from the Chaoyang Sect in the overseas cultivation world.Although the Chaoyang Sect is not too strong among the sects of immortal cultivators, it is also connected to the Penglai Immortal Domain.If a mysterious and powerful cultivator suddenly appears on the Qianlong Continent and goes to the Chu Dynasty Palace to kill people and demand the Three Maps of Tongtian, once the news reaches Penglai Immortal Domain, it will not be possible even if it does not attract the attention of the cultivator forces. .

Before he was strong enough, Dico didn't want to be the first.Therefore, he is going to the Leishan Residence left by Lei Wei in the ancient times, and obtain some of the secrets of cultivating immortals, top-quality crystal stones, etc. left by Lei Wei, so as to accumulate some knowledge, enhance his own strength, and prepare for leaving the Qianlong Continent to go overseas. Prepare for your adventure in the world of cultivation.

Diko's current strength is actually not weak anymore. Even in the overseas cultivation world, he can be considered a top powerhouse.

But he had just wandered around the outskirts of the prehistoric world, and he didn't have any good-quality ore for refining weapons. It was difficult to refine even high-grade spiritual weapons. The spiritual weapons and equipment were a bit too shabby, which was why he opposed Lei Shanju's idea.No way, too poor!

Without suitable ore crystals, even if Dico wanted to build a good blood-refined magic weapon for himself, he would not have the conditions!
If we were to create a blood-refined magic weapon at the level of mid-grade or low-grade spiritual weapons, how long would it take and how many strong men would we kill to transform it into a top-grade spiritual weapon or even reach the level of an immortal weapon?
As expected, within a few days after Di Ke returned to the secluded courtyard outside Baisha Town, news came one after another from the Qin family and the Xiang family, expressing their willingness to use the Babel Diagram in exchange for the spikes of the Nascent Soul stage saber-toothed tiger.

The Qin family really needs saber-toothed tiger spikes that are comparable to spiritual weapons to enhance their strength. The Xiang family may wonder if Diko knows the secrets of the Three Maps of Tongtian, but they cannot resist the temptation of obtaining two spiritual weapons.

The key is that after Di Ke let people quietly release the news that the Qin family wanted to exchange the Babel map for the saber-tooth tiger spike, the Xiang family was naturally not willing to lag behind.

Moreover, the Qin family was so eager to improve its strength that it also made the Xiang family realize that the Qin family might really want to rebel.Under such circumstances, it is also necessary for the Xiang family to increase their strength.

A few days later, the Qin family and the Xiang family almost successively sent the two pieces of the Babel Diagram that Di Ke needed, and took away two spikes from the Nascent Soul stage saber-toothed tiger.

Diko, who got the three pieces of the Babel Diagram, also tried to practice according to the above graphic movements.Relying on the powerful physical fitness of a planet-level expert, Diko practiced the above external skills to the Dacheng state that day, triggered the teleportation array left by Lei Wei, and was directly teleported to the place left by Lei Wei in the prehistoric world. That villa is like a cave.

In the empty hall, on the silver-white ground, with strong light and distortion of space, Dicko's figure emerged.

With his feet on the ground, he felt the slight discomfort that was caused by the confusion of time and space. Dico frowned slightly. When he saw the ceiling lamp emitting colorful light at the top of the hall, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes and smile. This was a familiar technological light. , it’s really been a long time!
"Welcome Master, Xiaoxing has been waiting here for so long, and finally the master is here," a clear child's voice sounded in the spacious hall, which made Dico raise his eyebrows slightly: "Artificial intelligence?"

"Eh? You actually know about artificial intelligence. Did you come to this planet from a technological universe like my master?" The clear childish voice said in surprise, and at the same time, a kitten-like virtual image appeared in front of Dico. , looked at Dico curiously.Diko, who was not surprised at all when he saw Xiao Xing, smiled noncommittally: "Your name is Xiao Xing, right? It seems that this villa cave is indeed left by the mysterious strong man who fought among the immortals."

"War among immortals? Mysterious strong man? Are you talking about my master Lei Wei?" Xiaoxing, who was slightly confused, immediately said: "My master Lei Wei comes from a technological universe. When he was wandering in the universe and practicing, he accidentally... After entering a black hole and luckily escaping, I came to another universe and to this huge planet that was relatively close."

"After spending some time on this planet, the master sensed his own catastrophe. He was worried that he would fail to overcome the catastrophe, so he left this villa cave and asked me to wait for the second master. Sure enough, after waiting for so many years, the teleportation array was finally The law started and sent you, the master," Xiaoxing continued.

After hearing this, Diko nodded and asked, "So, your previous master Lei Wei left something like an inheritance here?"

"That's right! Master, Master Lei Wei is dead. Now this villa cave has become ownerless. The master can directly recognize the master with a drop of blood. Everything here was left to the master by Master Lei Wei," Xiaoxing He nodded and continued.

Under the guidance of Xiaoxing, he dropped a drop of blood on the silver-white metal-like ground. After the ground absorbed the drop of blood like a sponge, Diko easily sensed the conditions in some rooms in the villa and left directly. He walked into the hall of the martial arts training hall and came to an indoor swimming pool outside.

Around the swimming pool, through the transparent glass-like walls, Dicko could see at a glance the lake outside, the green grass, and the huge mountain forest in the distance. He could even vaguely see some wild beasts in the mountain forest.

"This Lei Wei really knows how to enjoy it! I must have put a lot of thought into choosing such a good place in the wilderness," Diko thought to himself, then entered the villa again and started walking around the villa.

The entire villa is divided into two floors. The lower floor has a martial arts training hall, a living room, an alchemy room, a weapon refining room, and a storage room. In addition to the swimming pool in the front, there is also a back garden at the back, which is planted with many flowers and plants that Dicko does not recognize. Among them There was no lack of some fairy grass elixirs containing abundant energy, which made Diko secretly look at them with greed.

There was nothing in the alchemy room and the weapon refining room. Only some alchemy furnaces and formations used in alchemy and weapon refining remained.However, the storage room was almost full of colorful ores, and they were all top-grade crystal stones that could be used to refine top-grade spiritual weapons, which almost dazzled Diko's eyes.

With Dicko's current strength, he could easily break through the restricted barriers at the door of the storage room, and he could use a large number of top-grade crystals at his will.

The second floor of the villa is a place for rest and leisure, including bedrooms, study rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, entertainment halls, etc. The familiar layout also made Diko, who originally only wanted to come here to get some benefits, reluctant to give up such a good villa cave. Qin Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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