Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 371 Di Tong’s shock

Chapter 371 Di Tong’s shock

Early the next morning, Di Ke took Di Tong and left for the Great Wilderness. On the same day, they arrived at the place [-] to [-] miles outside the Great Wilderness, where the Golden Flame Eagle had previously chosen to overcome the tribulation.

In the precipitous mountains, Di Ke and Di Tong, who were flying past as fast as lightning, suddenly felt a surging hot breath coming towards their faces, and then saw a red-gold stream of light for a flash, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the front and turned into A golden giant eagle with flames rising all over its body appeared, and the feathers on its body were like sharp swords emitting fluctuations that made the surrounding air vibrate.

"Golden Flame Eagle? The Golden Flame Eagle in the Dongxu stage? It's strange. It's obviously only the early stage of Dongxu. The cultivation level is not as good as mine. Why is the aura so powerful? It actually makes me feel a faint sense of uneasiness." Seeing the golden flame Ying's Di Tong was suddenly startled and alert: "I didn't expect that I had only traveled two or three thousand miles into the wilderness and encountered such a powerful monster beast. It seems that there are not only many monsters in this wilderness, but also strong ones like Cloud!"

"His men actually chose to go deep into the wilderness to survive the catastrophe. Could it be that they have some support?" Di Tong glanced at Di Ke and his mind was spinning.

At the same time, the Golden Flame Eagle, which was full of red-gold light, quickly transformed into a human form, wearing a dazzling golden robe, but its head was still that of the Golden Flame Eagle, and the crown-like red-gold feathers on its head were very dazzling.

"Huh? The Golden Flame Eagle is not a divine beast. How come he has survived six or nine heavenly tribulations but still cannot completely transform into a human form?" When Di Tong saw this and was confused, he saw the golden eagle that had transformed into a human form with an eagle head. Flame Eagle saluted Diko respectfully: "Golden Feather welcomes the master!"

"Master?" Di Tong stared at him. A monster of this level actually called Di Ke its master. Could it be that he is Di Ke's spiritual beast?

Di Tong has heard about the talk about spirit beasts. It seems that some kind of spirit beast circle is needed in order for the spirit beast to recognize its master. From then on, it cannot disobey its master. Otherwise, if the master changes his mind, he can let the spirit beast controlled by the spirit beast circle The soul is gone.

The spirit beast circle is undoubtedly a legendary treasure, and if Dicko can control spirit beasts with the spirit beast circle, it will undoubtedly prove that he has an extraordinary origin.

Di Ke naturally didn't know that Di Tong thought of so many things after seeing the Golden Flame Eagle. The reason why he brought him here was just to scare him with the Golden Flame Eagle and Red Luan. Di Ke looked at Di Tong who had turned into a human form. The Golden Flame Eagle Jin Yu could not help but nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Okay, Jin Yu, you are able to successfully survive the six or nine heavenly tribulations. It is really worthy of congratulations!"

"If my master hadn't cultivated me and taught me the body refining method, making my feathers and eagle claws comparable to the best spiritual weapons, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to survive the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations," Jin Yu continued with an even more respectful tone: "Listen to what Hong Luan said. , my six-nine heavenly tribulations are only slightly weaker than her six-nine heavenly tribulations."

"Hong Luan? Body refining method? He actually has the sacred beast Hong Luan under his command? How could he make Hong Luan surrender? Moreover, what body refining method can make the feathers and claws of the demon clan in the Dongxu stage rival the best spiritual weapons? Even if it is a sacred beast , the scales and claws are not that powerful, let alone the feathers." Di Tong was filled with surprise after hearing this.

A moment later, Di Ke and Di Tong, led by Jin Yu, arrived at the place where Yuyin retreated to prepare for the tribulation. They also saw the tall man in red clothes who had also transformed into a human form and performed illusions. He seemed to have a noble temperament all over his body. Female Hongluan.

"Master!" Seeing Di Ke, Hong Luan also bowed respectfully, which made Di Tong, who was following Di Ke with his eyes narrowed, even more shocked.

