Chapter 365
Diko also pondered the "Star Transformation" technique left by Lei Wei, but did not prepare to practice it because he believed that the cultivation system of Devouring the Starry Sky would also have unlimited potential if practiced in this world.

After all, as long as Diko cultivates to the realm master level, he can open up the inner world. The Kingdom of God and the universe transformed from the Kingdom of God will also have direct access to the universe.

Moreover, as you practice the Force, your physical body will continue to evolve and transform, becoming very powerful. This practice method is similar to body refining, but it is even more advanced than "Star Transformation".

On the contrary, Di Ke was even more impressed by some of the cultivation techniques, the superb weapon refining, alchemy methods, formation restrictions, etc., as well as the introduction of some rare treasures, immortal herbs and elixirs that Lei Wei left in the study. interest.

Dike, who was not in a hurry to go back, first patiently learned and learned some of the cultivation inheritance knowledge left by Lei Wei, and before leaving, he specially selected the best crystal stones to create a blood-refined magic weapon sword for himself...
"Huh?" In the weapon refining room, just when Diko was looking at the dark red sword that was still exuding heat and faintly glowing with blood in his hand with satisfaction, the sudden strange fluctuations outside and the muffled sound of something falling to the ground made him endure. He couldn't help but raise his brows and hurriedly walked out.

As expected, when Dico came to the martial arts training hall, he saw a young man with a wound on his abdomen lying on the silver-white ground. One of his hands also inserted a white eyebrow into the middle-aged man's heart. There is also a fainted black hawk.

"It seems that this is fate! Well, let's just stay here in this villa cave for now," Diko shook his head helplessly, but still gave some instructions to Xiaoxing who appeared beside him, and then left straight away. .

He didn't want to block Qin Yu's opportunity, but he didn't plan to give it to Qin Yu in this villa cave. At most, he would lend it to him temporarily. Qin Yu could also learn some of the cultivation techniques in the study, and even Lei Wei stayed there Diko, the space ring and dream ring given to the heir, didn't even touch it.

Although the dream ring has a lot of space, for Diko, when he gets stronger, he can completely refine better ones by himself with some of the top-grade crystals with space attributes left by Lei Wei.Therefore, Diko was not prepared to leave those top quality crystal stones to Qin Yu either.

Di Ke left the villa cave and flew directly to the west. He didn't delay much along the way. It took only a few hours to travel a hundred thousand miles and left the prehistoric territory and arrived at the Eastern Territory of the Chu Dynasty. A quiet manor outside Baisha Town in the Three Counties.

"Here" Seeing the quiet manor that seemed to have experienced a battle, with some houses destroyed, Dicko suddenly frowned, and an invisible aura and evil aura filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Liangxian, who sensed its aura, flew into the air.Seeing that Xu Liangxian's face was pale and his breath was a little sluggish, Di Ke couldn't help but darken his face: "Uncle Xu, what's going on? Who hurt you? Is it Xiang Yang, the ancestor of the Xiang family? "

"No, no, they are the immortals of the Ming Dynasty. Four came. Although I killed one, the leader was really powerful. He was in the Nascent Soul stage, and he had a high-grade spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword. I was no match for him. "Xu Liangxian shook his head and said: "If I hadn't made a breakthrough at the critical moment and stepped into the planetary level you mentioned, Young Master, I would have died in his hands."

"Nascent Soul stage? Four? Could it be the young sect leader of the Chaoyang Sect?" Di Ke raised his eyebrows thoughtfully: "Did they guess that I killed the Ming Dynasty immortal who died in the ancient times? So you came here specifically to take revenge?”

