Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 372 Yuyin survives the tribulation

Chapter 372 Yuyin survives the tribulation
Defense weapon?When Di Yan heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said: "Sir, you can't treat one favorably against another! I also have to survive the forty-nine minor tribulations, and I also need more powerful defensive weapons!"

"Don't worry, I can't do without you," Di Kelian rolled his eyes at Di Yan and asked, "How long does it take for Yuyin to survive the forty-nine minor tribulations?"

"It looks like more than half a month, but it will be less than a month anyway," Di Yan thought for a moment before saying, and Di Ke also nodded slightly and said: "Then I will first refine the defensive spiritual weapon for you to use to overcome the tribulation. Look back. After recognizing the master in blood, you all need time to become proficient."

"Okay, Young Master, I have specially prepared a temporary cave for you to live in nearby. I will take you there!" Di Yan said with a smile with shining eyes.

Following Di Yan to the temporary cave nearby, Di Ke did not rush to start refining the spiritual weapon directly, but took a rest. Until the next day, Di Ke, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed and sleeping, suddenly felt like a slight tremor all over his body. A surging and violent aura wave was quietly released, and Diko, who was instantly covered in dark red refining fire, caused the surrounding air to vibrate, and the entire cave trembled, as if it was crumbling.

"Huh!" Diko let out a breath of air and opened his eyes. He clenched his fists suddenly. Feeling the sudden increase in strength and the increasingly pure force in his body, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Seventh level planetary level" , should be comparable to the early stage of Kong Ming. If I meet the black dragon Yanmo again, I guess I can defeat him without using my trump card."

"But the one that has increased its power even more is my innate ability, Fire Refining..." As soon as his mind moved, the dark red refining fire converged on his palms. Looking at the hot refining fire burning the distorted and blurred space around him, Dico couldn't help but There is some expectation: "When I step into the star level and my cultivation is comparable to that of a cultivator in the Tribulation Stage, I am afraid that the power of refining fire will be comparable to the flames in the body of an immortal. By then, I should be able to refine immortal weapons."

Di Ke, who had made a breakthrough in cultivation, then refined the ultimate defensive weapon for Di Yan and Yuyin to use to overcome the tribulation. Naturally, he became even more proficient. In just half a day, he refined a set of red crystal-like armor. , and a jade umbrella-like spiritual weapon.

More than half a month later, in the undulating mountains and forests, on the top of a cliff, Yuyin, wearing a light yellow skirt and sitting cross-legged, was going through the forty-nine small tribulations...
In the dark sky, dark clouds gathered, the lightning flashed in the thunder vortex, and violent energy fluctuations spread, making Dico and others on a nearby cliff look slightly solemn.

"Yuyin's forty-nine small tribulations are quite powerful! If it weren't for the jade umbrella, the top-grade defensive spiritual weapon that you refined for her, young master, I'm afraid she would have had some twists and turns in her tribulation this time," after two tribulation thunders , seeing that Yuyin blocked the thunderbolt without using her jade umbrella, Di Yan was secretly relieved, but she also felt a little scared.

Di Ke frowned: "It turned out to be much louder than the previous [-] small tribulations of Uncle Xu. Is it because Yuyin's soul realm is higher?"

The power of the third thunder tribulation is still not too strong, but the last thunder tribulation obviously took a longer time to accumulate, and its power is beyond the expectations of several people. Fortunately, with the help of the top-grade spiritual weapon jade umbrella, they tried their best Yuyin, relying on her powerful soul power to control the jade umbrella, still managed to block the most powerful tribulation thunder without any risk.

"Great, it's successful!" Seeing Yuyin survive the catastrophe, Di Yan suddenly said with some surprise. At this moment, Yuyin, who was still sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, suddenly radiated a dazzling light. Shi Shi was like a god of light. Di Tong, Golden Flame Eagle, Jin Yu, and Hong Luan were all slightly startled when they saw him.

Especially Di Tong, looking at Yuyin who was bathed in the holy light, couldn't help but wonder with suspicion and curiosity whether this young human girl also practiced any special cultivation techniques.

