Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 370 The Situation of the Chu Dynasty

Chapter 370 The Situation of the Chu Dynasty

As he spoke, Di Tong, who had already arrived at the Qianlong Continent and was flying over the Ming Dynasty with Di Ke, looked at Di Ke's back in front of him and couldn't help but thought to himself with his eyes twinkling: "He knows so clearly about all the forces, I guess. It also has quite a history. I, Jiu Sha Palace, have no backers, so if I can climb up to Di Ke and the forces behind him, it might not be a bad thing."

Although Di Tong and his nine brothers are used to being comfortable and do not want to be inferior to others, so they established the Jiu Sha Palace in the overseas cultivation world, but if Di Ke's strength background is really strong enough and they can enjoy the shade under the big tree, they might as well keep their heads down. .

With the help of the power behind Diko, the nine brothers may have a better chance of surviving the ninety-nine tribulations and ascending to heaven in the future!And once you ascend, you will naturally be free, and you may be able to quickly rise to become a hero in the rumored demon world.

With the speed of Di Ke and Di Tong, they quickly flew past the Ming Dynasty and arrived at the quiet manor outside Baisha Town, the third county in the eastern region of the Chu Dynasty.

In a short period of time, the damage caused by the previous battle at the Immortal level in the manor had been cleaned up and repaired, and Xu Liangxian, who sensed Di Ke's aura, rushed to greet him: "Sir, you are finally back! How is Yun Lan? She's injured. ?”

"Uncle Xu, I'm fine, it's just a skin injury. After taking the healing elixir that the young master gave me, I'm much better," Yun Lan said. On the way back, she leaned against Di Ke's arms and silently performed exercises to heal her injuries. , and now the injuries on his body have already recovered to some extent.

Di Ke felt the change in Xu Liangxian's aura and couldn't help but said slightly surprised: "Uncle Xu, is your injury healed so quickly?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the special ability I had after I broke through to the planetary level. I am better at healing, so my injuries recover faster," Xu Liangxian said with a smile: "Fortunately, my injuries recovered quickly, otherwise Facing Xiang Yang, the ancestor of the Chu Dynasty, I really can't suppress him. I didn't expect that this old guy has a good talent in cultivation, and he actually cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage on his own."

"Xiang Yang? He's here?" When Di Ke heard this, his eyebrows suddenly furrowed, filled with murderous aura and murderous intent. Di Tong, who was on the side and had some contempt for Xu Liangxian's weak cultivation, suddenly felt a panic all over his body. With excitement, the casual look on his face disappeared, and he returned to his previous respectful and careful look.

"Young master, he is not here to cause trouble, but to win over us," Xu Liangxian said quickly: "I think he should be mainly afraid of the Qin family, because according to the latest news I got, Zhendong King Qin De has passed away. Forty-nine small heavenly tribulations have occurred. And one of the two great immortals of the Chu Dynasty seems to have died. So when Xiang Yang comes here, he should actually be worried about us helping the Qin family."

"Winning me over? Are you afraid that I will help the Qin family?" Di Ke couldn't help but sneer after hearing this: "I didn't expect that this amazing and talented ancestor of the Xiang family would be afraid!"

"Master, do we want to help the Qin family?" Xu Liangxian asked tentatively, and Dike, who glanced at him with a frown, turned to Yun Lan beside him and said, "Yun Lan, You go and rest first!”

After saying that, Yun Lan left and asked Xu Liangxian to arrange for someone to take Di Tong down to rest. Then he said to Xu Liangxian, who was standing silently aside: "Uncle Xu, is there something coming from Zhennan Palace?" ? It’s my father who wants me to help the Qin family, right?"

"Young Master Ming Jian!" Xu Liangxian smiled helplessly: "The prince does have this intention, but whether to help the Qin family or not depends on the Young Master's intention after all."

"You also think I should help the Qin family?" Di Ke asked back, but Xu Liangxian shook his head slightly and said: "I listen to the young master!"