Hong Luan's cultivation has improved recently, and he has reached the middle stage of Dongxu, but his aura is stronger than that of the Golden Flame Eagle. Just casually glancing at Di Tong made his hands and feet feel weak. feeling.That invisible sense of oppression, which seems to come from the bloodline soul, is the natural suppression of other monsters by divine beasts.Even with the same level of cultivation, the mythical beasts still have the ability to leapfrog and crush other monsters.

"Is it really the divine beast Hongluan? But Hongluan is just a lower-level divine beast. Why is its aura so strong? This bloodline pressure is actually stronger than the oppression that the Master of Qinglong Palace gave me at the beginning, but her cultivation is obviously not as good as Master Qinglong Palace, what is going on?" Di Tong frowned and became more and more confused.

At this moment, Di Yan, who was dressed in a red outfit, came out of a cave not far away. Her figure turned into a fiery red afterimage, and came to Di Ke with a surging and fiery aura: " Young Master, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm worried. Let's see how Jin Yu and Yuyin are going through the tribulation." Di Ke said with a faint smile. Feeling the change in Di Yan's aura, he couldn't help but be a little surprised: "You actually broke through. I didn't expect you to break through." Having reached the planetary level so quickly, it seems that you are very suitable for cultivating the Force!"

"Yuyin is about to go through the Forty-Nine Small Heaven Tribulation, so naturally I can't lag behind," Di Yan also said with a smile: "And not only did I break through, my soul realm also improved a lot, and I also sensed the Four Nine Small Heavenly Tribulations. Tribulation, just three months... Oh, one month has passed, and I can survive the forty-nine small heavenly tribulations in two months, which is a little later than Yuyin."

"Oh? Are you going to survive the forty-nine minor tribulations in two months? How lucky are you?" Di Ke raised his eyebrows and smiled in surprise, and then asked: "Where is Yuyin? How is she preparing?"

"She is still in seclusion. It can be seen that she is quite nervous. She was probably frightened by Jin Yu's previous tribulation movement," Di Yan couldn't help but have a look of lingering fear in her beautiful eyes with a somewhat solemn expression as she spoke.Obviously, Jin Yu's previous process of overcoming the tribulation also caused a lot of shock to her, and she even couldn't help but doubt that Jin Yu could withstand such a terrifying tribulation thunder.

Although Di Yan also practiced the gene energy cultivation method, and her body improved like a transformation after entering the planetary level, she still felt a little unsure when thinking about the terrible thunder disaster.

In fact, it was precisely because she had witnessed the terrifying process of Jin Yu crossing the tribulation before that Di Yan was shocked and stimulated, and now she had a sense of urgency. She became more and more eager to improve her strength as soon as possible. She became more diligent in practicing and practicing swordsmanship, even at the expense of Taking the risk to fight against the golden elixir stage monsters in the ancient world, his strength improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, and he even directly broke through to the planet level.

"Although her aura is pure and restrained, it is obvious that she is at the level of Nascent Soul, and her soul realm is not weak. How could it be possible that she has not survived the forty-nine minor tribulations?" Facing Di Yan, Di Tong was simply worse than seeing Jin. Yu and Hongluan were even more surprised and puzzled.

After all, according to experiments, compared to monster beasts, human beings' innate conditions are relatively weak.But Di Yan's strength is so strong that even the super beasts may not be as good as her before they have passed through the forty-nine minor tribulations. What's going on?Entered the planetary level?What state is this?Could it be that her cultivation technique is a little special?
Thinking of this, Di Tong glanced at Di Ke and couldn't help but his heart was pounding: "His aura is not too strong, it should be at the level of the peak of Dongxu, but his strength is so terrifying, I am afraid it is worse than the cultivation level of Kong Ming Stage. They are much more powerful, could it be because of their powerful cultivation techniques?"

"Furthermore, that body-refining technique can make the feathers and claws of the Golden Flame Eagle comparable to the best spiritual weapons." Di Tong, who was thinking about it, couldn't help but become more and more excited. She felt that Di Ke was simply a treasure. No wonder Jin The Flame Eagle and even the sacred beast Red Luan are willing to follow him.

Di Ke, who heard Di Yan say that Yuyin was in seclusion, nodded slightly: "Well, Yuyin's physical fitness is not as good as yours, and it is still a bit dangerous to face the forty-nine small tribulations. Fortunately, there is still some time, I can practice for her Make better defensive weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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