"Is it possible that Yuyin has entered the planetary level?" Di Yan, on the other hand, was slightly surprised, and her beautiful eyes lit up. After all, she had already experienced entering the planetary level before, and she had known it for a long time. After entering the planetary level, he will have special abilities. For a moment, he was looking forward to it and curious: "I wonder what innate abilities Yuyin will awaken?"

"Awakening the innate ability? What innate ability? Is it a bloodline innate power similar to that of a divine beast?" Di Tong, whose eyes flickered when he heard this, thought to himself. "It should be the light!" He squinted slightly and watched as the dazzling light all over his body gradually subsided, but his skin still glowed with a jade-like luster, and his whole body seemed to have a holy jade sound. Diko couldn't help but smile, "That's right. It’s quite suitable for her natural abilities.”

"Light? What kind of special ability is this? If it's just light, it can at most illuminate it, or is the light so strong that the opponent can't open his eyes? Isn't this ability too weird and useless?" Di Yan frowned. He frowned and said.

"Haha... your statement is even more bizarre," Diko, who was dumbfounded and laughed, shook his head and continued: "The ability to light is not as simple as you think! Compared to your special ability of fire, which is very explosive, I am I feel that the innate ability awakened by Yuyin has more potential."

"My energy burst talent is so powerful that it can leapfrog the enemy's ranks. I don't believe that Yuyin's light ability can compare with my flame burst!" Di Yan was obviously not convinced.

Di Ke, who was noncommittal, suddenly thought of something. He looked at Di Yan with a raised eyebrow and said seriously: "If my guess is right, your [-] small tribulations in more than a month will be more powerful than Yuyin's tribulations." Be big. So, you must be careful and don’t be careless.”

"Don't worry, I know! Now I am a planet-level powerhouse. Even if I encounter a master in the Nascent Soul stage, I can still fight. Coupled with the innate ability of energy burst, and what you have prepared for me, Master." Is it possible that the top-grade spiritual weapon defense armor still cannot survive the forty-nine minor tribulations?" Di Yan was full of confidence.

Seeing Di Yan's confident look, Di Ke, who didn't say much, felt a little worried in his heart.If Di Yan had not entered the planetary level before transcending the tribulation, perhaps the power of the [-] small tribulations would not have been so great, but before the tribulation, she was still a planet-level powerhouse comparable to the cultivators in the infant stage. It's strange that it's not very powerful.

Diko knew very well that the power of this tribulation was related to the strength and potential of the person who had overcome it.The more evil the person is, the greater the power of the natural disaster.For many mythical beasts, the higher the level, the smaller the hope of surviving the ninth tribulation, and they will eventually be forced to become scattered monsters!

"Sir, I remember you said that the higher the potential, the greater the power of the heavenly tribulation. Therefore, the divine beasts crossing the tribulation are more dangerous than ordinary monsters. So if my four-nine small heavenly tribulations are more powerful, right? Does that mean I have more potential than Yuyin?" Di Yan suddenly looked at Di Ke with shining eyes.

".." Looking at the excited Di Yan, Di Ke was speechless for a moment. Is this eldest sister missing something in her mind?Why is the angle of thinking about the problem so special?I used to feel a lot of pressure when facing the catastrophe, but now I feel confident?

Facing the somewhat nervous Di Yan, Di Ke, who was really worried, even set up the strongest defensive formation he could at the place where she was preparing to survive the catastrophe, even to avoid her blood-refined magic weapon. The Zhanma Dao was damaged when resisting the thunder, and a top-quality spiritual weapon sword was specially crafted for her.

Originally, Di Ke wanted to see for himself the power of Di Yan's Four Nine Small Heavenly Tribulations, but when there were still a few days before Di Yan's tribulation, he learned about the Nine Evils Palace from Di Tong's mouth. The other eight His Highnesses have arrived at the sea area where Chishui Cave Mansion is located.

Therefore, Di Ke, who was slightly hesitant, took Di Tong to the South China Sea and took the golden feather that transformed into the golden flame eagle.
(End of this chapter)

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