Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 374 Green Dragon and 3 Eyes

Chapter 374 Qinglong and Three Eyes

With the appearance of the strange man in green robe, an invisible aura spread like a mountain, causing everyone present except Dike to feel a burst of heart palpitations and pressure. Even the Golden Flame Eagle was no exception. After all, his cultivation is far behind Qinglong!
"Qinglong? His cultivation is indeed worse than that of the black dragon Yanmo." Feeling Qinglong's obviously inferior aura to Yanmo, Di Ke immediately judged Qinglong's strength.It might take him some effort to deal with Yanmo, but it should be much easier to defeat Qinglong, who is only at the early stage of Kong Ming's cultivation.

Qinglong, who appeared behind him, also paid attention to beating Diko. He couldn't help but his eyes flashed slightly and he was secretly shocked: "This boy, his soul realm is so high? Even I can't see through it. It's really strange! Moreover, he actually It makes me feel a little bit dangerous. What kind of strength is it? The peak of Dongxu? Or has it entered the void stage?"

"Di Long, I heard that your eighth brother mysteriously disappeared in the sea area under the command of the Red Blood Cave. Your Jiusha Palace is tens of millions of miles away from the Red Blood Cave. What did your eighth brother secretly come to the Red Blood Cave? Qinglong asked with a smile, then looked at Di Ke and said, "Could it be that the disappearance of the eighth brother was related to him?"

Di Long cursed secretly in his heart when he heard that, knowing that Qinglong Palace must have an undercover agent in his Jiusha Palace, he still smiled politely on the surface, but there was obviously some sarcasm in his tone: "The master of Qinglong Palace is indeed well-informed. !”

The grinning Qinglong looked at Diko with his eyes and said: "Your Excellency is able to attract Di Long and his brothers. It seems that you have some skills. I don't know what to call you? I think you should be a human being? Could it be that you are from Tenglong Continent?" Coming?"

"Dike is indeed a human being, but he is not from Tenglong Continent." Dike, who smiled noncommittally, continued: "The master of the Qinglong Palace should be from the Dragon Clan, right? You don't practice in the Dragon Clan, but you went to this overseas country. It’s really surprising that the Qinglong Palace has been established in the world of cultivation!”

"Do you know about the Dragon Clan?" Qinglong narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and looked at Diko with a solemn look.

"The Dragon Clan is one of the strongest forces on the Zixuan Star. It is a tribe of divine beasts with a profound background. Among the forces and powerful people with some status on the Zixuan Star, who doesn't know how powerful the Dragon Clan is?" Di Ke smiled casually. Said: "Speaking of which, I met a black dragon in the ancient wilderness of Qianlong Continent before. His cultivation level is even better than yours. His name is Yanmo. You should be considered peers, right? I wonder if Master Qinglong Palace knows him?" "

"Yan Mo? Do you recognize him?" Qinglong asked in surprise. Seeing Di Ke smiling and saying nothing, he remained silent for a while before solemnly saying: "My name is Yan Lang!"

"Well, the Yan family is also a popular surname among the dragon clan," Di Ke said with a slight nod, which made Qinglong even more confused about his details. His eyes flashed and he thought of many things.

"Chacha... I didn't expect you, Qinglong, to have such an incredible background! It really surprised me, ancestor!" Just as Qinglong was silently thinking, a harsh voice like a night owl suddenly sounded, echoing around. Come, and then I saw a green young man appear out of thin air, with long green hair fluttering in the wind. He looked extremely strange. The strangest thing was that there was a vertical line between the young man's eyebrows, as if he had a third eye. .

Seeing the young man, Dico suddenly raised his eyebrows and his eyes shone slightly: "Three-eyed ancestor? The mythical beast Three-Eyed Blue Eyes Toad seems to be an intermediate mythical beast, right? No wonder, with his cultivation at the peak of Dongxu, he can compete with Kong Ming's early stage It rivals the mythical beast Azure Dragon. If the bloodline is stimulated, will it be able to rival the superior mythical beast?"