"That's right! It should be the spikes of the Nascent Soul saber-toothed tiger that made them suspect that there was a powerful master behind the Vulcan Auction House." Xu Liangxian nodded and then continued: "Sir, although I am only injured , "But Yunlan?" "Yunlan? What's wrong with Yunlan?" Before Xu Liangxian could finish speaking, Dike's expression changed and he hurriedly asked. At the same time, he subconsciously released his spiritual consciousness to explore the entire manor. Sure enough, there was no Detecting Yun Lan's aura made him feel a sinking feeling in his heart. Could it be that Yun Lan...
Thinking of that possible Diko, he couldn't help but feel a sting in his heart, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his face looked a little ferocious and ugly...
It has been three years, more than three years since he came to this world. Yunlan, who has always been by his side and taken care of him in every possible way, has long been regarded by him as his own relative. It can be said that she is the person he cares about most in this world. .

Feeling the terrifying killing intent on Di Ke's body, an excited Xu Liangxian couldn't help but said: "Young Master, Yun Lan is not dead! She was kidnapped by those three Chaoyang Sect's Immortals. They said they wanted you, Young Master. Only when she went to Chaoyang Sect to plead guilty would they be willing to let Yun Lan go..."

"Plead guilty?" When Xu Liangxian said that Yun Lan was not dead, Dike, whose expression softened and was secretly relieved, laughed angrily: "It is normal for cultivators to fight and fight, and death and injury are normal. Everything depends on I'm just talking about what I can do. Why can't they, the Chaoyang Sect's people, not allow us to resist even though they can kill people? Do you want me to bow my head and confess my crime? I really want to blind their hearts!"

"Young Master, I think the leader of the Eastern Immortal is also afraid of our strength, so he wants to lure the Young Master to the Chaoyang Sect," Xu Liangxian said, frowning and saying in embarrassment: "As for the Chaoyang Sect, although we don't know our strength, Anyway, after all, it is an overseas sect of immortal cultivators. I’m afraid it’s not easy to mess with. There must be more powerful masters. If the young master goes, he will undoubtedly enter the tiger’s den. But if he doesn’t go, Yunlan, she”

"Go, of course I will go! I didn't want to go to the overseas cultivation world so soon. Since the Chaoyang Sect has taken the initiative to invite me, I want to see what confidence they have to lure me here," he said, looking down at the blood at his feet. The dark red sword flickered, and Diko's eyes flashed with murderous intent. The sword under his feet seemed to sense his emotions and trembled slightly. It also exuded a fierce evil aura, making Xu Liangxian in front of him tense up. He glanced over subconsciously with his eyes narrowed: "Is this sword the blood-refined magic weapon? It seems to be much scarier than Di Yan's sword!"

"By the way, where are Di Yan, Golden Flame Eagle and Hong Luan? Why are they not here?" Di Ke asked coldly, if Golden Flame Eagle or Hong Luan are here, let alone the Chaoyang Sect in the Nascent Soul stage. Young Sect Master, even if the Chaoyang Sect Master comes in person, he will only seek death!

"Young Master, have you forgotten? The Golden Flame Eagle has to go through six or nine heavenly tribulations, and this time Yuyin also sensed her own fourty-nine heavenly tribulations. Di Yan accompanied her to the Great Wilderness to go through the tribulation. She originally thought it would be safer with Hong Luan around. "I didn't expect people from the Chaoyang Sect to arrive suddenly." Xu Liangxian said with some helplessness. It was such a coincidence that Dike had not yet returned from the wilderness.

Dike frowned when he heard this, and then asked: "When did the people from the Chaoyang Sect come? How long have they been away?"

"It's been more than a day," Xu Liangxian said subconsciously, and then his expression moved slightly: "Master, do you want to catch up with them before they return to Chaoyang Sect and rescue Yun Lan? I heard that the overseas cultivation world is far away from Qianlong The mainland is far away, and with Young Master’s speed, we might be able to catch up with them. If we catch up with them before the Chaoyang Sect is reached, it would be best to save Yun Lan, but it would save the Chaoyang Sect from taking risks.”

"Adventure? How can a mere Chaoyang Sect be called a dangerous place in front of me?" Dike, who sneered, continued: "Uncle Xu, I'll stay here to cultivate myself. When Hongluan and the others come back, I'll leave first."

After saying that, he stepped on the blood-refined divine weapon sword, and Diko, whose whole body was rising like blood flames, turned into a stream of flames and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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