Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 375 Hong Luan shows off his power

Chapter 375 Hong Luan shows off his power
And Dicko, who had dispelled the green light attack with one punch, couldn't help but grin slightly when he looked at the wounds and blood stains on his fingers: "What a three-eye, your third eye's attack is really powerful!"

"Awesome? Are you being sarcastic?" Seeing that Dico's finger was only bleeding and injured, and the wound healed quickly, the three-eyed ancestor couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.Even Qinglong couldn't take his strongest blow so easily. Is this guy really a human?

Qinglong, who was also shocked and surprised, looked at Diko with an increasingly serious look.The nine Di Long brothers looked at each other with expressions of horror and emotion on their faces.With such strength, it’s no wonder that the Golden Flame Eagle can surrender willingly!

"How's it going? Have you thought about it? My patience is limited, and I don't want to talk nonsense to you here." Diko, who calmed down Qinglong and Sanyan with one punch, turned to look at the nine brothers Dilong with a slight expression. said impatiently.

After hearing this, the nine Dilong brothers looked at each other and only made eye contact with each other. Then, under the leadership of Dilong, they saluted Diko respectfully: "Sir, our brothers are willing to follow."

"Okay, very good! This is a smart and interesting choice," Diko nodded with satisfaction and then looked at the ancestor of Three Eyes: "Three Eyes, what about you?"

"Me?" The Three-Eyed Ancestor reacted after hearing this. His face twitched and he was a little depressed and speechless. He is a majestic divine beast. Even if he is not as strong as Diko, he cannot easily bow his head to a human being. The divine beast's Pride wouldn't allow him to do that either.

After seeing his ancestor's silent expression for three times, Diko didn't say anything more, nor did he mean to force him to bow his head.After all, the Three-Eyed Ancestor is not the ninth brother of Di Long. Although he also does not have a strong background, he is an intermediate divine beast after all. The bloodline and strength of his divine beast are his confidence.

Di Ke didn't think that the first meeting could make the Three-Eyed Ancestor bow his head obediently just by showing some strength. Anyway, there would be plenty of time and opportunities in the future, so he was not in a hurry.Anyway, the later he follows Diko, the greater the loss the Three-Eyed Ancestor will suffer.

Maybe it won't be long before Di Long and the others can surpass the Three-Eyed Ancestor in terms of bloodline and cultivation.When the time comes, even if the Three-Eyed Ancestor regrets, he will only be able to cry without tears!
"Huh?" Diko, who was about to call the nine brothers Di Long and join them, suddenly turned his head and looked north. He saw a stream of flames streaking across the sky. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was approaching, and with the sound of a phoenix, With a roar like a phoenix, the red luan appeared in the air more and more like a fire phoenix. The flames rose as its wings vibrated. The terrifying hot breath and invisible pressure filled the air, making Qinglong and Sanyan tremble slightly. His expression changed.

"Is this... the sacred beast Hong Luan? How can the pressure of the aura be so strong?" Qinglong and Sanyan looked at each other, and saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes.

It's just a green dragon. Even the three eyes of the intermediate divine beast can feel the invisible pressure coming from the bloodline soul. This shows that Hong Luan's bloodline is by no means inferior to the intermediate divine beast.But Hongluan is obviously just a lower-level beast, so how can his bloodline be so strong?
"Master!" With the clear and sweet voice, Di Yan and Yuyin jumped off Hong Luan's back and flew to Di Ke's side.Especially Di Yan, with shining eyes and flushed face, looked at Di Ke as if she was very excited.

Seeing the faint traces of burns on Di Yan's body and her unstable aura, Di Ke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said, "Injured? It seems that your Four Nine Small Heavenly Tribulation this time is indeed very powerful!"

"It's very strong! Young Master, if it weren't for the top-grade spiritual weapon armor you refined for me, as well as the assistance of the defensive formation, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to survive the forty-nine minor tribulations," Di Yan said with some lingering fear. , and couldn't help but said: "In order to overcome the tribulation, all the spiritual weapons and armor on my body were damaged." "It's okay, I will help you refine it again later," Diko said with a smile, and looked up in the air Hong Luan's eyes flickered, and Hong Luan, who lowered his head to look at him, also nodded slightly and turned into a ray of fire directly towards the Three-Eyed Ancestor.

Boom.. The next moment, with the explosion and the blazing flames spreading, the Three-Eyed Ancestor also flew away in some embarrassment. He hurriedly extinguished the flames like maggots on his clothes, and then looked up in horror. Xiang Hongluan: "My cultivation in the middle stage of Dongxu can actually suppress me? How is it possible? Is she a superior divine beast?"

"The Luan bird of the superior divine beast? Could it be that it's not the red Luan?" Qinglong, who hurriedly retreated not far away, also looked surprised: "The superior divine beast has inherited memories, so how could it bow its head and surrender to a human being? what on earth is it?"

While Qinglong was filled with shock and doubt, Hongluan was already attacking Sanyan again, and in the blink of an eye he was fighting fiercely with Sanyan.To be precise, it was Hong Luan who was chasing Sanyan. The embarrassed Sanyan roared sharply and transformed directly into the body of the three-eyed blue toad. However, in the face of the movement, he was extremely fast and his attacks were fierce and violent. Hong Luan, with three eyes, was still only capable of being beaten, and soon there were several burn marks on his body.

Gua... Gua... Sanyan, who yelled twice, finally used his third eye, and saw a green light shooting towards Hong Luan instantly like a laser...
Hong Luan, who was about to attack, hurriedly dodged to avoid the critical point of Three Eyes' special move, but was still hit by the green light on one wing. Broken feathers and blood dripped down from the slightly shaking wings. Come
Chirp... Hong Luan also suddenly became angry. He raised his head and let out a penetrating phoenix cry, which caused the fire energy between heaven and earth to converge crazily. The wounds on his wings healed quickly, and then suddenly spurted out from his mouth. A flash of fire...
Boom... The fire that caused the surrounding space to distort and blur the moment it was sprayed out, carrying the violent and terrifying fiery power, arrived in front of the three eyes almost instantly, and then exploded, directly flying the three eyes away. go out.

Seeing the blood spilled and the burn marks on Sanyan's body thrown away in embarrassment, Qinglong's eyes changed continuously, and his figure suddenly came to Sanyan's side, and at the same time, he transformed directly into Qinglong's body.

"Hong Luan..." Diko shouted, which finally made Hong Luan, who was about to continue his attack, pause for a moment, then flap his wings and fly back.

Seeing the red Luan flying back into the air behind Diko, Qinglong breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but ask: "Hong Luan? Is she really the mythical beast Hong Luan?"

"You want to ask why Hong Luan is so powerful?" Diko said with a faint smile: "I can't tell you this question yet. However, Sanyan, if you are willing to follow me, maybe it won't take long for you to He will be more powerful than Hong Luan. Therefore, I advise you to go back and think about it carefully. The leader of the three major demon cultivators in the overseas cultivation world is just a false name, and strength is the most real."

After saying that, without waiting for Qinglong and Sanyan to say more, Di Ke flew up with Di Yan and Yuyin and landed on Hong Luan's back, and then Hong Luan and the Golden Flame Eagle beside him turned into one red and one gold. The stream of flames quickly disappeared in the northern sky.

The nine Dilong brothers, who looked at each other and were a little shocked by the terrifying strength of Hong Luan, also turned into the original purple evil dragon with blazing eyes and hurriedly followed.

"Hong is that possible? Ahem..." He turned into a human form and stared blankly into the distance with his three eyes muttering to himself, somewhat unbelievable!
(End of this chapter)

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