"Hmph, I, Qinglong, come from the dragon clan. Anyone with a brain can imagine it. After all, there is only one dragon clan in the entire Zixuan Star. You don't know, you are just ignorant," Qinglong glanced at his ancestor three times and hummed. He said bluntly.

Qinglong, who was born in the dragon clan, is proud and confident enough even though he is only a lower-level beast.If the Three-Eyed Ancestor were not an extremely rare intermediate divine beast, the Three-Eyed Blue-Eyed Toad, with his peak Dongxu strength and no backing, how could Qinglong take him seriously?
After hearing Qinglong's words, the Three-Eyed Ancestor's brows jumped. While feeling unhappy, he also looked at Diko and said, "It seems that he is well-informed! Boy, what is your origin?" A person cannot choose his origins, only his strength belongs to him." Di Ke smiled nonchalantly and said, "Three Eyes, if you are willing to follow me like Di Long and his brothers, I guarantee your future achievements. It will definitely be higher than Qinglong.”

"Follow you?" The Three-Eyed Ancestor felt cold upon hearing this, and subconsciously glanced at the Nine Brothers Di Long: "These nine little dragons actually bowed to you?"

The Dillon brothers were a little depressed and speechless. When did they say they would bow their heads to Dico?Listening to the underlying meaning of Dico's words, it seemed that they were convinced.

However, although they felt a little unhappy, Di Long and the others did not directly deny it.After all, after seeing the strength of the Golden Flame Eagle, they were actually a little greedy and swayed.If he could really rival the divine beast, why not take refuge in Dico?
"Boy, you actually want the ancestor to surrender to you, how dare you think about it!" The three-eyed ancestor reacted immediately and looked at Diko with an angry smile: "I think you are not a monster. , let alone a mythical beast, right? How dare a human being be so arrogant in the overseas cultivation world? Don’t you know who is calling the shots in this overseas cultivation world?"

"I only know that with Qinglong here before, I'm afraid you were not qualified to make the decision. And from now on, you are even less qualified." Diko smiled noncommittally, and then turned around without waiting for the anger to rise in his eyes. And he looked at the nine Dilong brothers with sharp eyes: "Now, tell me your choice! Should you bow your head and surrender to me, or let me kill you?"

"Arrogant boy!" Diko's nonchalant attitude immediately made the three-eyed old demon furious. With a sharp shout, the vertical line between his eyebrows actually separated, and a green vertical eye appeared. Appeared, and at the same time, a green light shot out like a ray of light, and almost instantly arrived in front of Diko.

Upon seeing this, Diko's eyes narrowed slightly, with a slightly solemn expression. Blood flames rose all over his body, and a surging hot breath spread, causing the surrounding air to vibrate and twist. At the same time, the bloody fire quickly gathered on Diko's fist. It solidified into a crystal-like glove.

Boom... With a punch, Diko caused the fire energy between heaven and earth to converge, and directly used his fist to face the green light with terrifying attack power.

Wow... The moment the green light hit Dicko's fist, it seemed to contain a terrifying corrosive force, causing the blood-colored energy glove on Dicko's fist to begin to melt...
But the power of Dico's punch and the concentrated and violent attack power also caused the green light and the surrounding space to twist and tremble, and actually smashed it to pieces.

"What? You actually relied on fists to fight?" Qinglong and the nine brothers Dilong who were watching the battle curiously were shocked. Qinglong knew the power of the third eye of the Three-Eyed Ancestor best. It has powerful attack methods, and the nine Dilong brothers have all heard of the power of the three eyes.

Not only them, but even the Three-Eyed Ancestor himself was shocked when he saw Diko knocking away his attack with a punch: "Could it be that his fist is more powerful than Qinglong's dragon claw? How is it possible? He He’s just a human! Even if he’s not weak in cultivation, how can he resist the attack of my third eye without the help of spiritual weapons?”

(End of this chapter)

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