Diko, who was noncommittal, remained silent for a while before he couldn't help but say: "Actually, I don't understand. Now that he knows our strength, doesn't my father have other ideas and insist on helping the Qin family rise to power? He doesn't hesitate to do so. What can he gain by helping the Qin family? Didn't he ever think that he would rule the world?" "Perhaps it's because the Mu family is also a descendant of the First Queen!" Xu Liangxian said in a deep voice, while Di Ke was slightly Shaking his head: "Since we are both descendants of the First Queen, and the children of the Mu family have hidden their identities for hundreds of years, my father is really willing to wholeheartedly help the Qin family? Don't you feel that hiding for so many years is too frustrating? There is no trace in your heart Jealousy and resentment?"

Xu Liangxian was silent for a while after hearing this, and then he sighed under Diko's gaze and said, "Perhaps after knowing the young master's strength, the prince had had this idea, but he was worried that the young master might not fully help him. Without the young master to help him, Xu Liangxian was slightly silent. , with the King of Zhendong becoming an Immortal and the Immortal Feng Yuzi helping him, how dare the prince have any different intentions?"

"That's right," Diko nodded slightly and couldn't help but said: "Actually, I don't know how to help him, but it seems that he doesn't even have such ambition and courage. Compared with Qin De, he is indeed inferior. Far away. Even he is not as good as my eldest brother. If Mu Cheng has a chance to ascend to the throne, he should be a more qualified emperor."

Mu Cheng?emperor?Xu Liangxian was a little shocked when he heard this. He obviously didn't expect Dike to say this.You know, Di Ke has not dealt with that eldest brother since he was a child. Will he try his best to help Mucheng become the emperor?Thinking about it, Xu Liangxian felt it was impossible.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter so much. In fact, I don't care which one of them becomes the emperor," Di Ke shook his head and then asked: "By the way, Di Yan and the others haven't come back yet?"

Xu Liangxian continued: "The Golden Flame Eagle should have passed through the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations. I guess Miss Yuyin is still waiting to pass through the forty-nine small heavenly tribulations!"

"Well, after surviving the forty-nine small tribulations, we will be considered cultivators. At that time, we should also go to the overseas cultivation world," Di Ke nodded slightly, and Xu Liangxian's eyes lit up when he heard this. He had already longed for the rumored overseas cultivation world.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Liangxian suddenly thought of something and asked: "By the way, Young Master, the big man in purple robe just now seems to be a monster, right? Could it be that he is a powerful monster that Young Master has conquered in the overseas cultivation world? "

"Yes, his name is Di Tong, he is a purple evil dragon, his talent is pretty good, second only to the divine beast. He is already in the middle stage of Dongxu, and the immortal cultivators and demon cultivators in the Kongming stage should not be among them. Opponent," Dicko nodded.

Hearing Di Ke's evaluation of Di Tong, Xu Liangxian's eyes suddenly brightened: "Young Master's cultivation seems to be getting more and more unfathomable, and such strong men can conquer him. In this overseas cultivation world, it seems that the master is strong. There are so many!”

"It's not that exaggerated. The most powerful ones are the masters of the Kongming Stage. The strong men above the Tribulation Stage are all in Qianlong Continent and Riot Star Sea!" Di Ke shook his head slightly and said, "However, this brother Di Tong Nine, they joined forces to establish a demon cultivator force called Jiusha Palace in the overseas cultivator world. Although it is the last among the three demon cultivator forces in the overseas cultivator world, it still has some foundation. When we go to the overseas cultivator , and conquered his other eight brothers together, he will have a foothold in the overseas cultivation world."

"Nine purple evil dragons?" Xu Liangxian stared slightly when he heard this: "Are they both at the Dongxu stage of strength like Di Tong?"

"Yes! Among the nine brothers, the weakest one has the strength of Dongxu in the early stage, and the strongest boss and sixth brother have the strength of Dongxu in the later stage." Dike nodded and smiled: "The strength is too weak, even if it is conquered It's of little use. With their strength in the Hole Void Stage, after stimulating their bloodline, they can rival the divine beasts, and they can explode into the combat power of the Kong Ming Stage, so they can be taken advantage of."

Xu Liangxian was a little speechless. Only the strength of the Kong Ming Stage can be used, so his strength can only be compared to the strength of the Yuanying Stage. In the overseas cultivation world, wouldn't he not even be qualified to attack Diko?
(End of this chapter)

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