Chapter 368
Feeling the aura of the burly man in purple armor that was more powerful and domineering than the red-faced old man, Diko couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.In this sea area close to the Qianlong Continent, it is really rare for people to reach such a level of cultivation.

Moreover, Diko, who had stayed in the wilderness for a relatively long time, was naturally keenly aware of the demonic aura on the purple-robed man. It was obvious that he was not a human being, but a demonic beast in the sea.

"Even my Highness can't see through your cultivation. No wonder you can easily kill that human cultivator in the Dongxu Stage. Who are you? Are you a master cultivator from the Purple Flame Demon Realm?" The purple-robed man He asked Dico curiously, as if he was not afraid of Dico's strength at all.

"You can't see through me, and you don't even know my identity, yet you dare to come forward. Do you want to fight me?" Diko, who had already guessed the identity of the big man in purple robe, his eyes flashed slightly. said politely.

The big man in purple robe laughed loudly when he heard this: "Haha... In this sea area, you are the first one who dares to talk to me like this. It is rare to meet a master, and I am indeed a little itchy. Since you If you want to have a fight, let’s finish it before we talk!”

In the world of monsters and monsters under the sea, it is actually the same as in the ancient world. The weak eat the strong and the strong are respected. Monsters, even if they are cultivated into human form, are more aggressive than human immortal cultivators and demon cultivators. Fighting and fighting are the norm.

While speaking, the big man in purple robe turned his hand and took out a spear, and went straight to kill Dike... And with a wave of his hand, Dike sent Yunlan to a reef with a diameter of about ten feet protruding from the sea a few miles away, and Dike also had a sudden move in his mind. , the dark red sword that was warmed in the dantian appeared in front of him instantly.

Clang... Diko, who held the knife in both hands, slashed out with the knife. The sharp sword energy was as if it was about to separate the space, and it accurately collided with the spear in the hand of the purple-robed man.

The next moment, the big man in purple robe was shocked and was knocked back by Diko's sword. Diko, holding the sword, only swayed slightly and resolved the hard blow on the spot like a roly-poly. impact.

"Haha... Okay! What a knife! I didn't expect you to be so powerful, so happy!" The big man in purple robe who steadied his figure and looked at Dike with a moved expression couldn't help but laugh, and he dodged and killed him again as if his fighting spirit was rising. .

The purple-robed man's marksmanship was indeed good. The gun seemed to come alive in his hand, like a flexible dragon, and the shadows of the guns shrouded and entangled Diko, making it impossible for Diko to escape.

However, Di Ke had no intention of escaping. On the contrary, he was like a needle pointed against a wheat awn. The sword in his hand surged with fierce energy and turned into sharp sword lights. He faced head-on like a peacock with its tail open and faced the flexibility of the spear in the hand of the big man in purple robe. Gun shadow.

Clang... clang... clang... amidst the dense clash of gold and iron, the shadows of guns and swords collapsed and reappeared, fierce energy radiating out. Where Di Ke and the big man in purple robes fought fiercely, the attack moves were too... It was so fast that it even caused a visual distortion effect, and the surrounding sea water became turbulent and agitated, as if two dragons were stirring wantonly.

While fighting in close combat, the long spear in the purple-robed man's hand would occasionally leave his hand, turning into a bolt of lightning and piercing the vital parts of Diko's body. The combination of close combat and long-range attack was perfect.

But Dico's sword skills are also flawless. The impeccable attack allows him to completely ignore any attack method. He can block any attack method with the sword in his hand.

Moreover, Diko's body skills were too fast and flexible, and his cultivation level was higher than that of the purple-robed man. He could crush the opponent regardless of his physical strength or magic power. Therefore, after a fight, Diko was soon Like a sudden explosion, the sharp and violent sword struck directly and the purple-robed man flew backwards. The hand holding the spear was torn from the tiger's mouth, dripping with blood, and the arm began to tremble.

The big man in purple robe roared with fear and unwillingness. Veins suddenly popped out on his face, his eyes widened with red light, and then his whole body turned into a purple dragon starting from his head. "Sure enough, it's the Purple Evil Dragon!" After seeing the body of the purple-robed man, Di Ke couldn't help but raise his brows. Then, facing the roaring Purple Evil Dragon, he put away the sword in his hand with a sudden move. Fighting knife, and then suddenly clenched his fist, the blood flames all over his body rose up and then restrained. His whole body was tense and his skin was red, the hot aura rose up, and then he punched out with a punch, hitting the purple evil dragon who was already approaching. body.

Peng... With a muffled sound like a drum, the purple evil dragon, which was shaken all over, was thrown away directly with a shrill roar and the sound of shattering scales that made people feel sour. Blood spurted out from its mouth. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a human form again, but he was seriously injured and could not maintain a body as powerful as his original body.

After turning into a human form, the purple-robed man's face was pale, and his sunken chest was dripping with blood. After he stumbled to the sea with some instability, he couldn't help coughing and spitting out two mouthfuls of blood...
"How's it going? Do you still want to fight?" Di Ke, who had just slaughtered Chaoyang Fairy Island and had a battle with this purple evil dragon, was greatly reduced and his body was fully mobile. He felt much better for a while. See The big man in purple robe looked embarrassed and couldn't help but said with a joking smile.

But the big man in purple robe couldn't help but look at Diko with some surprise: "You are not a human being? Are you the legendary beast Fire Qilin? Or some other powerful fire attribute beast?"

"The mythical beast fire unicorn?" Diko twitched his mouth slightly when he heard it, and looked at him speechlessly: "I said, how rare is it that you didn't notice that I don't have any aura of a monster in me? I'm obviously a human being, why are you guys Do the monsters always regard me as some kind of mythical beast? Doesn’t it mean that humans can’t have a strong body and strength?”

"Are you a human? Can a human have such a powerful body and strength? Do you practice some special technique? I have never heard of it. Could it be that you come from the Tenglong Continent where immortal cultivators and demon cultivators gather?" The big man in purple robe asked in surprise and curiosity.

"I'm not from Tenglong Continent either," Diko shook his head slightly and said, "How about it, are you convinced? I won this battle, right?"

"I am indeed no match for you. I never expected that I would lose at the hands of a human being, and also in a competition of strength." The somewhat depressed and unwilling man in purple robe admitted defeat simply.

When Diko heard this, the smile on his lips became even bigger: "In that case, then you will follow me obediently from now on!"

"What? You want me to follow you?" The big man in purple robe was stunned for a moment, while Diko said matter-of-factly: "Don't you monsters pay attention to the law of the jungle? It's normal for the weak to rely on the strong. You If you refuse to follow me, do you want to die?"

wanna die?The big man in purple robe suddenly twitched his face when he heard this, and then said in a deep voice: "Having seen my true form, couldn't you guess my identity?"

"Purple evil dragon, I know, you should be one of the nine little dragons in the Nine Evil Palace, right?" Di Ke said carelessly: "Although it is not a divine beast, its bloodline and feet are still That’s right. Let’s do this. Send a message to your eight brothers and ask them to follow me together.”

Hearing what Diko said, the big man in purple robe was completely speechless. He asked the nine highnesses from the dignified Jiu Sha Palace to follow him. Does this guy think he really has such a great reputation?

(End of this chapter)

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