Chapter 367

Chi... Diko turned over his hand and took out the dark red blood-refined magic weapon sword, and just waved the sword at Dongfang Yu casually. In an instant, the space was distorted, and the bloody sword light burst out from the blade, and it flashed across Dongfang Yu. Yu's body, and then the bloody sword light seemed to be ignited like a blood flame, and the bloody light expanded and became larger.

At the same time, Dongfang Yu, who was frozen, also had a look of fear and pain on his face. Before he could scream, his whole body was like a mummy that had been drained of blood in an instant, and then collapsed under the raging sword energy. Made into fly ash.

There was a boom followed by a muffled thunderous explosion. Dico swung his knife again, slashing the ground above the underground chamber diagonally upwards. His other hand hugged the injured Yun Lan and flew out from the huge hole opened by the blast. , hanging over the Chaoyang Sect gate.

"Where's my son? What did you do to him?" Dongfang Nian couldn't help but asked hurriedly when he saw Diko. In fact, he didn't see Diko bringing Dongfang Yu out with him. He already had something bad. premonition.

And Di Ke looked at him with cold eyes and said: "Don't worry, I will send you to see him right away! Moreover, I want the entire Chaoyang Sect to be buried with you!"

"Ah! Devil, I'll fight you!" Dongfang Nian screamed in grief when he heard this, and then controlled the flying sword to perform the sword technique. Suddenly, the flying sword that was about ten feet long under his feet emitted a dazzling light, like a little sun. Such aura violently shot towards Diko.

Clang... Almost at the same time, Diko, who was wielding the sword with one hand, quickly grew in size and length with the dark red sword in his hand. With a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, the flying sword's light collapsed in the next moment and turned directly into fragments. Scattered in mid-air.

Poof and then, the sharp bloody sword light instantly penetrated Dongfang Nian's body, bringing up a bloody light, killing several Chaoyang Sect disciples one after another, and then turned around and flew back like a river of blood. It sank into the sword in Dico's hand.

Buzz... For a moment, the dark red sword trembled slightly like blood flowing on it, and an increasingly fierce aura and bloody evil aura filled the air...
Similarly, Dongfang Nian and several Chaoyang Sect disciples who were killed by the sword energy were all shriveled up and turned into fly ash. The other Chaoyang Sect disciples around them turned pale and trembled. ..
"Devil...bloodthirsty demon sword, run away!" The timid ones even chose to run for their lives, one person escaped, ten others escaped... Soon the Chaoyang Sect disciples were running away in all directions like a flood that burst an embankment. .

"Escape?" Diko looked at this scene with a sneer, his eyes becoming colder. He hugged Yunlan's figure and slashed out with a knife like a spin. Suddenly, the sharp knife energy drew a circle and spread like ripples on the water. He quickly caught up with some Chaoyang Sect disciples who were escaping slower, causing their bodies to shrivel up as they froze.

Chi. Chi.. Immediately afterwards, Di Ke's figures appeared in mid-air everywhere on Chaoyang Fairy Island like a phantom. For a while, sharp sword energy continued to appear everywhere where Chaoyang Sect disciples gathered. In just a moment, the entire Chaoyang The Immortal Island was already shrouded in a sky full of sword energy that kept flashing and disappearing.

Except for a few who were very lucky and used forbidden magic and other means of escape to escape Chaoyang Fairy Island, the Chaoyang Sect disciples on the island were almost wiped out by Dike in a short period of time.

High in the sky of Chaoyang Fairy Island, Di Ke, who was full of evil spirits, looked down at the huge messy island below. He did not pursue the few disciples of Chaoyang Sect who had fled in all directions, but he still locked in one direction and took Yunlan Hua with him. He made a stream of blood flames and chased after him.

