Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 366: Kill the Chaoyang Sect

Chapter 366: Kill the Chaoyang Sect
Zixuan Star is very large, and it is considered extremely special and rare among the living planets in the mortal world.

The Qianlong Continent is already very large. The three major dynasties with a population of tens of billions only occupy a small part of the entire Qianlong Continent. What really occupies most of the entire continent is the boundless land located in the eastern part of the Qianlong Continent. Ancient times.

However, compared to the vast ocean in the south, this Qianlong Continent seems insignificant.You can imagine how many practitioners there must be in the overseas cultivation world in such a vast ocean!

Although the number of monsters in the overseas cultivation world is the largest, there are also many immortal cultivators and demon cultivators among humans.In addition to the Penglai Immortal Domain and the Purple Flame Demonic Domain, which are the core gathering areas for immortal cultivators and demon cultivators respectively in the deeper parts of the sea, there are also many cultivation sects on some islands in the boundless sea.

Since the immortal cultivators of the Chaoyang Sect went to the Ming Dynasty of the Qianlong Continent to serve as lofty immortals, it is obvious that the fairy island where the Chaoyang Sect is located is not too far away from the Qianlong Continent.

Of course, this is not too far, it is only relatively speaking.After all, the sea area is too large, and trying to find the three immortal cultivators of the Chaoyang Sect headed by the young master of the Chaoyang Sect in the vast sea is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

What's more, Di Ke didn't even know where the fairy island where the Chaoyang Sect was located, and he didn't even know the general direction. He would definitely have no clue if he wanted to catch up with someone.

Di Ke, who was flying all the way south, escaped at full speed and soon passed through the Ming Dynasty in the south of the Chu Dynasty and arrived at the South China Sea...
Entering the sea, Dico was indeed a little clueless at first.But I don’t know what to ask. Chaoyang Sect is also a well-known cultivation sect, especially in the sea area close to Qianlong Continent. It is the most powerful cultivation sect with many disciples.

Although it is not easy to meet a disciple of the Chaoyang Sect who happens to be out in the vast sea, the probability of meeting a disciple of the Yaozu or other cultivation sects is not small... I have 'asked' more than ten people I met on the way. After meeting the demon clan and a cultivator who happened to meet him, Di Ke learned the approximate location information of Chaoyang Sect from the elder of the small cultivation sect with Nascent Soul stage cultivation.

Chaoyang Fairy Island, where the Chaoyang Sect is located, is large enough to rival the first-tier cities on Earth in Dicko's previous life, and has tens of thousands of disciples.Except for a few disciples who have just started, the others are at least golden elixir stage cultivators who have survived the forty-nine minor tribulations.

Although Chaoyang Fairy Island was hundreds of thousands of miles away from Qianlong Continent, due to the explosive speed and after a night of non-stop flying, Dico only arrived early the next morning.

Along the way, Di Ke did not encounter the young master of the Chaoyang Sect, Dongfang Yu, and other three Chaoyang Sect disciples who took Yun Lan away.But after approaching Chaoyang Fairy Island, Dike, whose powerful spiritual sense swept across Chaoyang Fairy Island, immediately discovered Yun Lan.

But then, Dick's joy was replaced by murderous intention, and he suddenly accelerated towards Chaoyang Fairy Island and flew towards Chaoyang Fairy Island...
Inside the Chaoyang Fairy Island, in a secret quiet room in the core area of ​​the Chaoyang Sect, Yun Lan was tied up with blood stains all over her body, and she had obviously suffered a lot of torture.

Although he really wanted to rescue Yun Lan as soon as possible, the Chaoyang Sect's lair was heavily guarded and there were many restrictive formations, so it was not easy for Dike to sneak in quietly.

"Who? How dare you trespass on Chaoyang Fairy Island!" Dike, who turned into a stream of flames and flew into Chaoyang Fairy Island, didn't want to waste time, so he rushed directly to where Yun Lan was, and soon alerted Chaoyang. Zong is responsible for some of the disciples who guard the perimeter.

