Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 373 Jin Yu fights nine evil spirits

Chapter 373 Jin Yu fights against Jiu Sha

A few days later, within the 800 million miles of sea controlled by the Chixue Cave Mansion, there was an uninhabited and deserted island with a radius of dozens of miles.
Di Ke and Di Tong, who had rushed here all the way, could not wait more than a meal when they saw eight dragons as thick as a water tank and a hundred meters long flying rapidly in the sky in the distance. Their palm-sized purple scales flashed in the sun. There was a dazzling light underneath.

After getting closer in a blink of an eye, there was only a flash of light, and the eight purple evil dragons turned into eight big men wearing purple robes at the same time. The majestic big man headed among them saw Di Tong, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Eighth brother, you Are you okay?"

"Eldest brother, brothers, and ninth brother, I'm fine! Thank you all for coming for a run together," Di Tong said excitedly when seeing the eight brothers.

At this moment, Di Jian, the sixth among the eight people who, like the eldest Di Long, was in the later stage of Dongxu, looked at Di Ke with frowning eyebrows. There was a hint of surprise on his indifferent face and he even sent a message to Di Long. Said: "Brother, this kid's cultivation is not weak. Even I can't see through him. No wonder the eighth brother is not his opponent."

"Who are you, Your Excellency? Why did you kidnap my eighth brother and bring our brothers here?" Di Long also narrowed his eyes and looked at Diko, and asked in a deep voice with a slightly solemn expression.

"Why I asked you to come, I have actually made it very clear to Di Tong. Didn't Brother You use a summons to communicate with you and explain the situation?" Di Ke looked at Di Long and his brothers with a smile and asked. road.

Di Long was suffocated when he heard the words, while Di Jian, the sixth man beside him, said coldly: "It is simply wishful thinking to want us to bow our heads and surrender to you!"

"Really? Don't you want to have better cultivation potential, and even survive the ninety-nine tribulations and ascend in the future?" Diko continued noncommittally.

"Cultivation potential is innate, can you still improve our potential?" Di Long also frowned and sneered.

Di Ke frowned slightly when he heard this, then turned to look at Di Tong angrily and said, "How did you communicate with them? Didn't you see the strength and methods of the Golden Flame Eagle before in the wilderness?"

"I have seen it, and I believe that your methods are extraordinary, sir. However, my brothers have never seen it with their own eyes, so they don't really believe it," Di Tong said with a bitter smile.

"Okay, Jin Yu, just play with them," Diko greeted the golden flame eagle in the air. He only heard an eagle cry that penetrated the stone and cracked the clouds. The golden flame eagle was already It turned into a red-gold stream of light and killed the eight Dilong brothers.

The terrifying speed of the Golden Flame Eagle, as well as the fierce momentum that came towards them, made Di Long and the others stagnate slightly. They felt their skin tightening and their hearts trembling inexplicably. At the same time, they quickly reacted and hurriedly dodged away.

Even so, the seventh brother Diluan, who was the weaker among the eight brothers, was still forced to approach by the Golden Flame Eagle because he could not dodge. Even though it immediately transformed into a purple evil dragon and instinctively waved its dragon claws to resist, it still failed. The scales were shattered by the sharp claws of the Golden Flame Eagle that were comparable to the best spiritual weapons, and there were several bloody wounds on his body...
Amidst the painful and angry roar of the dragon, Di Luan swung the dragon's tail and struck hard at the Golden Flame Eagle. However, the Golden Flame Eagle was too fast and too agile. It was as fast as lightning. The dragon's tail swung past, but it only hit an afterimage left by the golden flame eagle.

Then the Golden Flame Eagle appeared above Di Luan's head, and once again grabbed it hard with both claws, directly scratching Di Luan's head until blood flowed. He shook his head and tried to shake the Golden Flame Eagle away, but the Golden Flame Eagle's hands The claws had already dug hard into the flesh and blood of Di Luan's head. Instead of being able to shake him off, it actually made the Golden Flame Eagle grab closer. The burning pain made Di Luan's roars even more painful. .