After about a while of making tea, on the sea thousands of miles away from Chaoyang Fairy Island, a red-faced old man in black robes was flying at high speed with a sword. He couldn't help but turn his head and glance in the direction of Chaoyang Fairy Island with lingering fear. His expression Gritting his teeth in a complex and ugly way, he said: "How could our Chaoyang Sect provoke such a powerful master? It's over, it's over! The Chaoyang Sect is gone!" "What a ruthless and bloodthirsty demon, he must be a demon cultivator! Such wanton slaughter The senior masters of my sect of immortal cultivators and the Penglai Immortal Realm will never sit idly by and ignore it. When the time comes..." The red-faced old man gritted his teeth and secretly hated him and continued to run for his life.

However, at this moment, a stream of bloody flames suddenly approached from the distant sky, accompanied by a hot and terrifying aura. The red-faced old man who looked back was immediately frightened to death.

"Unexpectedly, the Chaoyang Sect's only cultivator in the Dongxu stage turned out to be a cowardly person who only knows how to run for his life!" A cold shout came, and in the blink of an eye, the voice was approaching rapidly, and finally appeared in front, and at the same time, blood flowed The flames were falling from the sky in front, directly blocking the way of the red-faced old man.

The red-faced old man who hurriedly slowed down and stopped, looked at Di Ke who was surrounded by blood flames and his whole body was bathed in bloody flames. He couldn't help but said with shock and fear: "How on earth did our Chaoyang Sect offend you? You are like this?" Are you so ruthless that you want to kill everyone?"

"You often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? Your Chaoyang Sect is used to being domineering in the sea millions of miles away from the Qianlong Continent. Have those people who were once driven into desperation by your Chaoyang Sect disciples ever been like you? Did you ask with the same sorrow and anger?" Diko sneered: "Now that I have taken action and made a grudge, do you think I will still cause trouble for myself?"

Before Diko finished speaking, the red-faced old man's body swelled up with a flushed face, and then he roared violently and charged towards Diko.
"Want to fight with me?" Diko shook his head slightly when he saw this. With a thought, sharp sword lights flew out of his body, turning into arcs and shooting towards the red-faced old man.

The sword rays were not only extremely fast, but also cunning and strange. They approached the red-faced old man as if they were twisting space. The red-faced old man roared and controlled the flying sword to barely resist one of the sword rays. However, he was still struck by the remaining sword. The light penetrated the body one after another, and the whole person was like a deflated balloon, and the breath of blood spraying all over his body weakened.

The red-faced old man who had already approached Diko stared at Diko with a look of reluctance, and then he fell into the room with a dim look in his eyes. Only a sword light flew out of his body, enveloping his Nascent Soul. The flying swords, storage rings, etc. flew towards Dico together with the other sword lights.

Diko noticed that the aura in the red-faced old man's body was violent. Not only did the sword rays pierce his body, but one of the sword rays even directly penetrated the Yuanying in the Dantian of his abdomen, causing him to lose his soul and naturally want to self-destruct his Yuan Ying. Ying couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried.

After the sword lights approached Diko, they turned directly into three-inch long slender handleless swords. It was Diko who used the sharp sword-like spikes on the back of the Nascent Soul saber-toothed tiger to fuse with the sharp claws of the dragon rock lion. Refined, they are all top-grade spiritual weapons. Later, after receiving the cultivation inheritance left by Lei Wei, Diko set up a superimposed attack formation restriction on the sword, which greatly increased its power, almost reaching the top level. A spiritual weapon.

As the most powerful person in the Chaoyang Sect, the red-faced old man wore a set of medium-grade spiritual weapon defense armor, but he was still as vulnerable as paper to the sword light attack controlled by Dike's powerful soul power.

"Huh?" Diko, who had easily dealt with the red-faced old man and was about to leave with Yun Lan, suddenly paused as if aware of the situation, and his eyes instantly looked toward the sea not far away as sharp as lightning.

I saw the turbulent sea water automatically parting, as if a passage had been opened, and then a burly man in purple robes flew out of it, looking at Diko with stern eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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