Hehe.. Several Chaoyang Sect disciples at the Golden Core stage looked at the stream of flames falling from the sky at an unabated speed. Although they found that the opponent had an amazing momentum and bad intentions, and he was probably very strong in cultivation, they still faced him after a slight hesitation. To stop him, it was a pity that they hadn't seen Dico's appearance clearly yet. They only felt a burst of hot pain, and then they all turned into fly ash and dissipated in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Dike, who was in no one's land, had already reached the core area of ​​the Chaoyang Sect. Those disciples who had cultivated in the Golden Core stage were completely unable to cause any hindrance to him. They were like withered grass on the roadside. Dicko was easily burned clean by the angry flames.What really caused some obstacles to Diko, requiring him to use force to break through them, and slightly delaying some time, was the layers of formation restrictions.

Finally, Di Ke, who had devoured hundreds of Chaoyang Sect's Golden Core disciples along the way just by relying on the refining fire that spread all over his body, blasted several Chaoyang Sect Nascent Soul cultivators who tried to stop him with three punches and two kicks. After the refining fire spread and swallowed up their flesh and blood and Nascent Soul, the real senior officials of Chaoyang Sect were finally alerted.

"You devil..." Dongfang Nian, the leader of the Chaoyang Sect wearing a Taoist robe and long beard, couldn't help but tremble as if his eyes were splitting. His voice was trembling, and he was filled with shock and anger. There is also fear.

It was really the arrogance of Di Ke who was killing him all the way, which was too terrifying. The invisible evil spirit and terrifying aura also made the Chaoyang Sect disciples who gathered behind Dongfang Nian tremble with fear.

"Father..." A relatively handsome young man flew to Dongfang Nian's side, looked at Diko with some surprise and fear, and then shouted to Dongfang Nian.

Almost at the same time, Diko looked at him with sharp eyes, and then his figure approached him in a flash, and almost instantly bypassed Dongfang Nian, whose face changed and was about to stop him, and his palms were clasped like sharp claws. He grabbed the young man's neck and took him towards where Yun Lan was.

"Ah Yu'er!" He cried out in pain, being affected by the refining fire that spread all over his body. His whole body was in burning pain. His robe was soon burned to tatters. Dongfang Nian retreated in embarrassment, looking at his son helplessly. Dongfang Yu was taken away by Diko, and he couldn't help but become anxious and angry.

At the same time, amidst the short screams and exclamations, some of the Chaoyang Sect's Golden Core disciples who were also affected were directly turned into fly ash, and the two Nascent Soul Stage masters who were unable to dodge and were unlucky were also burned to the point of wailing. The other Chaoyang Sect disciples who screamed and flew away like a flock of frightened birds were all pale and frightened.

In some dark secret cells, as Diko brought Dongfang Yu here, the secret room became brighter under the light of the rising blood flames.

Ah... the two Chaoyang Sect disciples responsible for the torture of Yun Lan quickly turned into skinned red meat under the blood flames. Amidst the painful screams and wails, the red meat gradually turned into coke, and then turned into coke. Made into fly ash...
The "young master" was tied to the torture rack, and Yun Lan, who was weak and had her head lowered, looked up and saw Diko in the bloody flames, and she was suddenly surprised.

Dongfang Yu, who was thrown aside by Di Ke, had just seen the miserable state of the two Chaoyang Sect disciples responsible for the torture, and when he heard Yun Lan shouting to Di Ke, his eyes suddenly widened in fear: "Sir? Is this devil actually here to save the mortal woman I captured?"

"So, doesn't it mean that I attracted this devil and brought... to the Chaoyang Sect?" Thinking of this, Dongfang Yu couldn't help but feel regret and fear in his heart.

At the same time, Dike stretched out his hand to break the chain that bound Yun Lan, supported the weak Yun Lan, fed her a healing elixir, gently stroked a whip mark on Yun Lan's face, and spoke softly. He said: "It's okay. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you anymore."

"And the person who dared to attack you before..." said Diko, who turned to look at Dongfang Yu. The cold and chilling eyes made Dongfang Yu's stiff heart feel despair.

(End of this chapter)

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