"Seventh Brother (Seventh Brother)!" When the other seven saw this scene, they were also a little anxious and jealous. One by one, they either ducked close to prepare for melee combat, or controlled spiritual weapons to perform long-range attacks, and together they attacked the golden flame eagle above Di Luan's head. go.However, just as attacks landed on the Golden Flame Eagle, the figure of the Golden Flame Eagle disappeared again.As if disappearing into thin air, there was another cry of pain, but it was the equally weak Lao Wu Difeng.Poor Di Feng was directly and seriously injured by the Golden Flame Eagle before he could transform into his true form.

Seeing this scene, even Di Tong, who was behind Di Ke, became anxious. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and dodge to kill, and together with several other brothers, they attacked the Golden Flame Eagle.

Di Ke, who did not stop Di Tong, was watching the battle as if watching a show. He saw the figure of the golden flame eagle flickering, as slippery as a loach.The Dilong brothers, who were about to attack, were dodged and thrown away by the Golden Flame Eagle before they could get close to it.

Even the most powerful ones, Di Long and Di Jian, could barely match the speed of the Golden Flame Eagle after they transformed into their true bodies. In terms of physical skills, the Golden Flame Eagle was even ahead of them.

In this way, they who could not even touch the feathers of the Golden Flame Eagle were attacked by the Golden Flame Eagle from time to time. Soon, except for Di Long and Di Jian, several others were injured.

Finally, the Dilong brothers, who were cornered, risked their lives and attacked again without caring about anything. They used the size of the Purple Evil Dragon to get closer and surrounded the Golden Flame Eagle, finally limiting the speed of the Golden Flame Eagle. And body method.

Then, amidst the dragon roars and the penetrating eagle cry, the two sides fought head-on. As blood sprayed over the sea, two more purple evil dragons were torn apart by the golden flame eagle one after another. After the director had a long wound and was seriously injured, he pushed away in panic. Di Long, who seized the opportunity, finally struck hard with the dragon's tail. The golden flame eagle, which was unable to dodge under the restraint of Di Arrow, was hit and covered with blood. The wolf flew away in shock.

Amidst the sharp and painful cry of the eagle, seeing only a few golden feathers falling from the golden flame eagle that flew away, Di Long, who thought he could seriously injure it with one blow, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Brother, this Golden Flame Eagle's physical body is very strong. His strength is comparable to that of a divine beast," Di Tong quickly reminded him. He had fought against the Golden Flame Eagle before.

"Dongxu's early cultivation level can be like this with ours. He does have the strength of a divine beast." Di Jian said, a look of surprise and confusion flashed across his eyes: "The Golden Flame Eagle is obviously just more powerful. It’s just a monster, I’m afraid it can’t compare with our Purple Evil Dragon, so how can it have the strength of a divine beast in the Dongxu Realm?”

"This is also what I'm puzzled about. This Golden Flame Eagle should have practiced a powerful body-training technique, and it should have been passed down by Di Ke." Di Tong said to his brothers through a message: "This Di Ke, his background Mysterious and extremely powerful. If he is really willing to teach us this body-training technique, with the body of our Purple Evil Dragon, we will definitely be more powerful than the Golden Flame Eagle and can definitely rival the real divine beast."

After hearing Di Tong's words and seeing the strength of Golden Flame Eagle, the Di Long brothers couldn't help but look at each other with some excitement.

"Haha... What a powerful Golden Flame Eagle! You guys from Jiusha Palace, you are also the leaders of the three major overseas demon cultivators. You can't even join forces to defeat a Golden Flame Eagle that is only in the early stage of Dongxu. It's really too much. It’s useless,” and at this moment, a sudden and powerful laughter sounded, and at the same time, the surrounding seawater roared.

Hearing that voice, Diko subconsciously squinted his eyes and turned his head to look, only to see a phantom in the distance approaching in a blink of an eye, transforming into a strange man wearing a green robe with a human body and a dragon head that looked like a dragon king in mythology.

(End of this chapter)

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